I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2656 : Chapter 1364 The Day of Breaking the City

360 Chapter [-] The Day of Breaking the City

On this day, the sky was covered with dark clouds and sporadic light rain, making it look very gloomy.

"Dong dong dong."

Under this gray sky, the sound of beating drums that shook the sky and the earth continued to resound.Intense, riotous, containing unparalleled murderous intent.

"Kill." [

"Rush into the city and occupy Jinyang for the general."

"The big man is mighty."

Amidst the sound of beating drums, countless soldiers of the Han army killed from all directions of Jinyang City, with extremely high aura.

In the east of the city, Ma Chao and Pound led their troops to attack the city with a fierce momentum.

And the guard of this side of the city is Gao Gan's confidant, surnamed Chen Mingba, he is a well-known and capable general.

But at this moment, Chen Ba looked at the "horse" and "Pang" two generals under the city, but they were gloomy and terrifying.

The so-called reputation is outside, but Ma Chao and Pound are fierce generals in the Northwest, enemies of ten thousand people.These two people attacked Jinyang, Chen Ba's pressure can be imagined.

At this moment, not only Chen Ba, but also the soldiers under his command were extremely nervous.

Many archers even shot the arrows in their hands hastily because they were too nervous.In the end, due to a mistake, the arrow just fell vertically.

Such mistakes are not uncommon.

"Hahaha, the defenders in the city are already terrified, there is really nothing to worry about, kill them."

Seeing this scene, Ma Chao opened his mouth and laughed wildly, and then pointed the tip of his gun in the direction of Jinyang again, and shouted.


Countless Han soldiers roared in unison and attacked the city.

"Fire arrows."

Seeing this, Chen Ba's face turned livid, and he didn't know what to say.But in the end, he opened his mouth to give the order.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Immediately, the defenders shot their arrows in unison, but this time they were in uniform.But no matter how you look at it, you don't have much confidence or confidence.

Facing the attack of the Han army, not only the east of the city, the south of the city, and the west of the city are also in this situation. [

What is momentum?This is momentum.Even if you don't fight, you can deter them with your reputation.

However, the other three city gates are not bad, after all, the fight has just begun.North of the city is different.

At this moment, the war in the north of the city has entered the final stage.The elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms were defeated and fled to Jinyang, and the soldiers of the king's general took advantage of the momentum to pursue them.

During this process, countless elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms fell into a pool of blood and became part of the sea of ​​blood filled with corpses.It can be said that every step the personal soldiers stepped forward, they trampled on the corpses of the elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms.

The scene is very bloody.

During this process, Liu Feng steered the horse forward continuously, wielding the Black Scale Spear to reap the lives of elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms one by one, very majestic.

But Dong Gai let go of everything, and guarded beside Liu Feng, staring at the surroundings.Beware of cold arrows, sneak attacks and other attacks that may appear from all around.

As the army advanced step by step, the king's general's personal soldiers quickly reached the city gate.At this moment, Cao Chun and the other six had already entered the city.Some of the [-] elite soldiers of the Three Kingdoms who followed Cao Chun and others returned to the city.

Not all were wiped out.

However, the city gate cannot be closed at this moment.

If you rely on the city and the more than [-] troops in the city, you can barely defend the city, but if you can't close the city gate, then there is no point.

Thinking of this, Cao Chun, Yu Jin, Le Jin, Gongsun Ao, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai and others couldn't help feeling anxious.

"I will guard the city gate, you go and organize the army quickly, and report to Mr. Cheng to make a decision."

Cao Chun roared and said.

Then, Cao Chun straddled his horse and held his spear, standing in front of the city gate.

The city gate was narrow after all, Cao Chun stared wide-eyed, straddled his horse and slashed his gun, exuding the fierce aura of a veteran in the battlefield.

For a while, there was also an aura of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not letting go.

"it is good."

Everyone said in unison, and immediately dispersed to organize an army.

On the other hand, thousands of soldiers gathered under Cao Chun's command. Those in front were holding shields and spears, and those in the back were holding bows and arrows.

The expressions of the soldiers were much calmer than before.

On the one hand, it has entered the city, and it can be regarded as hopeful.On the other hand, they are also veterans of the battlefield after all, knowing that there is no way to retreat.The only way to save this life is to defend the city gate to the death. [

"Cao Chun."

At the same time, Liu Feng also saw Cao Chun, and couldn't help squinting his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed out.

Liu Feng remembered that it was Cao Chun who humiliated him in the last fight.At that time, it was a joy to be humiliated.And today, retribution should also come.

"Gu Yao personally took Cao Chun's life, Qing and others made way for Gu."

Liu Feng raised the Xuanlin Spear, pointed at Cao Chun, and shouted loudly.


The soldiers also knew Cao Chun, so they were also enemies when they met, and they were extremely jealous, and suddenly agreed.Then he took a step forward and rushed towards the city.


Amidst a terrifying roar, the two sides fought in front of the city gate.

This can be said to be the final battle. If the Han army wins, it can break through Jinyang and occupy Bingzhou.If Cheng Yu and the others managed to hold the city gate, they would be able to linger on.

If it can be realized, the generals and counselors in Jinyang City all hope to survive for a while.But looking at the current situation, I am afraid it will be difficult.

In the city, Cheng Yu, Gao Gan, and Xun Fang were all silent.

"Da da da."

At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, but it was Yu Jin, Gongsun Ao and Gongsun Ao who set foot on the city.

"Lord Inspector, Mr. Cheng. At present, the Han army has launched an offensive from the four walls of the city, especially the north gate at this moment. If General Cao Chun is not guarding it, it may have already been broken. Time is running out, please make a decision early .What should I do?"

Yu Jin took a deep breath and bowed down.

Gongsun Ao also raised his fist and bowed to Cheng Yu.

Gao Gan, Xun Fang's heart was lifted when he heard the words, and he also looked up at Cheng Yu.

Everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation, although Cheng Yu fought Liu Feng and was defeated repeatedly.But among the crowd, Cheng Yu is the only one who can compete with Liu Feng.

Moreover, Cheng Yu's decision-making ability is very terrifying.Now is the moment of life and death, how to make a decision, everything depends on Cheng Yu.

"The moment has finally come." Cheng Yu was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then sighed.Immediately afterwards, with a solemn face, he ordered: "Gather all the horses in the city, and then gather a corresponding number of soldiers who can ride the horses and transfer them to the southwest."

"Sir, is this?" Yu Jin and the others understood Cheng Yu's meaning, and couldn't help saying in unison.Not reconciled, they are not reconciled.

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