I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2643 : Chapter 1351 Dog thief

The first thousand and 350 chapters of the dog thief

Evenly divided, it is evenly divided,

This is not only giving way to Yu Jin, Cao Chun and others are extremely happy, even the soldiers under their command are the same. www>

The first is the Black Armor Army, why was the Black Armor Army selected>

It's not just fame, it's affirmation. [

If they defeated the army of the king's general in front of them, they would be the heroes of the world.He is a figure that cannot be ignored in today's turbulent and chaotic world.

This is an implicit affirmation.

It is also very suitable for the appetite of the Black Armored Army, so the Black Armored Army was forged, almost in a quick way, condensing the essence of an army of [-] to [-].

But at the beginning of the battle, they had some doubts in their hearts.They are willing to be heroes, but the question is what about Liu Feng's soldiers?

Are the soldiers willing to let them be defeated and step on the corpses of the soldiers?This is completely impossible.This is a goal that must be achieved through a real fight with real swords and guns.

And is this goal easy to achieve?It is very, very difficult, because the soldiers of the king's generals not only have the reputation of being invincible in the world, but also have the strength of seeing is believing.

So powerful, so amazing.

Therefore, although the purpose of their formation is very clear, their beliefs are also strong.However, he has some reservations about whether he can really withstand the offensive of the king's general's personal soldiers.

But that was just before, not now.Because they were indeed waving their spears and resisting the attack of the king's general.

Although the price was a bit high, the casualties of the Black Armored Army were far higher than those of the King's General's personal soldiers.However, this is also enough.


May I ask how many people in the whole world can achieve this level?

No, no one.

But they did it. From now on, the powerful army in the world will talk about their black armor army.And each of them is also a hero, a hero of the time.

Yu Jin's words are just a seed.Buried in the hearts of the Black Armors, but the battle at this moment has made this seed take root and germinate in the hearts of the Black Armors.

Grow into a towering tree.


At this moment, some of the black armored soldiers couldn't help roaring, and then showed an even more astonishing momentum, wielding even fiercer spears, and killed the soldiers of the king's general.


At the beginning it was a small number of people, but in the end, the whole Black Armored Army shouted in unison. Although their number decreased as they fought, their overall momentum rose instead of falling, and they fell into madness.


The momentum of the Black Armored Army in the front is even more astonishing, and the [-] elite soldiers in the rear are also like this.Blocked, blocked.The soldiers of the invincible king and general are finally invincible in the world.

And the only enemy is their friendly army, the Black Armored Army.

Therefore, the morale of the [-] elite soldiers in the rear was also boosted, and they brandished their blades to kill them.Originally, it was just a battle between the Black Armor Army and the soldiers.

At this moment, [-] elite soldiers from the Three Kingdoms joined in.

Originally, although the offensive of the soldiers was blocked by the black armor army, they still had the upper hand after all.But at this moment, with the joining of [-] elite soldiers, with the boost of morale.

Immediately, the two sides fought evenly.

The king's general's personal soldiers are not arrogant soldiers, they are not coddled.On the contrary, they have experienced a series of tragic fights before they gained the prestige they have today.

Facing Zhu Ling back then, and later facing Ma Teng, Han Sui and other powerful troops, the king's generals survived.Therefore, although their offensive was blocked.

But they didn't have any ups and downs. On the contrary, they used calmer judgment and fiercer offensives to fight against the Black Armor Army and the [-] elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms.

They are so outstanding, so strong, and so loyal to their duties, defending Liu Feng and the entire Han Dynasty.

Compared with them, Dong Gai's heart was quite shaken at this moment.

After this fight, a short fight.What Dong Gai saw in his eyes was the metamorphosis of an army, and a strong army soul was cultivated.

The challenger is indeed the strongest challenger.


My heart was shaken, but Dong Gai's ability and psychological quality were beyond doubt. I saw him taking the lead and leading the crowd to fight against Yu Jin and other seven generals.

Every time he swung his knife, Dong Gai would roar with all his strength, which was a kind of aura, the aura of fighting.

At this moment, it can be said that Dong Gai and his soldiers are working very hard. They are all generals with an invincible trump card army and the quality of their soldiers.

But as Dong Gai thought, they were facing a challenger, the strongest challenger.

In addition, the enemy has a total of [-] elite soldiers. Even at this moment, countless personal soldiers rushed over from all corners as reinforcements.

However, the balance of the fight between the two sides is still tilted in the direction of the Three Kingdoms army. [

Because the king's general's soldiers were not able to show the strongest momentum in the first time, shocking the enemy's heart.

Another bang.

Such a stalemate is naturally beneficial to the large number of [-] elite soldiers.

It can be said that at this moment, neither Dong Gai nor Liu Feng's soldiers under his command did anything wrong, and what they did was good enough.But the key is that the enemies they are facing are really strong, really strong.


As the fighting continued, the war became more and more fierce. Almost every moment, there were sounds of fighting and screams. There was one more corpse and one less life.

The number of both sides is decreasing at an alarming rate.

It can be said that if the time passes sooner, the entire king's general's personal soldiers will almost die together with the army of the three kingdoms.

This is unacceptable to the soldiers of the king's general, and even the entire Han army.Because this means that the surviving defenders of Jinyang City are about to escape.

For so many days, Liu Feng's arrangement has come to naught.

The more he fought, the more anxious Dong Gai felt, and his killing methods became more violent and violent.

But it's useless, useless, he alone is nothing more than a powerful warrior.

"It's just a group of dog thieves who are full of sneak attacks. Why do you think of them as characters? As an army? Wouldn't it be more satisfactory to treat them as a mob?"

At this moment, after the king's general's personal soldiers were in trouble, a voice suddenly sounded.Faced with such a severe situation, the voice seemed to be calm and calm, even with a little bit of hatred, as if complaining that the soldiers regarded the Three Kingdoms Army as a character and expressing their dissatisfaction.

If the person who said these words was someone else, Dong Gai and his soldiers would rush up and tear him to pieces.Damn, standing and talking doesn't hurt my back.

They are really strong and are the strongest challengers.

However, after hearing these words, the soldiers not only did not get angry, but were extremely happy.

Because they know, a person is coming.A character who can dominate the entire battlefield and maximize the victory is coming.

That is their crown prince, their majesty.

Liu Feng.

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