I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2630 : Chapter 1338 Powerful

The first thousand 330 eight chapters are powerful

"The army is united."

At this moment, Liu Feng stopped to watch at the top of the barracks wall of the Han army. He saw the majesty of Cao Chun, Zhang Jai, Xu Huang, Le Jin and others, and heard the roar of mountains and tsunami erupting from Jinyang city. Voice.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation.

As far as the army is concerned, even if the king's general has only 6000 personal soldiers, he can still match the tens of thousands of Cao Wei's army.But it is undeniable that in terms of generals, it is indeed a lot worse. [

"Although Gu believes that you can match any one of these four people. But unfortunately, one against four is indeed a little weaker."

Liu Feng lowered his head slightly, glanced at Dong Gai who was fighting in front, and had to admit this.

Liu Feng's words really destroyed his own prestige and boosted the morale of others.However, at the next moment, Liu Feng raised his head high and said with a cold smile: "But a single person can defeat ten of your generals. As long as there are soldiers under his command who can fight, he is invincible. "

The courage, Liu Feng's courage at this moment is astonishing.

How could Liu Feng be so confident and arrogant?Because being a general is the courage of an army.Cao Chun, Zhang Jaw, Xu Huang, and Le Jin are all veterans who have been famous for a long time.

They each have their own soldiers and horses, and they are very popular in the camp.

Therefore, he can supervise the soldiers and carry out battles.If there are no soldiers under their command, they are only one brave man at most, and at most one or two hundred people can chop them into meat.

But having an army is different. Under their command, an army can exert several times, or even countless times, its own strength.

This is the veteran, this is the real general.

But in terms of fame, in terms of leadership.Can the four of them compare with Liu Feng?It can be said that there is a fundamental difference between heaven and earth.

Even if Liu Feng's fighting ability is not as good as one-tenth of theirs, so what?As long as there is one soldier under his command, Liu Feng is undefeated.

"Order, the commander-in-chief presses up. Tell Gu's soldiers that there is Gu behind them, and Gu doesn't want what these eyes see is failure."

After a cold laugh, Liu Feng then gave the order.

"How can you let the general take risks." Liu Feng's order immediately made the soldiers on the left and right gasp, and then some soldiers shook their heads repeatedly, and even kowtowed.

Now it's not the same as before, the family is big and the business is big, and Liu Feng's life has become more and more precious.The soldiers did not dare to let Liu Feng take risks.

"The order."

Liu Feng said again, his tone didn't change, and even his demeanor didn't change a bit.But the soldiers on the left and right who were trying to stop them were under tremendous pressure, and that kind of pressure made them almost breathless.


After struggling for a while, one of the soldiers finally couldn't resist the pressure, so he promised in embarrassment, and then went down to deliver the order. [

Then, Liu Feng got off the camp wall, straddled his horse, and moved together with the handsome flag with the word "Han", slowly pressing forward.

"The handsome flag is pressed, the handsome flag is pressed."

"The general has an order, and I don't want to see any failure."

Following Liu Feng's move, some personal soldiers galloped on their horses and shouted in front of them.Suddenly, the soldiers in front seemed to explode.


What kind of army are they?It sounds majestic enough, the Han army is the army of the Han Dynasty.But what is the identity in essence?It's the personal soldier of the king's great general, to put it more directly, it's the status of Liu Feng's family general.

What's more, most of them were born in Jingchu.And Liu Feng's most important thing in the world, but the foundation is in Jingchu, Xinye, and Xiangyang. There are countless people lined up, waiting to shed their blood for Liu Feng.

Everything is for the crown prince, the king's general, who called the wind and rain between Jingchu and saved tens of millions of people in Jingchu.

Not to mention, after they joined the personal army, they were taken care of by Liu Feng every bit, and the whole army was given the highest and best treatment no matter in terms of honor or treatment.

If Liu Feng had a loyal army, then it was this personal army.

Since this is the case, what is the last thing the soldiers want to see?That was Liu Feng's adventure, they couldn't defend Liu Feng.If something happens to Liu Feng, there is no need for the Shangguan to behead them.

They can wipe their necks by themselves. If they can't defend the general, why are they called the king's general's personal soldiers?Forget it.

The second is to disappoint Liu Feng.

As a general, but he can't even meet the expectations of the general, what face is there to stand in this world?What face is there to claim to be the personal soldier of the king's general?

The disappointment in Liu Feng's eyes made them ashamed enough to hide their faces and flee to the mountains, to the point where they would never dare to appear in front of everyone again in this lifetime.

And now?

But now Liu Fengshuai's flag was on top, risking his life to express his determination.Must win, must win.

If I am not victorious, the enemy army will cut off my head.

Then, the orderly shouted even more, the general did not want to see any failure.

It can be said that the two things that the king's general's soldiers least wanted to see happened at this moment.How can this not make the soldiers riot?

"Please don't act rashly, general, just wait for a moment, just wait for a moment, and the last general will be able to kill Cao Wei in front of him without leaving any behind."

"General, please wait for a while, warm a glass of wine, wait to drink, and then look at the results of the battle. The soldiers of Cao Wei must have collapsed like a mountain." [

"General Lao took a risk, and the end will wait for ten thousand deaths. I hope that I will be punished for my crimes, and fight with the soldiers of Cao Wei in front. I will die without regret. I hope that the general will not do this."

The soldiers shouted, and they gathered together like a mountain roar and a tsunami, but there was only one meaning in it, and that was to ask Liu Feng not to act rashly.

They are willing to charge forward and die.

But no matter how pleading Ren's soldiers were, they couldn't stop Liu Feng.

"Da da da."

There was a crisp sound of horseshoes, and Liu Feng steered the horse unswervingly, slowly approaching the fighting place in front of him.

"The general's order is like a landslide. How can it be reversed? Don't talk nonsense, there is only one way before us. That is, when the general is approaching the battlefield ahead, he will chop up the messy Cao Wei in front. , to vent the hatred in my heart." And at this moment, a loud roar sounded.

The soldiers looked up and saw Dong Gai's cheeks flushed, his eyes wide open, panting with his mouth open, and strong panting sounds burst from his mouth.

A murderous aura, which could be called extremely powerful, suddenly burst out from his body.

At this moment, no one felt more humiliated than Dong Gai.Because he knew that Liu Feng's appearance was not because of Liu Feng's love.

The lofty general is also terrifyingly lazy, and a person who cherishes his life very much.No one understands this better than Dong Gai.

The reason why Liu Feng entered the battle was because of his incompetence, and because there were four strong generals of the Wei State in front, and they had already reached the point where they had to be dispatched.

This is all his incompetence.

If he can fight four against one, why does the general need to go out in person?

Therefore, Dong Gai at this moment is very, very angry, this kind of anger is enough to destroy everything.Dong Gai's explosive roar also conveyed this kind of anger.

Immediately, the soldiers were infected.

"Kill, tear them into pieces." A moment later, all the guards roared in unison, like a thunderstorm, like a landslide, the momentum was astonishing.

If it is said that Cao Wei and other four fierce generals led Cao Wei's morale to a mythical height, then because of Liu Feng's dispatch, the morale of the soldiers has reached a height that is enough to break the myth.

Strong, strong, strong without boundaries, strong invincible.

The King's General's personal soldiers, without the King's General's joining, the combat power has been reduced by [-]%, but with the King's General's joining, the fighting power has truly reached the point of being invincible in the world.

At this moment, with Liu Feng's joining.

The true posture of the king's general's personal soldiers finally appeared before the eyes of the world.

It's terrifyingly powerful.

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