I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2647 : Chapter 1355 Crossing a horse with a gun

The first thousand and 350 chapters and five horses with guns

Hearing Liu Feng's loud shouts, and the cannibalistic expression on his face, a pair of star eyes seemed to emit light, burning fiercely.Good novels are here
Liu Feng has always been gentle in front of his soldiers.Therefore, when did the soldiers see Liu Feng's appearance like this.

Suddenly, the nearby soldiers trembled all over.

At this moment, the awe in the hearts of the soldiers has deepened a lot. [


Immediately afterwards, the soldiers promised.This is subconscious, completely without brain, and it is absolute obedience.But after a while, the soldiers understood.

Immediately, he was shocked.

This straddle horse holds a gun, wears armor, and hangs a conscription robe on his back. Could it be that the general is going to go out?

How can this be idle?This is absolutely impossible.

In the hearts of the soldiers, Liu Feng is the most important existence, surpassing the sun, the moon, and the sky.Therefore, they protected Liu Feng tightly, not allowing anyone to attack Liu Feng, and not allowing anyone to insult Liu Feng.

Even so, how could they let Liu Feng straddle the horse?You know, even if this war fails, Liu Feng cannot lose one or two.

"General, this is absolutely impossible."

"General, even if the younger one is broken into pieces and disobeys the order of the general, he will definitely not take the gun for the general."

The soldiers resisted fiercely, and they knelt on the ground one after another, expressing their determination.


Facing this group of loyal soldiers, even though Liu Feng was angry, he did not vent it.He just snorted coldly, got off his horse, and walked straight out.

The target is the Xuanlin Spear.

Since Liu Feng is on the battlefield, he is equipped with armor and weapons.Among them, the armor is the golden armor on his body, and the weapons include saber, bow and arrow, and this black scale spear that Liu Feng usually uses every day.

Liu Feng went out to fight, and beside him were soldiers with bows and arrows, and soldiers with black scale spears.

At this moment, the Xuanlin Spear was five steps away from Liu Feng, in the hands of a personal soldier.

Seeing Liu Feng walking straight towards the Xuanlin Spear, all the soldiers were shocked in their hearts.

"General, even if the car crashes and dies afterwards, the last general is willing. Offended."

A soldier gritted his teeth and rushed forward risking his life, wanting to subdue Liu Feng, lest Liu Feng do such a crazy act like going out. [

"Dare to listen."

At this moment, Liu Feng had a black and yellow horsewhip in his hand, he insisted on roaring angrily, and whipped it away.


The next moment, the black and yellow horsewhip hit the soldier's cheek, and immediately, the soldier's eyes were filled with gold stars.Then, Liu Feng's actions stunned the soldier who was beaten, as well as the soldiers around him.

Liu Feng's magnanimity and benevolence, courtesy and virtuous corporal, were witnessed by everyone, and all the soldiers believed that that kind of demeanor, tone, and style came from the bottom of their hearts.

When had they seen such a fiery Liu Feng?

It's almost like a tyrant.

It is also conceivable that Liu Feng's heart was full of anger at this moment.

The soldiers were stunned, not knowing what to do.But even the soldier who was beaten was considerate of Liu Feng.

Not only that, but boundless humiliation rose in their hearts.This humiliation made their hearts beat wildly, as if they would explode in the next moment.

Liu Feng's humiliation is their humiliation.The majestic crown prince, the king's great general, who was hailed as a generation of Mingjun, unexpectedly turned into a tyrant under this wave of bullying.

How does this not humiliate them?

Liu Feng didn't speak, he took the guards in a momentary state of stupefaction, passed the crowd, came to the guards who were five steps away, and took down the Xuanlin spear.

The so-called Xuanlin Spear is forged from high-grade black iron, it is 62 Zhang [-] Chi [-] long and weighs [-] Jin.The whole body is black, with patches like scale-like patterns engraved on it.

Therefore, this gun is called the Xuanlin Gun.

As I said before, although Liu Feng didn't go to battle, but because he insisted on exercising all the time, his body was strong and muscular.

Bow and horse, fencing, spear, horse fighting.

Liu Feng was involved.

His teachers are still the most outstanding existence in this respect.Therefore, these methods of Liu Feng are very strong.

However, when Liu Feng entered, he lived in the deep palace, and when he went out, there were many troops.

Even if one soldier is killed, Liu Feng will not have a chance to fight.Therefore, Liu Feng's methods have never been used.

Therefore, although some of Liu Feng's abilities were strong, they were not used in real fighting. [

Last time, he fought with the armies of the Three Kingdoms.It was the first time Liu Feng bent his bow and nocked an arrow.

But this time, Liu Feng planned to go into battle in person and fight against the armies of the Three Kingdoms.

Liu Feng's idea is very simple. The morale of the current soldiers is already very high because of the sense of humiliation.Therefore, if the handsome flag is pressed, it is estimated that it will have no effect.

It is necessary to defeat the army of the Three Kingdoms with black armored soldiers and seven brave generals.Liu Feng really had no other choice, and really planned to fight hard.

Let's see if God can protect him.

In this killing formation, he sharpened his skills and created a storm with his spear skills.Raise the morale of the soldiers to the point of insanity, so as to increase their lethality, and defeat the army of the Three Kingdoms in front of them with overwhelming momentum.

Of course, this is just Liu Feng's guess.Now this armored soldier in black armor is really too powerful.Liu Feng was not sure that he could boost morale to the point where he could defeat this large army.

Similarly, Liu Feng didn't even have the confidence to survive on this battlefield.Because, Liu Feng has always firmly believed that although his ability is strong, it is difficult to compare with those warriors on the battlefield.

Because there is no actual combat.

However, Liu Feng never regretted it at this moment.Seeing that on the battlefield, someone actually scolded him as a scorpion, if he didn't kill this person.

What kind of king's general, what kind of crown prince?

Moreover, he also personally felt the humiliation and aggrieved feeling of the soldiers.The combination of these two feelings drove him almost crazy.

Fight, fight, fight.

How can we not fight.

What is the state's overall situation, what is the great man's great cause.At this moment, Liu Feng had forgotten about it, and there was only one thought in his mind.

A matter of honor and disgrace, we must fight.

Even if the body is smashed to pieces, and the body is shrouded in horse leather, it will not hesitate.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng's heart exploded, and it soared again.It's reached the point where it's hard to vomit.

He stroked the Black Scale Spear in his hand, felt the bulge of the scales on the spear, and the murderous intent in his heart suddenly became more intense.

"Xuanlin, Xuanlin. As a weapon, Gu has always treated you badly. Because a soldier is a weapon for killing people. But today, you have never drank blood, which really insults the name of a weapon. Now, regardless of success or failure, Gu Let you drink blood."

Liu Feng muttered something, then suddenly took a step forward and got on the horse.

At this moment, the general straddles his horse and holds a gun, and will fight the hero.

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