I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2632 : Chapter 1340 Difficult to contend with

Chapter 340 Difficult to Contest


Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai and other four strong generals of Cao Wei, the veteran generals took the lead, brandishing their blades, and rushed towards the king's general's soldiers with a roar.

At this moment, the aura accumulated by the four generals who spent half their lives in the conquest was unreservedly exuded. Even with a fierce tiger in front of them, that kind of aura would be terrifying.

The four great generals exerted their strength, which also made the Cao Wei army under the four of them regroup and cheer up. They were refreshed, and then screamed loudly, and rushed to follow the four of them. [


The momentum of Cao Wei's army is still fierce.

Facing the momentum of Cao Wei's army, what about the soldiers of the general Wang Shang?I saw that they didn't change in any way, their eyes seemed to contain endless humiliation and endless resentment, this kind of humiliation and resentment finally turned into a word.

fighting spirit.Endless fighting spirit.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, even if the ones ahead are ghosts, gods, or real immortals in the sky, they cannot stop their footsteps.For Liu Feng, for the great Han Dynasty, they are willing to die in battle.

No complaints or regrets.


Amidst a terrible howl, the soldiers of the king's general raised their strong thighs, took vigorous steps, and met Cao Chun and the others.

"Bang bang bang."

"Puchi, puchi."

In an instant, the two sides clashed.Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhang Jaw were the four great generals who took the lead. According to the logic, they should kill all four sides.

But at the moment of confrontation, an extremely astonishing scene happened.

I saw the collision of the two sides' weapons, and indeed several soldiers of the king's general were beheaded on the spot, but the rest of the soldiers rushed forward and entered forcefully with the Mo Dao formation.

During the instant confrontation, Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai and other four fierce generals who had beheaded several of their own soldiers were forced to retreat afterward.

He was forced to retreat.

There is a saying in the preface that the so-called enemy of ten thousand people is the morale of the army with general dominance, and it is the command power displayed by a fierce general on the battlefield.

Otherwise, a strong general is at most a hundred enemies, hundreds of enemies.It is impossible to reach the level of the enemy.Like Dian Wei, it is recorded in the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms that when he encountered an ambush, he was killed by dozens of Zhangxiu soldiers.

Although Dian Wei was drunk at that time, he also lost his weapon.

But even then, given ten times as many enemies, hundreds of them.So even if Dian Wei was not drunk, he was still capable of using weapons, so he might have to run away. [

At this moment, the four great generals were indeed brave, but facing the rain and the sea, and the soldiers of the king's general with super fighting power, they were also severely restrained from attacking.


While taking advantage of the trend to contain the offensive of Cao Chun and others, the offensive of the soldiers did not stop. They sent countless soldiers to continue to besiege Cao Chun and the other four, and countless other troops attacked Cao Wei's army.

"Puchi, puchi."

The next moment, the confrontation between the soldiers under the command of the two armies officially began. At that moment, countless Cao Wei soldiers became victims of Mo Dao's command.

I saw rows of Cao Wei soldiers fell down, lying in a pool of blood.

This is the end of fighting against the king's general's personal soldiers, and the humiliation, anger, and finally turned into endless fighting spirits.


But Cao Wei's elite soldiers were not weak either. They were broken in an instant by the sharp aura of the king's general's personal soldiers, and after breaking a lot of their robes, they finally stabilized the situation.

With a roar, Cao Wei's elite soldiers launched a counterattack, and killed the soldiers with spears in their hands.This immediately caused a little damage to the general's soldiers.

Many soldiers fell in a pool of blood and became victims of this war.


Seeing that he was being blocked, the soldiers of the king's generals suddenly felt angry, and rushed towards Cao Wei's elite soldiers with a more ferocious posture, with a more desperate and reckless posture.

Therefore, the aura of Cao Wei's elite soldiers was immediately shattered by the soldiers of the king's general.They can only retreat while fighting, although they will not be defeated.

The first battle between the armies of the two sides has nothing to do with the number of people.It has a great relationship with the strength of a large army.At this moment, in the early stage of the battle between the two sides, it can be seen that the king's general's personal soldiers are very strong, indeed much stronger than Cao Wei's elite soldiers.

But Cao Wei's elite soldiers also have an advantage. Their advantage is the overwhelming number of people like the sea. Although one of them died, another substitute came up.

That is also the military spirit possessed by Cao Wei's army, which is one of the most elite troops in the world, so that they also follow suit, forgetting about life and death.Under such circumstances, the two sides inevitably fell into a stalemate.

"Bang bang bang."

"Kill, kill, kill."

"Ah, ah, ah."

During the stalemate, countless weapons collided, roared, chopped down, and screamed, and almost every moment, a fresh life disappeared.

Although this is a battlefield, the soldiers on both sides of the battle are also strong soldiers who have survived a hundred battles. They can accept the killing at this moment, and the tragedy at this moment. [

But this kind of scene is indeed bloody and tragic.


During this battle, Cao Chun, Le Jin, Zhang Jai, Xu Huang and other fierce generals of Cao Wei rushed from left to right. After they showed their strong commanding power and improved the offensive ability of soldiers, they further showed He used the means of a powerful general to eliminate as many soldiers as possible of the king's general with the blade in his hand.

Under such circumstances, Dong Gai, who is currently the only strong general in the army, shouldered his responsibility. He led the most elite soldiers and launched an offensive against the four strong generals with swords and horses.

But even so, Dong Gai and others can only do their best to deal with it, and it is really difficult to compete with these four fierce generals.

It can be said that what Liu Feng predicted was correct, the existence of these four Cao Wei generals can control the situation of the battle, and they are forces that cannot be ignored.



At this moment, there was a sound of the bow string being tensed and released, followed by the sound of an arrow piercing through the air, and the sound of the arrow tail swinging was both sharp and mournful.

And its target is Cao Chun.

At this moment, Cao Chun is killing all directions, the blade in his hand is like a sickle, constantly harvesting the lives of his soldiers.In this battle, dozens of elite soldiers died under Cao Chun's sword.

It can be said that Cao Chun is terrifying.

"Touch." During the hundred battles, Cao Chun also heard the sound of breaking through the air, and without thinking about it, he immediately brandished his weapon to block.

The next moment, his weapon indeed blocked the arrow.However, the power contained in the arrow also made Cao Chun stagger, almost unable to stabilize his body.

"It's so powerful." Cao Chunxin was startled, and then looked up to the front.

I saw one of the thousands of troops in front of us standing with a bow.He wears a golden armor and embroidered robe, and sits astride a war horse.He is very young, in front of a group of generals in their 40s and [-]s, he can be said to be young and terrifying.

But this young general exudes the spirit of a general.Extraordinary general courage.

He is Liu Feng.

The crown prince of the Han Dynasty, the king's general.Just now, it was Liu Feng who shot that arrow at Cao Chun, because Cao Chun was too arrogant.

"Boys, don't you think it's okay if you don't have a meal?"

He succeeded in suppressing Cao Chun's arrogance, but Liu Feng did not give up. Liu Feng took a deep breath, and then shouted.

The tone was full of one kind, one kind of hatred for iron but not steel, and one kind of dissatisfaction.

And this further ignited the powder keg.

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