I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 850 : Chapter 421 If God Helps

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"Beat the drum, attack the city.\%>_<%原_创%>_<%\" Zhao Yun took a deep breath and roared after the formation was completely set up.

"Boom, boom, boom." The sound of the horn was erased, and the pure sound of the drum resounded through the sky and the earth, with momentum like a rainbow.

"Kill." The river-filling team carrying sacks and the archers in charge of cover roared without hesitation, and rushed forward to start the siege.

"The archers are ready." On the city, Pan Zhang also took a deep breath and shouted. [

The archers drew out their bows and arrows one after another and put them on the bowstring.The rest of the soldiers began to carry rolling stones, logs and other defensive tools, ready to defend.

Although after yesterday's battle, Huang Gai was defeated, and went to practice, and handed over the burden to Pan Zhang.The morale of the soldiers has dropped significantly, but judging from their preparation and fluency, they are still elite soldiers and cannot be underestimated.

Under the city, the river filling team and the archers covering the river were within a hundred paces.

"Kill." Pan Zhang roared wildly.

"Swish swish swish." The archers who had already prepared let go of the bowstrings in their hands one after another, and countless arrows immediately shot towards the river filling team like rain.

"Puchi, puchi."

Rows of river filling teams screamed and fell to the ground amidst a smear of blood red.But this didn't make them afraid, and they rushed to the moat at a very fast speed.

On the one hand, there is strict military discipline;A little rain of arrows, don't want to block their footsteps.

Seeing that the archers on his side had hardly achieved the deterrent effect, Pan Zhang's teeth were almost gnawed, and that Zhao even commanded the soldiers with such means.

Where did it come from.

"I wait for the children of Jiangdong, how can I fall behind others, kill, kill, kill." Although he was frustrated in his heart, Pan Zhang didn't show it on his face, and yelled again and again to boost morale.

Following Pan Zhang's morale boost, the morale of the guards rose slightly.But the deterrent power of the archers is still not achieved.

They kept firing arrows and shot and killed countless soldiers of Zhao Yun's army, but the troops who filled the city continued to rush forward.Although he is unarmed and just carrying a sack, it gives people the illusion of being unstoppable and unstoppable.

The city of Linhuai is not high, and the archers under the city are capable of shooting bows and arrows into the city after approaching.After the archers on the city had shot a few rounds of arrows, the archers of Zhao Yunjun who were in charge of covering under the city had already taken their positions.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Countless arrows began to shoot from under the city into the city.

"Bang bang bang."

Although countless arrows missed, many arrows also hit the archer and some nearby auxiliary soldiers.

"Ah, ah, ah." [

All of a sudden, there were screams in the city.

The morale of Jiangdong soldiers, whose morale was already low, fell again.

On the contrary, Zhao Yunjun's morale rose further.

"Kill." A roar burst from the mouths of the soldiers, and the river filling team of the second team began to charge forward. The moment of the battle, the first line of defense of the Linhuai defenders, the moat, began to crumble.

"As the saying goes, the shape is like thunder, and the wind is like lightning. Now the siege of the city is exactly in response to these two sentences. It is like a rainbow, like a god." Beside Zhao Yun, Liu Xun, who was watching the development of the situation, slightly He smiled and said.

"The breaking of the city is only in the near future." Zhao Yun nodded and said.

Zhao Yun added in his heart that the war here is just a secondary war.Huang Zhong is still in the south, Pang Tong is in the north, and His Highness is in the west.

With the power of His Highness, it will definitely break the Quartet.

And what he has to do is to capture this city and stabilize the East.

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