I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 842 : Chapter 417 Battle of Huang Gai

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This is not Huang Gai, Pan Zhang treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but the way of the world. [The source of this book www>

The two of them didn't know that Zhao Yun's tolerance was great, and they underestimated Zhao Yun.

Soon after, two thousand elite soldiers were ordered together.In front of the city gate, Huang Gai was dressed in golden armor, holding a long sword, and a first-class war horse under his crotch, looking majestic and majestic.

But at this moment, Huang Gai's face was seldom majestic, but was filled with anger. [

"My brother Cheng Pu is guarding the east of the river to keep one side safe. Unfortunately, he was caught in a trick the day before yesterday and died in battle. Now that his head has been played by the rebels, this old man feels sad and angry. Will you be the same as this old man?" Huang Gai raised the sword in his hand and shouted road.

"Kill the thief, and take back the old general's head." The soldiers were silent for a moment, then let out a wild roar.

Although Cheng Pu died, his wisdom still survived.

Seeing this, the relief in Huang Gai's eyes flashed away, and then it was suddenly replaced by tyranny.With a wave of the long knife in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Open the city gate and kill."


The two thousand elite soldiers roared wildly, and rushed out of the city together with Huang Gai.

Zhao Yun outside the city only heard a violent roar, and then, the drawbridge was lowered, the city gate opened, and Huang Gai, dressed in armor, slashed out violently.

"Good job." Zhao Yun laughed rather than surprised.

It is precisely waiting for such an opportunity to frustrate the enemy and destroy the enemy's city.

"Huang Gai is right in front of you. If you kill him, you will be rewarded with five hundred gold." Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun raised the spear in his hand and roared wildly.


Before that, there were only ten soldiers who kicked Cheng Pu's "head", and the rest were waiting in line. Now that they heard their general's roaring orders, they naturally responded in unison.

The roar and killing sound soared to the sky, not inferior to Huang Gai's army.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun clamped the horse's belly with both feet, and the lightning horse galloped out like lightning, and charged towards Huang Gai.Two thousand elite soldiers behind them all rushed forward.

Under the city, compete with Huang Gai.


The generals and soldiers of both sides had absolute reasons to kill each other, and they rushed quickly, and they met soon.

"Kill." Zhao Yun and Huang Gai rushed to the forefront, forming a situation of generals facing each other. It was the enemy who was extremely jealous when they met. Huang Gai saw Zhao Yun, and his eyes were bloodshot immediately. He just felt that if he didn't kill him, he couldn't. Vent your anger.

With a violent roar, the big knife in his hand was like a mountain pressing down on him, and the power forced him to kill Zhao Yun. [

Seeing this, Zhao Yun was slightly shocked, but felt that Huang Gai's aura seemed to be superior to Cheng Pu's.However, Zhao Yun is a fierce general who is stronger when he meets the strong. After feeling Huang Gai's aura, he was not only not discouraged, but became very proud.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed." With a loud roar, the spear in Zhao Yun's hand was like a thunderbolt, stabbing at Huang Gai fiercely.

Huang Gai's knife was stronger, but Zhao Yun's was faster.Seeing this thunderous shot, Huang Gai's pupils shrank, and with his rich experience in front of battle, he withdrew his sword without thinking, and blocked it in front of his chest.

"Touch." Just as Huang Gai returned to block with his saber, Zhao Yun's long spear arrived, and the weapons of both sides let out a resounding clashing sound.

After a while, the horses of both sides staggered.


The soldiers behind the two sides came, and amidst the roars of fighting, the soldiers of both sides started to collide together.

Both sides are elite soldiers, and it is impossible to tell who is strong and who is weak. The fight is extremely violent, powerful, and ferocious.The fighting was also extremely brutal.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah"

After only a brief confrontation, countless soldiers on both sides were slashed to death with sharp knives, and fell into a pool of blood amidst screams.The battle has only just begun, but it has already begun.

In a confrontation between strong generals, the outcome is often instantaneous. This is definitely not a lie.

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