I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2648 : Chapter 1356 Battle

The first thousand and 350 chapters and six battles

After turning over on the horse, Liu Feng adjusted his posture, put the Xuanlin Spear across his back with his right hand, held the rein with his left hand, and raised his head forward.

First he took a deep breath, and then the murderous aura hidden in his body was released again.

Just now, Liu Fengzhi's murderous aura came out unconsciously.But this time, Liu Feng felt that the fight was imminent.

If we talk about the murderous aura just now, it's like the sky is turned upside down, like nine thunderbolts.Then, the murderous aura released by Liu Feng at this moment. [

It was a little bit cooler than before.

This made the surrounding soldiers feel cold all over, and their ears roared endlessly.Liu Fengzhi's murderous aura was so earth-shattering.

However, it was also because of this murderous aura that the soldiers who were stunned just now came to their senses.


Seeing Liu Feng straddling his horse and holding a gun, and his robes fluttering, the soldiers were terrified, and they all let out an exclamation.

"shut up."

Liu Feng opened his mouth and scolded.Immediately afterwards, he let go of the reins, and pointed his left hand at the soldier who had been whipped by the whip.This soldier is bleeding at the moment.

It can be seen that Liu Feng's whip just now was cruel enough.

"Qing did not hesitate to punish the car torn apart, but stepped forward to stop Gu. Loyalty is commendable. If you come back with life, you will be named Liehou. If you come back without life, please ask Qing and others to die together with Gu."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng took a deep breath and said to the soldier and the soldiers around him.

What Liu Feng said came from the bottom of his heart.Although he was angry, Liu Feng just wanted to get the Xuanlin Spear, and he didn't care about the offense that this soldier intended to prevent.

On the contrary, Liu Feng felt that the loyalty of this soldier was commendable.Liehou was sealed when he opened his mouth.

However, it can only be rewarded after being alive.Because according to the law of the Han Dynasty, if the general dies, his own soldiers will be buried.The great general Liu Feng died, and when the emperor Liu Xie got angry, he didn't know how much he would be implicated.

At that time, this personal soldier might have to follow him under Jiuquan.

Therefore, Liu Fengcai said, if there is no life to return, please invite Zhuqing and others to die together with Gu.

"Also please think twice, General."

This soldier who was hit by Liu Feng's horsewhip and was bleeding profusely, after hearing Liu Feng's award, not only was he not happy, but even more worried, he couldn't help clasping his fists again.

"Today's battle, there is no need to think twice."

Liu Feng said lightly, then pointed his long spear forward, and said: "You just need to know that all the ground that the lonely horse steps on is Han soil. It is enough for the spear to point at all Han soil." [


After saying a word, Liu Feng suddenly let out a roar, clamped the horse's belly with his feet, and the horse under his crotch rushed out like an arrow.

"Da da da."

The iron hooves of the war horse under the crotch stepped on the mud frantically, kicking up waves of dust, and there was a crisp sound of horse hooves.

Liu Feng went all the way to the battlefield.


The soldiers looked at each other, knowing that Liu Feng's madness could no longer be stopped.He could only roar angrily, and killed Liu Feng with a knife.

The soldiers of General Wang are claimed to be Liu Feng's soldiers, but in fact 6000 people are too many.The number of Liu Feng's daily guards and guards is actually only a few hundred.

These hundreds of people are the real Liu Feng's personal soldiers, and they are also the most elite existence in the army.

Under normal circumstances, this group of elites rarely enter the battlefield.But at this moment, Liu Feng moved, and they naturally moved too.


Such an explosive roar, coupled with Liu Feng's murderous aura that was about to go berserk, formed a frenzied murderous aura, sweeping forward like a rushing river.

In the same way, the frantic murderous aura quickly aroused the ideas of both the enemy and us.

"What? General?"

"Oh my god, what did I see? I saw the great general. The great general, he actually straddled his horse with a gun? Could it be that the world has turned upside down?"

"General. Are those people really crazy? They don't swear to stop the general, but follow them. If the general has a mistake, if the general has a mistake."

When countless soldiers saw Liu Feng, not only were they not happy, but on the contrary, they all felt extremely worried. Some soldiers even felt as if the sky was about to collapse.

It's about to collapse.

Because if Liu Feng is lost, their beliefs and the banner in their hearts will collapse.How terrible would that be?

"Liu Feng? Didn't Liu Feng come out on his own? Didn't the Han Dynasty claim that as long as there is one soldier, Liu Feng is invincible? In this world's war, Liu Feng only needs to sit firmly at the back and smash everything. But This time, he actually came out on his own?"

"How is it possible? It's really unbelievable."

Not only the soldiers found it inconceivable, but even the ordinary elite soldiers in the Three Kingdoms Army, the Black Armored Army, and even the generals were shocked by it. [

"Isn't this the best time? Kill the general and kill Liu Feng. The world is settled, and it is destined to belong to our four countries."

But there were also people who were full of excitement. Cao Chun, who had a grudge against Liu Feng, was one of them. He raised the weapon in his hand high and roared angrily.


Immediately afterwards, Cao Chun slammed his feet hard, let out a roar, and charged towards Liu Feng on his steed.


Yu Jin, Le Jin, Shen Xiong and the others were also heartbroken when they heard the words, they all roared and went straight for Liu Feng.

Then came the Black Armor Army, and then [-] elite soldiers.

They were all excited, they were right, they were right.Kill Liu Feng, the Optimus Prime, and the Han Dynasty, a ship that has just been repaired, will collapse again.

This world belongs to the four kingdoms.

But for people like them, killing Liu Feng was tantamount to a world-class feat.

Therefore, at this moment, the aura of the elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms became even more manic, and their murderous intent stirred up the situation even more, as if forming a mass of dark clouds, attacking Liu Feng.

The momentum is even stronger.


Faced with the naked intention of the Three Kingdoms Army to take Liu Feng's head, the soldiers immediately woke up from the shock, and became furious. They roared and rushed towards the Three Kingdoms Army.

Moreover, it can be seen that the momentum of the soldiers has undergone some changes.The murderous aura entwined all over his body, like Liu Feng, was close to going berserk.

The eyes of the guards gradually changed, bloodshot eyes almost filled the entire pupils, and their eyes gradually became more violent, as if they lost their minds.

To put it simply, Liu Feng himself straddled his horse and entered the battlefield with a gun, which has already made the soldiers go crazy to the point of madness.

This is no longer as simple as a sense of humiliation, it has reached the point of extreme stimulation.

Liu Feng is their belief, their banner, and the soul of their army.

A soldier can die in battle, but a general cannot die.

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