I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2649 : Chapter 1357 Let's see success or failure

The first thousand and 350 seven chapters and see the success or failure

On the battlefield, between the enemy and us, a fast horse moves forward.The war horse is a first-class imperial horse, which can travel nine hundred miles day and night, and is all black. It is very handsome.

The knight on the horse was slender and very handsome, wearing a golden armor, a red embroidered robe on the back, a sword hanging from his waist, and a black spear in his hand.

As he galloped, the hair on the knight's head danced wildly, and the embroidered robe rolled on his back, like a dragon coming out of the river, extremely powerful.

"Da da da."[


The wind howled, and the sound of horseshoes was sweet.But at this moment, Liu Feng's heart was very frantic, very disturbed, it was a fight, it was going to be a fight.

Although Liu Feng led the troops to fight outside more than once, he never went to the point of fighting.I really don't have much confidence in my own abilities.

But on the one hand, the desire to win made Liu Fengyu go crazy.Therefore, frantic and apprehensive, Liu Feng's heart at this moment had such a contradiction, which was unusual.

Regarding Liu Feng's rushing out, Yu Jin, Le Jin and the others seemed to see a fat rabbit, their eyes lit up.They rode their horses and approached Liu Feng one after another.


Among the crowd, Shen Xiong was the one who was closest, he was brandishing a weapon, roaring and killing, and getting closer to Liu Feng step by step.

The weapon in his hand was a long knife with a faint light on the blade, which looked extremely sharp.

At this moment, with Shen Xiong's continuous waving, many of the general's soldiers died under Shen Xiong's sword.


Not to mention that Shen Xiong is gradually approaching Liu Feng, and Liu Feng is also consciously approaching Shen Xiong.Not too confident about my abilities.

Of course, Liu Feng would not choose a strong opponent to challenge, and killing the opponent's soldiers could not boost morale, so Liu Feng chose a soft persimmon to pinch.

That is Shen Xiong.

Of course Liu Feng has information on this guy, and he claims to be very brave.

But Liu Feng believes that this bravery is definitely not as good as Yu Jin and other famous generals who left their names in the Three Kingdoms.If you don't fight him, who else can you fight?

Thinking about it, Liu Feng narrowed his eyes a little, and suddenly a bright light flashed out.Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming murderous aura swept towards Shen Xiong.

This murderous aura is so violent and so vast.

Like the nine thunders, like the boundless sea.


Facing this huge and incomparably murderous aura, Shen Xiong's body couldn't help trembling slightly, the majesty of the king, the wrath of the king, even a fierce general of Gai Dai had to surrender temporarily.

What's more, Shen Xiong is just generally brave and good at fighting, not a Gaiden general.

Facing Liu Feng's aura, his instincts betrayed him.

But Shen Xiong didn't feel humiliated, on the contrary, excitement overflowed his face.

Strong, amazingly powerful.Shen Xiong felt that this murderous aura was very powerful, strong enough to make anyone surrender.Shen Xiong admitted.

But there is another point, Shen Xiong also admitted more.

Because Liu Feng is a young boy who has never fought in the battlefield, even if his murderous aura is amazing, so what?What's more, Liu Feng's physique can only be regarded as slender and handsome, not burly and strong.

What kind of power can it have?

Therefore, in Shen Xiong's eyes, Liu Feng is the prey that comes automatically.

At this moment, it can be regarded as a hero who sees the same thing.Liu Feng is the prey when Shen Xiong is, and Shen Xiong is the prey when Liu Feng is also the prey.

"At the end of the day, the general will open the way."

As Liu Feng steered the horse closer and closer to the front, the rage and uneasiness in the hearts of the soldiers became more and more intense. The rage made people go crazy, and the uneasiness made people go berserk, and so on.

Immediately, it turned into an unimaginable force. They roared with all their strength, stepped forward in unison, and brandished Mo Dao to kill the Heijia army on the opposite side.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Bang bang bang."

Immediately, the sound of weapons colliding and the sound of blades piercing into flesh rang out uninterruptedly.But this time, the king's general's personal soldiers no longer had a weak upper hand, but occupied a larger situation.

"Ah, ah, ah."

I saw countless black armor soldiers screaming and falling to the ground amidst the blood rush.

Although Liu Feng's goal was not achieved, it still aroused the momentum of the king's general's personal soldiers to a certain extent.The situation is gradually turning around.

If Liu Fengneng fights against Shen Xiong, then kill him.

I am afraid that the world will turn around suddenly, and the outcome will be reversed.

And the premise of everything is whether the Xuanlin Spear in Liu Feng's hand can drink Shen Xiong's blood. [

At this moment, Liu Feng found that he was suddenly not violent or uneasy.On the contrary, his mood seemed to calm down surprisingly, but at the same time, his heart was beating faster and faster.

"Dong dong dong."

The beating of the heartbeat exudes a thumping sound like a big drum being hit.And following the sound of "dong dong dong", Liu Feng only felt that the blood all over his body was rushing rapidly.

Blood rushes, blood rushes.

This is the feeling of rushing blood.

At this moment, Liu Feng's mind suddenly remembered what a general who was in charge of teaching him spear skills said.

"The gun is the king of a hundred soldiers. However, its lethality is quite weak. To achieve a one-hit kill, you have to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. In this way, one gun will bleed blood. The gun will kill the enemy."

This is what the general said, and that general is unknown in history.But his basic skills, theory, and experience are all first-class in the world.

It is the real tutor of the crown prince.

Therefore, Liu Feng had special respect for that general, and similarly, he kept in his heart what the general said about knocking on the door, and never forgot it.

In the same way, Liu Feng also remembered that the generals who were in charge of teaching him horsemanship, bow and arrow, swordsmanship and spearmanship once said a word.

"If the general is just a general, then there will probably be an extra peerless general in this world. But it's a pity, it's a pity."

These generals affirmed Liu Feng's physical fitness and learning ability.He thought that if Liu Feng grew up, he might become a peerless fighter.As for what a pity, it goes without saying.

That's because Liu Feng's status is noble, and he is destined to be a person who will never set foot on the battlefield and fight with a gun in his life.

Thinking of the teachings of the Spear General and the approval of the generals in his mind.

The anxiety in Liu Feng's heart really disappeared.Instead, waves of self-confidence surged forth.

"A man, you must do everything vigorously. Even if you are on the battlefield for the first time, you must have military exploits. Shen Xiong, today you are the number one killed by a single spear."

Liu Feng roared wildly in his heart, and the even more violent momentum rolled along with it.

Like nine thunderbolts, the sea is boundless, berserk, and frantic.

To win, Liu Feng must win this war.

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