I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2620 : Chapter 1332 Cheng Yu has another plan

The first thousand 330 chapter two Cheng Yu has another plan

Cook rice in a pot.

This is the preparation before the war. Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight.

But this order did not raise the morale of the soldiers in the city, because the reputation of the Han army was too great, and they went through a process of morale plummeting, morale boosting, and morale plummeting again.

The blood in my heart has already been wiped out. [

Therefore, most of the soldiers heard the time to bury the pot and prepare to fight.They are all weak, and there are a few words in their hearts.

"Finally going out of the city to die."

"This life will be given to the Han army."

"Oh, forget it, if you can die in battle with the Han army, you can also be regarded as dying under a strong army, and this life is not in vain."

In such a mood, the soldiers buried pots to make food, and then had a full meal, like prisoners on the execution ground, full of tragic atmosphere.

To break through, it is natural to choose a direction.

And this time, if they can break through, they will have to go north, pass through Yanmen County, and reach the grassland.Then he led his troops to the east and returned to Jizhou.

This is the only road in Bingzhou today, so Cheng Yu and others decided to break out from the north city gate, which is the direction where Liu Feng is.

And not long after, the army was assembled.

A whole army of 16 people gathered together.Starting from the North City Gate, they lined up all the way to the South City Gate, like a long dragon.

On the north gate, behind the gate tower.

Gao Gan, Cheng Yu, Yu Jin, Gongsun Ao, Xun Fang, Shen Xiong and others lined up facing the soldiers.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the governor like Gao Gan, the military general like Yu Jin, or the counselors like Xun Fang and Cheng Yu, they all put on their armor.

It can be said that at this moment everyone's status is the same.In other words, they are all desperate to survive.They have to risk the arrows and blades, and rush to the way of life that they don't know if they exist or not.

"Soldiers. Our army of the Three Kingdoms fought against the Han army in Bingzhou, and we were repeatedly defeated. It can be said that I have failed the king's entrustment." Gao Gan took a deep breath and shouted at the many soldiers.

This loud roar seemed to be the wail just before death, which made people despair and indignant at the same time.

At this moment, Gao Gan is undoubtedly very clever.After hearing his roar, the soldiers felt intense grief and indignation.

And grief and anger, at a certain moment, is also a kind of motivation.

The soldiers suddenly became more powerful and less weak. [

"Bingzhou is gone. But our lives are still there. However, the Han army outside the city even wants to take our lives. The lives of 16 people, they want to trap us all in Bingzhou .You guys, are you willing?"

"I'm not reconciled."

Gao Gan yelled again, asking first, but then answering himself, I am not reconciled.The roar was stern, full of the unwillingness of the weak.

With this loud roar, the high-ranking officer was clever again, which aroused the resonance of many soldiers.The weak are sympathetic, and being in a weak state makes people even more indignant.

"Unwilling, unwilling."

Immediately, countless soldiers roared and roared in unison.A part of reconciliation, a part of solemnity was condensed, and the military spirit was shaped.

"Okay, okay. If you are not willing, then follow me and fight out together. Break out of Jinyang, break out of Bingzhou, and take your life to Jizhou. Kill a way out."

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