I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2608 : Chapter 1326 Struggle

The first thousand 320 chapters six struggling

Faced with everyone's astonishment, Cheng Yu had other ideas.He took a deep breath, then looked up at the crowd, and finally said to Gao Gan: "As the saying goes, one moment and another moment. Previously, he concealed the news because he was afraid that the news would leak out. But it's different now, Yan Zhong It has been a long time to go north, and at this moment, I am afraid that a deal has been reached with the Xianbei people. Even if Liu Feng knows about this matter, I am afraid it will be difficult to react. Could he still send the Han army into the grassland to fight the Xianbei people? No? Hmph."

At the end, Cheng Yu let out a cold snort, full of disdain.

"That's true, one moment and another. Let Liu Feng know the news now, it seems that Liu Feng is really helpless."

"Mr. Cheng is right. While Liu Feng is fighting with us, there is absolutely no way he can send a large army to the grassland to fight with the Xianbei people. How can he have enough troops?" [

"Also, if Liu Feng wants to go to the grasslands, he must first enter the Hetao, and then go out of the Hetao. But that is the territory of the Huns. I heard that the Hun Shan Yu Fuluo was somewhat hostile to the Han Dynasty, and he was in the Hetao. What is the plan in the case. It is impossible for him to let the Han army enter Hetao. In this way, even if Liu Feng sends troops, he will not be able to fight the Xianbei people, but will face the pressure of the Huns. The new grain road that comes out can only be sighed in awe."

The current pressure is really too great. Although everyone sitting here is a gangster, but also because of this pressure, it is inevitable that there is some incomplete thinking.

But after Cheng Yu's reminder, everyone realized that it was meaningless to hide the news now, and instead spread the word that new food roads were opened up, which could boost morale.

So what if Liu Feng knew about it?With the strength of the Han Dynasty, can they fight on two fronts?Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Hey, there is a good saying, so what if I let you know about my conspiracy?There is nothing you can do about it.Because I have already laid it out, even if I let you know.

You can only stare blankly.

At this moment, isn't their side in such a state?

Thinking, thinking, a bit of joy and even excitement emerged in everyone's hearts.Even high-ranking officials are the same.He glanced at Cheng Yu and immediately felt admiration.

With Cheng Yu's reminder, the things that made him embarrassed, even desperate, suddenly collapsed.It can be said that turning things around is as easy as lifting a weight.

"Hahaha, sir, what you said is good. So what if Liu Feng knows the news? Yan Zhong has already contacted the Xianbei people, and the Xianbei people have even sent troops to interfere. Liu Feng has no more troops to deal with the Xianbei people. The current Han army is like a strong man. And we are too. It can be said that before we and the Han Dynasty, it is like two men are fighting and are inseparable. And at this moment, We suddenly have a third hand, which is the Xianbei people. But what about the Han Dynasty? Could it be that the Han Dynasty also has a third hand? Under such circumstances, when Liu Feng saw our third hand, he could only stare blankly. Hahaha. "

Gao Gan laughed and said, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, and finally let out an extremely excited, refreshing, and resonant laugh.

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