I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 841 : Chapter 417 Battle of Huang Gai

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Chapter 410 The Seventh Battle of Huang Gai

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When the distance was about the same, Zhao Yun tightened the reins and stopped the horse.He waved his hand and said, "Get ready."


A lieutenant made a promise, and immediately let a group of ten soldiers disperse to form two parties.

Immediately afterwards, the lieutenant threw Cheng Pu's "head" over and shouted: "Whoever grabs Cheng Pu's head will be promoted three levels in a row."

"Hahaha, it's a joy to be promoted and kick Cheng Pu's head again." Some soldiers laughed.

"Cheng Pu, that's a famous Jiangdong general, someone I look up to, but he can kick around at the moment. Haha." Another soldier laughed.

"Grab Cheng Putou, get promoted, get promoted, get promoted."

Finally, ten soldiers roared together and kicked Cheng Pu's "head".

"Bang bang bang."

They showed the momentum of fighting on the battlefield, brazenly and fiercely sent out a leg whip to Cheng Pu's "head", and the sound of impact was endless.

Under the city, the soldiers had fun playing.

But the body of Huang Gai on the city froze in an instant.The murderous intent that was finally suppressed in the chest suddenly increased countless times.

I can no longer suppress it.

Is Huang Gai ruthless?He is definitely a ruthless person. A bitter trick in history wiped out Cao Jun's hundreds of thousands of troops.A person who is ruthless to himself is definitely a ruthless person.

But because of this, Huang Gai is also a person who is absolutely loyal. If he didn't talk about it together, who would kill himself first, and then go to fight Cao Cao?

Huang Gai and Cheng Pu have been old brothers for many years, and they respectfully call Cheng Pu brother.Now, seeing Cheng Pu's head being played with by the pawns like this, he was almost mad.

"Ah." Huang Gai raised his head to the sky and yelled, with murderous intent.

"Calm down, old general, this is the Zhao thief's strategy." The onlookers could see clearly, but Pan Zhang could see clearly that Zhao's formation of this battle was definitely to lure the enemy.Seeing Huang Gai like this, he was startled and persuaded.

"In this world, some humiliations can be tolerated, but some humiliations are unbearable. I can tolerate Zhao thief humiliating my husband, but I can't tolerate Zhao thief humiliating my elder brother. Don't talk about it, get two thousand elite soldiers for this old man, The old man went out of the city and took back his brother's head." Huang Gai turned his head abruptly, stared at Pan Zhang with blood red eyes, and said sharply.

Although he was full of anger, Huang Gai still had some rationality. It could be seen that Zhao Yun's army strength was about [-]. If he sent more troops, Zhao Yun would run away and take Cheng Pu's head.

If it is missing, you can't beat it.Decided to use the same force to fight Zhao Yun to the death and take back the old brother's head. [

"No." Pan Zhang wanted to fight when he heard the words, but seeing Huang Gai like this, he felt a little timid in his heart, and finally failed to resist, so he promised.

And immediately went down to order the soldiers and horses.As he was walking, Pan Zhang cursed in his heart that this person surnamed Zhao was not a thing, and he really did anything to win or lose.Beware of being struck by lightning.

At this moment, Huang Gai and Pan Zhang are far away from Zhao Yun, so they can't see that the soldiers are actually walking on wood, but they don't doubt him.Because it is a war, all wars have always used unscrupulous means, Zhao Yun sent Cheng Pu's body, cut off his head, and played outside the city. It is absolutely possible, and it is 90.00% possible.

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