I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 851 : Chapter 422 Sun Ce's Grief and Indignation

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Chapter 420 Sun Ce's Grief and Indignation

Jiangdong, near Wu County. [The source of this book www>

A large army is slowly marching towards Wu County. This large army is very powerful, but the faces of the soldiers are more or less tired, and the leather armor and clothes on their bodies are also slightly scratched by sharp knives. .

Obviously, this army has just experienced a bloody battle and won a complete victory. [

This is Sun Ce's counter-insurgency army. Jiangdong is located in the south, and the Han population is about 200 million.But scattered in this vast land of Jiangdong, the 200 million people are simply a gap between their teeth.

The Shanyue people who really dominate Jiangdong are the Shanyue tribe, with a population of several million, distributed among the deep mountains and old forests.The Han nationality and the Shanyue nationality are of course opposites.

In the past, Cheng Pu was there with enough prestige to guard Jiangdong and keep one side safe.But Cheng Pu's death in the Northern Expedition made Shanyue ready to move again.

Sun Ce was busy returning to put down the rebellion, and it took a lot of energy to put down the rebellion.

However, Sun Ce felt that this effort was worthwhile, as this time he had wiped out many Zhishanyue clansmen.More than [-] people have been harvested.

After digesting these populations, they can become good people under the rule.

In troubled times, what is the most important thing?Population.How could Sun Ce not know this truth.

Shanyue is a confidant's trouble, while Lu Su is a tiger lying on the couch.It is gratifying to subdue the troubles of the confidant, but it is even more joyful to eliminate Lu Su, a cowardly tiger.

During these days, although Sun Ce led the crowd to suppress the rebellion in the deep mountains and old forests, his connection with Zhang Zhao was not broken.Knowing that Lu Su couldn't help but jump over the wall in a hurry, he started fighting trapped beasts.

Although Jing Chu's combat power is insufficient, if Zhou Yu joins, it will definitely make Lu Su look good.

And the north is guarded by the old general Huang Gai. He only needs to stick to it for [-] days and deal with Zhao Yun. When he arrives, he beheads Zhao Yun.

Lu Su's army was defeated and completely wiped out.

Thinking of the news he got from the front, Sun Ce's mood was full of revenge.

Chenggong, you are the spirit in heaven, you can rest now.

Sun Ce said in a strange way in his heart.

"Marquis Wu, Mr. Zhang personally led the city officials out of the city to greet him." Just as Sun Ce was thinking to himself, Tai Shici said to Sun Ce.

This counter-insurgency almost wiped out Jiangdong's strong soldiers and generals, and Tai Shici was naturally included.

"Ziyi stopped marching. Go see Zibu alone." Sun Ce woke up from his contemplation, looked up and saw that there were officials lined up to welcome him.

That leader is not who Zhang Zhao is. [

"No." Tai Shici promised.

"Drive." Sun Ce rode the horse and led dozens of soldiers to meet him.

Before and after reaching Zhang Zhaojin, Sun Ce got off his horse and complained, "Zi Bu should also know that although Gu returned to Wu County, he would not be able to stay for a while, so he had to go north immediately to kill Bandit Zhao. Why bother, go out of the city to meet him."

Although it was a complaint, it was a sympathy for Mr. Zhang Zhao.The sun is shining brightly now, which is not very good for middle-aged and elderly people.

Zhang Zhao smiled wryly when he heard the words, he is not a person who sticks to the situation, if it is not because he has something important to report, he would not do these useless efforts.

The situation is really pressing, he got the amazing news ahead, he was not proud to come to meet Sun Ce in person.

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