I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 836 : Chapter 414 Cao Ren is not calm anymore

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But although Cao Ren understood Lu Su, he didn't think that Lu Su would have a chance of winning. ()

Send troops to attack Wancheng?Are Sun Ce, Kuai Yue, Zhang Lu and others vegetarian?

"Is there anything else?" Cao Ren asked after being surprised for a moment before regaining his composure.

Now that he asked this question, Cao Ren decided that Lu Su must have other tricks, and he would not just send [-] elite soldiers to attack Wancheng.Because attacking Wancheng will not get salt. [

Even if Cao Cao loses Wancheng, there are still a large number of checkpoints, which can control the salt.

"Lu Su sent [-] troops to attack Wancheng, [-] troops to the west, and [-] troops to the east. As for Huang Zhong in the south, because the road is far away, there is no news yet."

The clerk replied.

"What?" This time, Cao Renguo was really shocked and cried out.

He had indeed expected that it was impossible for Lu Su to send troops all the way.But he didn't expect Lu Su to be so cruel.

Did Lu Su really think that the situation this time was the same as last time?The last time the princes of the three parties were mobs, this time they cooperated with each other and had a premeditated plan to jointly destroy Lu Su.

The last time Lu Su defended anyway, Lu Su stayed in Xinye all the time, and did not fight back until Cao Ren went south.

But now?Troops were dispatched from all directions. Although there was no news from Huang Zhong's side for the time being, it was certain that Huang Zhong would definitely dispatch troops.

All of these soldiers are focused on offense. If there is a problem in any link, it will be a complete loss.Even if the generals are singled out, when making moves, they should leave more or less [-]% of their strength to deal with emergencies, otherwise they will easily be cut off by others.

But Lu Su didn't. Doesn't he even understand this simple and shallow truth?

Or, Lu Su's arrogance is boundless?

Cao Ren was shocked. For a while, he didn't know whether Lu Su was really stupid or fake.But soon, Cao Ren was arrogant to lean towards Lu Su.

Because last time, Lu Su made several ambushes, and finally killed him and defeated him, and also beheaded his general Niu Jin.Are such people ignorant?

Cao Ren resolutely refused to admit it. If he admitted that Lu Su was ignorant, wouldn't it mean that he was even more ignorant.

Therefore, Cao Ren judged Lu Su's arrogance.

However, Cao Ren was not like the others, thinking that Lu Su wanted to make his death more heroic.Those who send troops to a large account always have the intention of winning, otherwise, wouldn't it be better to throw away their armor and armor early?

The boats are broken and the boats are broken. It is necessary to fight to restore the decadence and turn the world around.

Arrogant, and impatient.

"Hahahaha, this person has lost his composure. It's a great time for us." After thinking about many things, Cao Ren finally let out a big laugh. [

Very refreshing.

He also disliked defeating Lu Su with salt, which was a little regrettable.Now Lu Su became irritable, lost his composure, and came to his door automatically.

Gang can also defeat Lu Su head-on to wash away the shame.

After laughing, Cao Ren took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and thought about countermeasures.Now that Lu Su is attacking, he has two ways to go.

On the one hand, it is to stay and bypass Lu Su, and directly attack Xinye.However, according to intelligence, there are still more than 1 field soldiers in Xinye, and it is impossible to make a quick victory.

So if this road doesn't work, the only thing left is to meet Lu Su, defeat Lu Su, and break the new field.

Cao Ren's eyes flickered with brilliance, and he stood up against the table, shouting: "Lu Su is arrogant, my generation has the right time, pass on my general's order, and raise [-] elite soldiers to counterattack Lu Su."

"No." Hearing the words, the little official lifted his spirits, and immediately agreed to leave.

Soon after, Cao Ren put on his armor, left thousands of elite soldiers to guard Wancheng, and personally led [-] elite soldiers to attack Lu Su in the south.

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