I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2655 : Chapter 1363 The last moment

The first thousand and 360 chapters and the third final moment

At this moment, Cheng Yu felt much more relaxed.Because he has already realized his ending.Because he felt that it was too painful to be an enemy of someone like Liu Feng who was at the peak of luck, ability, and determination.There is no need to fight anymore, but it is easy.

The city is about to fall, death is about to come, and he will be able to relax soon.

But Xun Fang may not be a high-ranking cadre.

If the city is broken, it means their lives will be threatened. [

Xun Fang is fine, as a counselor, he may not be implicated.But Gao Gan is different, he is the Governor of Bingzhou of Zhao State, and even the nephew of King Zhao Yuan Shao.

With such an identity, coupled with the previous resolute resistance, if the Han army breaks through the city at that time and he is captured alive, one can imagine what will happen to him.

At this moment, a feeling suddenly emerged in Gao Gan's heart, that is, he did not want to be Yuan Shao's nephew, and he did not want to be the governor of Bingzhou.

You must know that the four generations and three princes of the Yuan family are famous families in the world.What an honor it is to be the nephew of Yuan Shao, the contemporary Patriarch of the Yuan family.

The governor of Bingzhou is also one of the thirteen governors of the state, so he can be said to be very prominent.

The combination of these two is enough to make anyone proud.

The former high-ranking cadres thought so, so they were proud of it.But at this moment, he regarded it as a raging fire, and his whole body seemed to be calcined by the raging fire.

Such pain, such pain, I can't wait to give up.

At this moment, Gao Gan hated to death that he was Yuan Shao's nephew.Similarly, Gao Gan regretted what he had done.

If I knew today, why bother.

Why raise troops to resist Liu Feng, why, why.

It can be said that Gao Gan at this moment is painful, the kind of pain that cannot be expressed in words.

But the process of the war will not end because of the pain of the senior officials.The high-ranking cadres at this moment are far from being able to play a role as a banner.

"Run, run. Go back to the city. I don't want to fight the Han army again. I would rather surrender than starve to death."

"Get out of front, if you block the road again, I will kill you."

"Ahh, it's terrible, it's terrible."

In front of the city gate, there were countless soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Army. They trampled on each other, cursed at each other, and even swung their blades at Pao Ze, killed Pao Ze from behind, and then rushed in.

But 3 people, exactly 3 people.Although the Jinyang city gate is tall, it is far from enough to allow them to enter the city in a short time.

At the same time, the soldiers who entered wanted to close the city gate, regardless of whether it was their own army or the Han army outside the city, they all wanted to block them from the gate. [

Because they are already scared, extremely scared, and dare not face the Han army again, never again.

At this moment, it can be said that it collapsed.The collapse was complete, and the army was defeated like a mountain.

During this process, Cao Chun kept stopping the defeated army, and even brandished his blade without hesitation, killing one soldier after another who was about to escape.

But it didn't work, not at all.

The more you kill, the more you escape.Finally, at the end, Cao Chun finally gave up.

But not reconciled, not reconciled.Seeing that he was so close to Liu Feng's head, he could kill Liu Feng and avenge his brother Cao Ren.

But in the end it fell short.

Not reconciled, not reconciled.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Cao Chun finally uttered a series of mournful roars.

"Ah ah ah ah."

So sad, so dark.


But after yelling for a while, Cao Chun rushed to the city without knowing how to steer the horse.It's not that Cao Chun has calmed down, but that the soldiers of the king's general are getting closer and closer. If he doesn't leave, it will be too late.

If you want to take revenge, you have to leave a useful body behind.

Following Cao Chun's retreat, Yu Jin, Le Jin, Xu Huang and others also began to retreat one after another.The generals retreated, which of course made the entire army even more insane.

I saw the armies of the Three Kingdoms rushing towards the city of Jinyang frantically.

There is no cure, and it has collapsed to the point where there is no cure.

"Dong dong dong."

In front of the northern gate of Jinyang City, the sound of drums shook the sky, and the momentum was astonishing.Under the thundering drumbeat, countless elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Army stepped forward shamefully.

And Liu Feng led Dong Gai and other soldiers of the king's generals, and launched a continuous offensive like waves.

Under this tide-like offensive, the guards were as imposing as a rainbow, as astonishing as a white rainbow penetrating the sun.

Their goal is already very clear, that is to chase the defeated army of the Three Kingdoms, rush into Jinyang City, and never give Jinyang City any chance to fight back. [

After the Han army outside the North City Gate launched a general offensive towards Jinyang City, the remaining three camps of the Han army also received orders for a general offensive.

In the east of Jinyang City, there is a big camp that is more majestic than the northern camp.

The guards in this big camp are Pang De and Ma Chao.At this moment, all the soldiers in the camp have been assembled in the school grounds.

The two generals, Ma Chao and Pound, also put on their armor, held their weapons, and straddled their horses.

This army is obviously ready.

But at this moment, both Ma Chao and Pound looked a little dignified. They looked up to the north from time to time, looking very restless.

In fact, when the first fight started, they were ready to attack the city or rescue Liu Feng at any time.But until the end of the fight, they didn't receive the order, so they had to give up.

Later, the war was over, and they were all right until the north of the city. Liu Feng was all right, very happy.Unfortunately, the war soon began again.

"It's obvious that someone wants to take advantage of the general's unpreparedness and carry out a sneak attack. Although it's a bit shameless, the kill rate is amazing."

Ma Chao was full of blood, he couldn't help the restlessness in his heart, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Meng Qi, with the ability of a general, he can definitely prevent it." Pang De was also worried, but seeing Ma Chao like this, he could only open his mouth to comfort him.

"That's all I can think of." Ma Chao said with a wry smile.

"Dong dong dong."

At this moment, the drum sound full of mysterious rhythm reached here.After the drum sound reached here, it was already very weak.

But you can still feel it.

After hearing the sound of the drum, Ma Chao and Pang De were relieved of their worries and became excited.


Ma Chao raised the spear in his hand, pointed it in the direction of Jinyang, and roared.


Pound and thousands of elite soldiers roared together, and followed Ma Chao to Jinyang City.

At the same time, Zhang Liao and Yan Xing in the east of the city, and Zhao Yun in the south of the city also led their troops to attack Jinyang City.

The time has come for Jinyang City to be broken, and the time for Cheng Yu to hand over the head has come.

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