I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2619 : Chapter 1331 Breakthrough

It was as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and he was always the weak when he competed with Liu Feng.

But the problem now is no longer a question of competing with Liu Feng, he dare not, at least not for now.And since he no longer intends to compete with Liu Feng, what should he do?

You can't afford to mess with it, but you can always hide it.

Lead the army to break through, Bingzhou is gone.

This is what Cheng Yu is thinking at the moment, Cheng Yu's decision.It can be said to accept the reality.Forced by Liu Feng, he had to accept the reality. [

Thinking about it, Cheng Yu didn't pay attention to Yu Jin's gaze, he took a deep breath, raised his head to the senior officials and everyone present, saluted slowly, and said sincerely: "The previous matter was judged by the old man. It is a sin to make a mistake and even miss a good opportunity.”

"Forget it, now that destruction is imminent, even discussing guilt is meaningless." Cheng Yu apologized, which immediately calmed down the resentment in the hearts of senior officials, and then, the pressure of reality seemed to come from all directions. Seeing him press down, Gao Gan became weak, raised his hand and said.


Similar to Gao Gan's thoughts, after Cheng Yu apologized, everyone was exhausted, and they all sighed.

Destruction is imminent, destruction is imminent.

What should I do, what should I do.

"Let's break through." At this moment, Cheng Yu took a deep breath again, as if regaining some strength, he opened his mouth and said.

Immediately, as if shocked by stone, the entire hall became silent.

Breakthrough, yes, in the current situation, breaking out has become a top priority.But breaking through is tantamount to giving up Bingzhou.

Occupying Bingzhou, the power of the Han Dynasty will further increase.

The power of the Four Kingdoms really has nothing to do but linger.Therefore, breaking out of the siege was not a last resort, something that everyone really didn't want to do, and subconsciously ignored it.

But now Cheng Yu said it out, and said it out decisively.Naturally, everyone's hearts were shaken.

However, it is undeniable.What Cheng Yu said was right, very right.At present, there are only two paths, break out, and wait for death.

Although losing Bingzhou is really a heavy loss, it is better to break through than wait to die.

"Then let's break through."

Gao Gan was weak at first, but when he heard the word breakout, he immediately exuded bursts of strong vitality like a dead tree in spring.

Live, live to have a future.

In order to live, then fight to the death.Liu Feng, I don't believe it, we have an army of 16, but we can't kill Bingzhou?

Like the high-ranking cadres, after listening to Cheng Yu's suggestion, everyone present seemed to be rejuvenated, and their momentum changed.It became colder. [

"Don't wait for Mr. Yan Zhong?"

Compared with the others, Yu Jin was calmer, he couldn't help asking.

They have been waiting for Yan Zhong for a long time, and it is a pity that there is a shortfall to break through.

"There is no news about Yan Zhong so far. I'm afraid something happened halfway. Whether he is still alive or not is a problem." Cheng Yu said with a wry smile.

In fact, Cheng Yu was right to think so, but this time he was wrong again.Yan Zhong didn't have any accidents on the way, let alone was killed.On the contrary, he successfully completed the task, but it is a pity that the Han Dynasty also has backup.

Now the prairie is constantly fighting, bloody and bloody.

I am afraid that Cheng Yu will not be able to understand this matter until he dies.

However, to Cheng Yu and everyone present, this matter was nothing more than a side issue.Because, the matter of breaking out of the siege was on the verge of breaking out, so it had to be done.

"Order the whole army to bury the pot and make food. Prepare for the breakout." Gao Gan took a deep breath and ordered.


The crowd clapped.

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