I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2607 : Chapter 1325 Cheng Yu's strategy

The first thousand 320 chapter five Cheng Yu's strategy

Jinyang City is the most powerful city in Bingzhou. [
Governor of Bingzhou of Zhao State, nephew of Zhao Wang Yuan Shao, high-ranking officials.This man is outstanding in humanities and martial arts, and his talents are extremely extraordinary.In the whole Bingzhou, it is also very popular.

Since he is popular in Bingzhou, let alone in Jinyang City.It can be said that many soldiers and scholars originally thought that they were high-ranking and effective, throwing their heads and blood.

The city is tall and has outstanding defense, which is the basis of the battle.And winning the hearts of the people is the basis of a protracted war.On the surface, Jinyang City, which has obtained these two things, is as solid as gold. [

Not to mention, there are currently 16 troops in Jinyang City, brave and good at fighting, and the world-famous Yan State Army and Wei State Army.

Plus Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Cao Chun, Xu Huang, Le Jin, Zhang Jai and other well-known figures in troubled times.It can be said that what is impregnable can no longer be impregnable.

But even if this is the case, it cannot gather the morale of more than [-] troops and the confidence of tens of thousands of people in the entire city of Jinyang.

That's right, Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Cao Chun, Xu Huang, Le Jin, Zhang Jai and others are so famous, the senior officials are so outstanding in civil and martial arts, and they have won the hearts of the people in Bingzhou.

It can be said that it is a gathering of heroes, which is exciting.But also because of this, it is even more disappointing.Because these people were successively defeated by the Han army.

Gao Gan lost Huguan, even if he had no chance of rescue.Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Cao Chun, Xu Huang, Le Jin, Zhang Jai and others faced Liu Ba, a civil servant and county guard in Hedong, but they couldn't win.On the contrary, they suffered heavy losses. After finally hearing that the reinforcements of the Han army had arrived, they didn't even need their luggage, and hurried north to Jinyang.

Like a bereaved dog, full of haste.It's pathetic, pathetic, deplorable.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.Also, the more prestigious it is, the more panicked it will be when it collapses, like a bereaved dog.Under such circumstances, under such circumstances, how can we gather the morale of the army and the confidence of the people?

Therefore, after the Han army further besieged Jinyang, the entire city of Jinyang, except for Cheng Yu and others above, from the army to the people, worked hard every day.

full of gloom.

Compared with the high morale outside, because of Liu Feng's hearty laugh, and the morale of the Han army has risen even more, isn't it a sky and an underground?

The people below are like this, which makes the people above feel uncomfortable.

It can be said that the day was sunny, but Gao Gan's heart was covered with dark clouds. Not only that, there was also heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorms.

At this moment, on the streets of Jinyang, Gao Gan is leading a lot of soldiers to patrol the city, beware of people making trouble in the city.this point is very important.

Because even when the momentum is extremely strong, one cannot but guard against internal rebellion.Not to mention the current almost desperate time.

If it cannot guard against internal rebellion, it is doomed to collapse.

And this inspection of the city has become something that Gao Gan, the governor of Bingzhou, has to do every day.Not only do it every day, but also once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening.

When you patrol the city, you can see the soldiers patrolling outside, and when you see the soldiers patrolling, you can see the faces with low spirits, low morale, and gloomy faces.

How did this improve Gao Gan's mood? [

"Food, food. Food is desperately needed now, and good news from the Xianbei people is desperately needed. However, the grassland is far away countless miles away, and it takes a long time to go back and forth. Although Yan Zhong has gone, he never I can’t come back in a short time. If the morale of the army collapses before then, it’s over. No, I have to find a way to cheer up the morale of the army.”

Another group of patrolling soldiers passed by Gao Gan's side, looking at the dejected faces, Gao Gan's heart became even more stormy.Finally, I couldn't bear this atmosphere, so I made up my mind.

"Come on, go back to the mansion. And summon Gong Xunfang, Shen Xiong, Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Gongsun Ao and others into the hall to discuss important matters." Gao Gan took a deep breath and gave the order.

"No." A soldier promised, and immediately rode away.

Immediately, Gao Gan reined in his horse and led the remaining soldiers and soldiers back to the Governor's Mansion.The Governor's Mansion at this moment is heavily guarded.

One guard at five steps, one sentry at ten steps, even in the palace, that's all there is to it.

But even with such vigilance, it only made the high officials feel a little more at ease.Outside the Governor's Mansion, Gao Gan got off his horse and entered the Governor's Mansion.

When he stepped into the Governor's Mansion, he was relieved.After relaxing at the door, Gao Gan walked into the hall.

After arriving at the hall, Gao Gan immediately sat on the governor's seat, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind, waiting for Cheng Yu and others to arrive.

"Da da da."

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps.Gao Gan opened his eyes, and saw Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Xun Fang, Shen Xiong, Gongsun Ao and the most important figures of the Three Kingdoms in Jinyang City, walking in.

"I've seen Governor Gao."

"I have seen the Chief Inspector."

After everyone entered, everyone including Cheng Yu saluted the senior officials together.

"Excuse me, everyone, sit down." Gao Gan said with a smile and raised his hand.

"Thank you, Lord Inspector (Gao Inspector)." Everyone thanked, and then knelt down one by one.

"Time goes by day by day, but the morale of the soldiers and the people in the city is getting lower and lower. It can be said that it has reached the time that we must face up to it. And this time, it is precisely for this matter that I summoned you to come here. I don't know if you have a plan to restore the decline in your mind?" Now everyone present here can be said to be his own people, because the high-ranking cadres are not hypocritical and asked this question directly.


When everyone heard the words, most of them showed embarrassment. It can be said that all of you present here are gangsters. Since the high-ranking cadres understand this problem and are worried about it, why don't everyone?

But decadence doesn't mean that it can be restored, unless there is a hearty victory, otherwise it will be difficult.But the problem is that they are just afraid of fighting the Han army.

What if they go out of the city to fight and the whole line collapses?Isn't that miserable?

Therefore, everyone is in trouble. [

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gao Gan felt disappointed.But at this moment, Cheng Yu said: "Now that things have come to an end, we can spread the news about our contact with Xianbei to open up a new food road, so as to boost morale for a short time."

"How is this possible? Yan Zhong's mission to Xianbei is a secret. Spreading the news can certainly boost morale, but if Liu Feng's spies find out, so that Liu Feng can prepare in advance, wouldn't it be bad?"

"That's right. If you lose everything because of boosting morale, then boosting morale is useless."

"Let's hold on to it for a few more days."

Cheng Yu's words immediately surprised everyone, including senior officials.But it turned out that Yan Zhong was sent to Xianbei with the intention of opening up food roads, and Gao Gan and others kept it a secret.

Because of the leak of the news, Liu Feng knew about it and caused trouble.

But now Cheng Yu said that he would spread the news to boost morale, which naturally aroused everyone's surprise.

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