I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 835 : Chapter 414 Cao Ren is not calm anymore

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Chapter 410 Cao Ren is not calm anymore

The five-way army attacked from all directions.Read the latest chapter of vip\\

Among them, Lu Su's army was the first to attack, and Wancheng was also the closest to Xinye, and it quickly reached the range of Wancheng.

And occupied Guang County, Ai County, menacing. [

The news soon spread to Wancheng City.

Wancheng was originally a big city. It was first managed by Zhang Xiu, who was entrenched in Wancheng, and then repaired many times by Cao Ren, who was in charge of it.

As a result, the city of Wancheng is very strong.

It's just that even so, Wancheng doesn't appear to be impenetrable.It is undeniable that the failure of Cao Ren's southern expedition last time had a certain impact on the cohesion and confidence of the army.

In addition, the army has dropped from 1 elite soldiers to more than [-].

Therefore, a kind of instability in Wancheng was formed.

In the study of the prefect's mansion, Cao Ren was dealing with military affairs.Feeling the wavering in Wancheng, Cao Ren is currently actively preparing to recruit new soldiers.

Cao Cao is currently fighting Yuan Shao at Guandu, and it is obviously impossible for Cao Cao to replenish the lost army.Cao Ren could only recruit recruits by himself.

Although the combat effectiveness of recruited recruits may be a question mark, it is better than nothing.

After many days of recruitment, Cao Ren still recruited a group of recruits.It's just that this didn't make Cao Ren happy. It's easy to recruit recruits, but it's hard to find generals.

"Niu Jin, Niu Jin. You followed me in the north and south, and you were safe and sound, but why did you lose your life in Xinye?" Cao Ren sighed secretly in his heart.

"General, Lu Su has dispatched troops, and has already gone down to Guang County, Ai County, approaching Wan City, menacing." A small official hurried into the study and reported to Cao Ren.

"Huh?" Cao Ren raised his eyebrows when he heard that, Lu Su sent troops?This was both expected and unexpected.

As the prefect of Wancheng, Cao Ren is very aware of Cao Cao's strategy, and has completely blocked the salt roads entering Xinye from all sides.

During this period of time, the salt that Wancheng withheld had countless stones, piled up like a mountain.

Cao Ren didn't know that Liu Feng was behind Lu Su, he had only fought Lu Su before, felt Lu Su's madness, fought once with one against three, and won.

This gave Lu Su the motivation to send troops.

Therefore, Cao Ren expected that Lu Su would send troops.Just didn't expect it to be so fast.Logically speaking, Lu Su should still be able to support it for a while.

A few months at least, a year at most. [

If Lu Su could calm down a bit, he should delay it for half a year, try his best to accumulate strength during this period, and wait until the strength is sufficient, and the food is almost exhausted.

You can use the food as an excuse to motivate you to break the boat and attack the Quartet.

Therefore, Lu Su's attack now is beyond Cao Ren's expectation.

Both expected and unexpected.

However, Cao Ren had also experienced battles for a long time, and he immediately guessed Lu Su's intentions.

It seems to be afraid that the longer they wait, the more their power will recover.Now, taking advantage of their own minor problems, they attacked brazenly and broke the deadlock in one fell swoop.

Courage is commendable, but also decisive enough.But the result is regrettable.

It may be unbelievable to say it, but at this moment Cao Ren understood Lu Su's determination to make a quick decision.Taking advantage of the failure of the last time, the three of them could not recover their power immediately, so they took the word speed.

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