I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2650 : Chapter 1358 One shot through the enemy

The first thousand 350 eight chapters shot through the enemy

As the murderous aura emanating from Liu Feng became more and more violent, it became more and more violent.Immediately frightened some soldiers of both the enemy and us nearby.

Because of this, Liu Feng rode the horse and quickly approached Shen Xiong.

At the same time, Shen Xiong was also quickly approaching Liu Feng.

He had gradually changed his posture. He was holding the long knife tightly with both hands, let go of the reins, and let his body steer the horse, and quickly charged towards Liu Feng. [

Shen Xiong was also ready to kill Liu Feng with one blow, otherwise the easily cooked ducks would all fly away.

Naturally, holding the knife with both hands has more power than holding the knife with one hand, and the penetrating power is strong enough to cut Liu Feng in two.

Kill Liu Feng.

Megatron world?Worship generals and seal marquises?Eternal fame?

As the two sides got closer, Liu Feng became calmer and more imposing.But Shen Xiong's mind became more and more confused, as if his eyes were dazzled by that monstrous reputation and future status.


Even, because Shen Xiong was too excited, he opened his mouth and let out heavy gasps.

Gaffe, gaffe.

On the contrary, Liu Feng kept recalling what he had learned in his mind, lowered his body, kept his hands steady, and looked straight at the enemy with eyes like eagle eyes.

One shot through, one shot through.

In Liu Feng's mind, he kept applying what he had learned with a single shot.Slowly, slowly adjusted the posture.

"Da da da."

The sound of horseshoes hit the sky frantically.

The existence of Liu Feng has already attracted the attention of both the enemy and us.But at this moment, with Liu Feng and Shen Xiong approaching, the soldiers of the enemy and us, the Black Armored Army, the elite soldiers, and the generals all concentrated and held their breath.

There was even a brief moment of calm in the chaotic battlefield.An eerie calm.

Liu Feng, the most important thing in the world.It can be said that it is very precious, and therefore, if he is killed, this war will be over.

Although Liu Feng looked astonishingly murderous, his physique seemed a little weak.Moreover, he has never fought in battle, so how can he be the opponent of the brave and skilled Shen Xiong?

Therefore, this side of the Three Kingdoms Army relaxed their vigilance.They even took a deep breath, preparing for the next cheers.

Liu Feng is dead, Liu Feng is dead. [

The Han Dynasty collapsed, the Han Dynasty collapsed.

The soldiers had something to say next in their hearts.

Victory, victory.

The soldiers of the Great General of the King also stopped their movements because they were extremely worried and apprehensive, and looked at Liu Feng one after another.

Although they have no doubts about Liu Feng's intelligence, generosity and benevolence, as well as his leadership on the battlefield.

But Liu Feng's fighting ability is unknown.

The unknown is so frustrating.

Under the eyes of both the enemy and the enemy, the two sides have already approached to a very close distance.They looked at each other.

Two completely different eyes.

Liu Feng's gaze was extremely calm, with murderous intent wanton.But Shen Xiong's eyes are shining, like an old wolf looking at a docile sheep.

Liu Feng did not have any influence on the eye contact between the two sides, but Shen Xiong was very different.

Liu Feng's calm gaze, full of murderous intent, made Shen Xiong feel as if he was waking up from a dream.

I shuddered all over.

Sand field, sand field.

Shen Xiong woke up like a dream, realizing that he was in the battlefield.And the battlefield is the most unpredictable place. If you are a mighty general or the overlord of the world, if you are not careful, your head may be broken and you may die.

Even on the opposite side, he really has a murderous aura that even a peerless general would envy.Liu Feng, who has no matching ability.

That is also an existence that has to be cautious.

What's more, Shen Xiong saw Liu Feng's eyes were so calm, as if he had all the chances of winning, it was a manifestation of strong self-confidence.

And the wanton murderous intent expressed Liu Feng's determination.

To kill him here.

Having a murderous look is nothing to be afraid of, what is terrible is that kind of self-confidence, what is terrible is this kind of murderous intent.

Thinking about it, Shen Xiong couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, ready to concentrate and show off his brave and skilled general's methods to kill Liu Feng. [

But it's too late.

Really late.

It was said above that although Liu Feng hadn't fought in a real fight, he was physically strong, full of muscles, and had great strength. More importantly, he had been taught by a famous teacher.

The sum of these may not be enough for Liu Feng to deal with Shen Xiong who is in perfect condition.However, it is more than enough to deal with a distracted Shen Xiong who is distracted for the sake of a bright future.


A roar sounded, like violent thunder, like the sound of drums shaking the sky, suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light suddenly appeared.This cold light is so dazzling, so cold.As a result, Shen Xiong's body stiffened involuntarily for a moment.

The next moment, the real face of Han Mang finally appeared in front of Shen Xiong's eyes, but it was the tip of a spear with a gleaming light, sharp and unparalleled.

Liu Feng, it was Liu Feng who roared fiercely, and then stabbed out the spear that had been stored for a long time.So fast, so violent, so amazing.

Is Shen Xiong afraid of death?Of course I'm afraid of death.

However, today's Shen Xiong must die.Because he never thought that he would encounter such danger in the fight with Liu Feng.Even just now, he saw Liu Feng's gaze, Liu Feng's murderous intent.

And when he woke up with a fright, he never thought that he would face the situation at this moment.

Death, he was so close to death, so close.

At this moment, Shen Xiong only felt chills all over his body and became stiff.But then, Shen Xiong's instinct broke out.He is a military general, and he is also a brave general who is good at fighting.

The fights he has experienced are innumerable.

It is the person who really climbed out of the sea of ​​swords and blood.

It can be said that his experience and instinct are very powerful, to a certain level.Therefore, at the critical moment, Shen Xiong brandished a long knife, without defending, but directly took Liu Feng's life.

This knife is fast and sharp, it can be said to be powerful and decisive.

This knife is amazing.

Not only its momentum, speed, power, but also its purpose.Because after Shen Xiong saw Liu Feng's move this time, he knew that his defense was a step slower and he couldn't defend against it.

At critical moments, you still have to work hard.

Shen Xiong predicted that Liu Feng's status is respected, he is the overlord of the world.Will he die with him, the enemy general?No, if this matter was placed on him, he would not do it.

Therefore, Shen Xiong used his own standpoint to understand Liu Feng's standpoint.

Having made such a judgment, this judgment is both quick and decisive, it can be said to be as fast as lightning.It reflects Shen Xiong's powerful experience in battle.

But Shen Xiong was wrong, Liu Feng was afraid of death, but that didn't mean Liu Feng didn't make up his mind.

At the moment of life and death, Liu Feng was extremely calm and made a decision.Facing the oncoming long knife, facing the blade that seemed to be shining.

His hand didn't shake a bit, and the Xuanlin Spear in his hand still maintained a huge speed, stabbing at Shen Xiong.

Do we die together?

I'm afraid you won't make it.

"Puchi." The next moment, the Xuanlin Spear in Liu Feng's hand pierced into Shen Xiong's armor, his body and internal organs protruded from behind.

One shot through the enemy, one shot through the enemy.

What's more, it was Shen Xiong, a famous general of Zhao who was brave and skilled in fighting.

Suddenly, the audience fell silent.

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