I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2642 : Chapter 1350 Fighting

Chapter 350 Fighting

And what kind of feelings did Yu Jin and the others feel?

To put it bluntly, that is to give three points of face and open a dyeing workshop.


"Da da da."[

At the forefront of the Three Kingdoms army, Yu Jin and other seven people lined up, riding on horseback, with flags flying behind them, very majestic.It's not just Dong Gai who thinks they are majestic, but also themselves.

Let me ask, how many people in this world can form a team of generals like them?Today, heroes die, fierce generals die, and they are even rarer.

Majestic, really majestic.

The reason why they feel good about themselves is not only because of their own magnificence, but also because of the changes in expressions of Dong Gai, the king's general's soldiers, and they can see clearly.

That's right, dignified, that is dignified.

Don't say it's been since the battle, let's say it was the last time, their four generals led tens of thousands of Cao Wei's elites to fight out together, the momentum is really strong.

But what about the guards on the other side?

Although Liu Feng was in charge in person, the soldiers at most felt humiliation and resentment. This humiliation and resentment turned into a strong fighting spirit and defeated them.

As for dignified?What is that?Yu Jin could see clearly from the city, the soldiers at that time really didn't feel this way.

But what about this moment?

what did he seeHe saw the dignified expressions on the faces of Dong Gai, a member of Liu Feng's personal soldiers, and the ordinary soldiers among the personal soldiers.

Yu Jin could see that the eyes of this group of personal soldiers were focused on the seven of them, and also on the 480 Hei Family Army behind them.

At the same time, the bodies of the soldiers tensed up, and their breathing became a little stronger.What's this?This is what you should do when you encounter a strong enemy.

Hei Family Army, this name was chosen by Yu Jin.Similarly, the army of the Hei Family Army was also created by Yu Jin.Therefore, at this moment, Yu Jin is extremely proud.

"Soldiers, have you seen it? The army of the king's general on the opposite side claims to be an invincible army. But facing you, they also have to be cautious? What does this mean? It means that you are capable of replacing it . Kill the generals and defeat their myth of invincibility. Instead, you are a hero."

Confident and excited in his heart, Yu Jin took a deep breath, raised his arm, and pointed the black flood spear in his hand at Dong Gai in front, as if he wanted to take Dong Gai's head straight.Then, he yelled to the sky.

The content of the words is full of ambition, and the momentum is also extremely majestic.The heart to replace it is obvious.


The two words "hero" are also the fundamental reason why Yu Jin attracted this group of strong men under his command to join the Hei Family Army.As the saying goes, money moves people's hearts. [

But for men, there are more important things.

Fame, power, wealth.Money is just one of them.

Fame, the reputation recognized by the world, is the most important thing.


Thinking of the excitement, all the soldiers of the Hei family trembled. It wasn't fear, it wasn't panic, it was excitement, high-pitched.

Without unnecessary nonsense, they raised the spears in their hands, raised their heads and let out a roar to the general's soldiers in front.

Full of provocations, but strong enough, instead of being frivolous, it made people feel more dignified.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Immediately afterwards, arrows roared, and the sound of piercing the sky suddenly sounded.It was the king's general's soldiers who didn't let Yu Jin and others show off anymore, and pulled the trigger in their hands.

The fighting started suddenly.


Seeing this, Yu Jin let out a fierce roar, and the spear in his hand was like lightning, shooting arrows flying one by one, and quickly killed in the rain of arrows.

It can be said that it is like entering the land of no one, majestic and extremely majestic.


Cao Chun, Le Jin, Zhang Jai, Xu Huang, Shen Xiong, Gongsun Ao and other six people also roared and killed in unison, and followed Yu Jin to kill the general.

After that came the Hei family army, they marched firmly and powerfully, and killed the soldiers.

In the end, there were [-] elite soldiers from the Three Kingdoms.This group of elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms does seem to be overlooked, but their role is hard to ignore.

These 16 elite soldiers were also selected from the [-] army, and they were strong.Moreover, according to Yu Jin's plan, although the Hei family army could compete with Liu Feng's personal soldiers, their numbers were scarce.

At the critical moment, it is still necessary to wipe out Liu Feng's soldiers with the [-] elite soldiers.

As mentioned above, because of Liu Feng's urgency, the distance between Han Ying and Jinyang City is very close, and Yu Jin and others are a surprise attack.

They have taken many steps forward in a short period of time.It is already approaching the gate of the Han camp.Therefore, the king's general's soldiers have the advantage of continuous crossbows, but they cannot shoot several times.

Because after a while, Yu Jin and others led the crowd to kill them. [

Most of the Hei family's army, relying on their own abilities and their outstanding black armor, defended against this wave of continuous crossbow attacks.

As for the generals, Yu Jin and the others were not even injured, and they came close.

Raising the spear and blade in his hand, he charged at the soldiers.


Amidst a uniform roar, the blades gleamed with a cold light, and they either stabbed or slashed at the king's general's soldiers.

Experts will know if there is one.

In the past, the soldiers who faced the armies of the three countries would dismiss them with disdain.Because the two sides are no longer on an equal footing, whether it is courage, belief, or ability.

Therefore, the soldiers were able to defeat Cao Wei's army so freely.

But at this moment, the soldiers did not dare to take it too seriously.

But because of this shot, this group of soldiers of the Hei Family Army possessed such courage, belief, and ability.Their offensive and momentum were told to the soldiers.

Life and death fight, the winner stands, the loser dies.


With a bit of dignity, the soldiers abandoned the Liannu and held the Mo Dao, without flinching, and with the same fearless courage, they slashed at the Hei family army with their swords.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one will be injured.In hand-to-hand handover, there is no one who is not dead.In the next moment, the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, and the screams of dying sounded.

Blood splattered and corpses appeared.

But, it's not just that.

"Bang bang bang."

I only heard the sound of countless weapons colliding, and I saw countless Hei family troops, as well as the king's general's personal soldiers, fighting together.

Of course, most of the dead were from the Hei family army, but there were also quite a few personal soldiers.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Hei family army can compete with the soldiers and fight for a while.

Not only that, the seven generals including Yu Jin in the front represented a super-high-level combat power. They rushed to the forefront, dashing left and right, and the dead souls under the blade were astonishing.

Really, really achieved.

It is no longer the soldiers who slaughtered the elite of the Three Kingdoms, it is no longer one-sided.At the moment of the massacre, the Hei family army really blocked the king's general's personal soldiers.

This, this really came true.

Seeing this scene, all the people belonging to the forces in Jinyang City were extremely excited.

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