I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2631 : Chapter 1339 Let's break out

The first thousand 330 chapters and nine outbreaks

"Kill, tear them to pieces."

When Liu Feng had a premonition that Dong Gai alone would lose to Cao Chun, Zhang Jaw, Xu Huang, and Le Jin, he decisively pressed forward with the handsome flag and moved forward in person.

It caused the soldiers, Dong Gai's sense of humiliation, and the result was that the powerful king's general's soldiers reached the highest combat power.

When the guards roared out in unison, "Kill, tear them into pieces." That kind of force, that kind of fierce murderous aura, immediately shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods. [

Enough to make any elite soldier on the battlefield terrified.He even died on the spot.

Elite soldiers, the reason why they are called elite soldiers.It is precisely because of the unimaginable fighting, but the soldiers who survived and grew further.

This type of soldiers is the mainstream army in the current troubled times.Even the army under the weak Zhao Wang Yuan Shao is an elite soldier.

And it is precisely because of this unimaginable experience that ordinary people have caused the elite soldiers to be extremely sensitive.Relying on this kind of sensitivity, the elite soldiers just now recognized the strength of Cao Wei's army, and felt the commanding force brought out by Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhang Jaw.

This commanding force controlled the entire army of Cao Wei, and surpassed the generals of the Han Dynasty in terms of momentum.

Because this made the guards in the city happy, extremely happy.Then cheers erupted.It was as if he had seen a way to escape to Jizhou.

It can be said that the judgment of the elite soldiers is completely correct.In the past, when Liu Feng did not act, the leadership of Cao Chun and others was overwhelming.

But also because of this, they could also feel that when Liu Feng Shuai's flag came up, he showed a higher level of commanding ability that was truly dominating.

Those who win the hearts of the people are princes and overlords.

At this moment, Liu Feng is more supported by his subordinates than Cao Chun, Le Jin, Zhang Jai, Xu Huang and others, and the king's general under his command is also stronger and stronger.

As a result, the aura displayed immediately came up, and began to oppress the aura of the entire Cao Wei army.

A group of elite soldiers quickly sensed this change, and their faces turned pale with horror.

How high the aura was just now, how weak the aura is now.It's the same principle that the higher you climb, the more you hate.

Even the guards on the city could feel the overwhelming momentum of the king's general's personal soldiers.Not to mention, Cao Wei's army was the first to bear the brunt.

They suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure, looking at those eyes full of anger and humiliation, it made them feel like they were facing ferocious tigers.

It's frightening and trembling.

Subconsciously, many Cao Wei soldiers took a step back a little later.And just under this step, the war began.

The Han army has always been there to take advantage of your illness to kill you.They will not be invincible, and will not have the mood to sympathize with the weak.They exist for a purpose.

That is to follow in the footsteps of that person, conquer heaven and earth, and pacify the universe.Calm down this seething chaos and create an extremely powerful empire. [

In order to win, they will do whatever it takes.

The enemy took a small step back because of subconscious timidity.This is the best time, they go in, go in, go in, kill him upside down, kill him a sea of ​​blood.


There was a roar and a killing sound, and then the king's general's soldiers took a step forward in a dignified manner. This step was full of murderous intent.

The world is upside down.

The battlefield suddenly boiled.


Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhang Jaw are all veterans of the battlefield, a generation of tiger ministers, they have experienced more than a hundred battles, and they have killed countless people.

Under their feet is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and their hands are red and red.

They are the best of this era.No, even in the entire history of China, whether it is the last 5000 years or the next 5000 years, it is the best.

Therefore, their sensitivity to the changes and wars of war is far higher than that of ordinary elite soldiers, and even higher than that of ordinary famous generals.

They knew that they were defeated in terms of momentum, and this small step back might be the difference between heaven and earth.Given a choice, they would choose to step back temporarily.

The art of war says, avoid the enemy's edge.

The art of war goes like this, one is strong, the other is weak, and then rests.Because of an army, it is impossible for one person to maintain such a high morale and such a strong combat power forever.

Moreover, the high morale of the king's general at this moment is because Liu Feng alone, who is in the family, country and world, can stir up troubles.Even if he has one soldier under his command, he is still astonishingly bold and invincible in the world.

It is undeniable that Liu Feng is very strong, and he is super dominant on the battlefield.But this still can't escape the law of the art of war, and it will decline again and then stop three times.

Therefore, avoid the enemy's edge and look for fighters.It is the best choice to face this astonishing army of the king's general's personal soldiers at this moment.

The problem, however, is that they have become inescapable.

Huguan fell, Hedong was defeated, they are trapped in Jinyang, how to avoid, how to avoid?At this moment, Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jaw and other famous generals and veteran generals, on the one hand, felt their scalps go numb because of Liu Feng's existence, and because of the courage of the king's great general.

Calm judgment, avoiding the edge of the enemy is the best choice.

But on the other hand, it is inevitable.In the end, there was only one way left.

That is to bite the bullet and rush forward when the enemy is at its sharpest. [

At this moment, they could only rely on defeating Liu Feng here, completely shattering Liu Feng's entire mythology.The art of war goes like this, if you defeat the enemy sharply, you can be as powerful as a broken bamboo.

By defeating the most powerful Liu Feng here, they might not only be able to escape, but they might also be able to take advantage of the momentum to recover the entire Bingzhou and stalemate the war once again.

Although, despite knowing that this possibility is really slim, at this moment, Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai and other famous Cao Wei generals had no choice but to bite the bullet and think so.

Because there is a cliff behind them, it can be said that there is no way to retreat.The only way out is to enter.

Therefore, when the king's general's soldiers suddenly broke out, when the soldiers' morale was the strongest and their spirits were at their peak.Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai and other Cao Wei generals all let out a roar.

Then straddled the horse and held the blade, and rushed forward.

Fight, fight, fight.

The four generals suddenly broke out, and when they were at their strongest, they chose to confront each other.It has to be said that this greatly boosted morale.

"There is no way to retreat, only one battle. The four generals are worthy of today's heroes, dare to fight and dare to kill." On the city, the high-ranking officers saw clearly the changes in the momentum of the two sides.

I also broke into a cold sweat for Cao Chun and others, but when I saw Cao Chun and others facing the difficulties, they burst out with the strongest momentum and met the king's general's personal soldiers, and I had to admire their strength. judgement.

"Beat the drums to help out."

Then, Gao Gan raised his hand and shouted.


There was a promise from the left and right, and the order was sent immediately.

"Dong dong dong."

After a while, the beating of drums started.Roaring like thunder, violent like the sea.

The so-called east wind blows, war drums beat.

The strongest fight has begun.

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