I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 843 : Chapter 418 Frustrating the enemy

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Chapter 410 VIII Defeats the Enemy

"Kill. (Network www>

The soldiers on both sides kept shouting and fighting desperately.The number of soldiers continued to decrease sharply. On the battlefield, the ground was covered with stumps and broken arms, and their blood was soaring like hell.

Zhao Yun and Huang Gai did not meet again after a short confrontation.It's not that the two didn't want to fight to the death, Huang Gai wanted to kill Zhao Yun to avenge his elder brother, and Zhao Yun just wanted to stab Huang Gai to death to boost morale. [

It's just that the soldiers on both sides killed happily, you come and go, and the front and back are surrounded by your own soldiers, it is difficult to rush up and fight with each other.


Zhao Yun roared wildly, the spear in his hand was like a rainstorm, killing the lives of one soldier after another in a flash, his prestige was unstoppable.

"Roar." Huang Gai roared loudly, the long knife in his hand was heavy, and every time he slashed, he would bring up a piece of stumped limbs and broken arms, extremely domineering.

Under the leadership of the generals of both sides, the morale of the soldiers on both sides continued to rise, but there was still a tie.

In order to be able to get over the current crisis and live up to Liu Feng's expectations.Zhao Yun is a gentleman, but he came up with a trick.Of course, the purpose is not to kill Huang Gai and hurt both sides.

Seeing that if this continues, it will be a situation where both sides will suffer. After Zhao Yun killed a soldier of Huang Gai, he reined in the horse and stopped charging.

And roared back: "Huang Gai is fierce, he protects Cheng Pu's head and returns to the camp."

But he focused on grasping Huang Gai's weakness and stabbed him fiercely.

Although thousands of troops joined in, Zhao Yun's voice still soared into the sky, shaking the whole field.The deputy general who held Cheng Pu's "head" shouted loudly: "The plan has been completed, and then General Liberty Zhao will lead his troops to fight Huang Gai, and we will protect Cheng Pu's old thief's head and return it to use as a urinal. "

In words, you are not polite.And also unabashedly.

"Promise." About a hundred soldiers agreed, and followed the lieutenant general's appearance of retreating slowly, and began to retreat.

"The thief is safe." Huang Gai's eyes widened when he heard this, and the bloodshot eyeballs were like two petite red lanterns, extremely violent.With a loud roar, Huang Gai didn't care about fighting any more, he was focused on taking back his elder brother's head, so that he wouldn't be ashamed if he died.

"Kill, kill, kill." Huang Gai frantically led his troops forward to kill.

Seeing this, the soldiers were also extremely violent, fighting with Huang Gai.The situation seemed to be reversed in an instant.

"Let's fight and retreat." Zhao Yun was not surprised but happy when he saw this, he roared, and led the army back while fighting.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Seeing that Zhao Yun led his troops to retreat, the morale of Huang Gai's army was even higher. Their bloodshot eyes, and their chests were full of determination to take back the head of Old General Cheng Pu, and they fought frantically.

Zhao Yun seemed to be even more unbearable, and almost lost his armor. [

In the city, Pan Zhang was worried in his heart whether Huang Zhong was the opponent surnamed Zhao. After all, Cheng Pu failed to take advantage of the head-on confrontation.

But now seeing Huang Gai as fierce as a strong tiger, beating this Zhao man, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"The old general is mighty." Pan Zhang stretched out his arms, roared to the sky, and fought for Huang Gai.

"The old general is mighty." The morale of the guards on the city was also high, and they stretched their arms and shouted.

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