I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 864 : Chapter 428 Zhao Zilong Megatron East Xia

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It's not an internal injury, it's just outright exasperation. [The source of this book www>

Why did he go out to fight in the city, what exactly was it for?Is it just because of a wooden head?Just for such a wooden head, he ruined the lives of [-] soldiers and ruined a city in Linhuai.

Ruined Jiangdong's foundation in the north of Huainan.

After a bloody arrow spewed out, Huang Gai's face suddenly turned pale, his body shook, and he fell off the horse with a "bang". [

"Old General."

Pan Zhang was the closest to Huang Gai, and he was extremely ashamed and annoyed, but he hadn't reached Huang Gai's level yet.When Huang Gai yelled, vomited blood, and fell down, Pan Zhang was the first to react. He yelled and quickly got off his horse.

"Old general, old general."

Numerous personal soldiers and generals surrounded them.

"I'm ashamed of the Marquis of Wu." Huang Gai yelled, and then passed out.


Huang Gai, like Cheng Pu, was a general treated by Sun Ce as an elder. Seeing Huang Gai vomit blood, Sun Ce's eyes were tearing apart, and his hatred for Lu Su and Zhao Yun took another step.

However, due to the lack of morale, Sun Ce was silent for a moment, and Sun Ce growled: "Retreat."

The Jiangdong generals had already foreseen Sun Ce's order.It was natural to retreat.

"Hahahaha, this is the so-called coming back in a hurry." Liu Xun couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the menacing Sun Ce retreating.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The soldiers also laughed loudly, and the city was full of joy.

"Hey, as long as the four counties of Xinye do not fall, this city of Linhuai will never fall into the hands of Sun Ce." While laughing, Liu Xun said with a smile in his heart.

Just now, Liu Xun was actually quite nervous. If the morale of Jiangdong soldiers was high, they would take advantage of the momentum to attack the city.Although he wasn't afraid, but he had just fought for a while, and his foothold was not stable, so there were too many variables.

It's different now, Sun Ce retreated.

As long as they rest for a day, the soldiers recover their physical strength and gain a firm footing.As long as the four counties of Xinye do not fall, this city can be kept forever.

At this moment, Liu Xun felt extremely fortunate.

Looking at Sun Ce's successive defeats today, he was glad that when Lu Su was in Runan, he sent someone to make friends and asked Lu Su to send troops to occupy Shouchun.

This made the two sides cooperate for the first time. Otherwise, when he was beaten by Sun Ce and was almost defeated, how could Lu Su send troops to rescue him? [

After experiencing the victories again and again, feeling the abilities of Lu Su's generals, Liu Xun gradually got used to being attached to Lu Su.

If the four prefectures of Xinye can grow up a bit, so what if he handed over more than ten cities in the north of Huainan to Lu Su?With so many cities, it is estimated that Lu Su will not treat him badly.

Moreover, following a prince with great potential like Lu Su can change the previous days of being weak and frightened.

For the rest of your life, you can enjoy your old age in peace.

Even Liu Feng would never have thought that Liu Xun, who had sent troops many times, would have such an idea.You must know that Liu Feng is not a blind and arrogant person. He rescued Liu Xun just to curb Sun Ce's hegemony, so that small princes like Liu Xun would not be annexed by Sun Ce and become a barrier to the east.

To put it bluntly, it is to be a robbing envoy, but no matter how you are a spear envoy, it can't change the fact that Liu Xun is a prince.

Surrender a famous minister, the famous general is fine.But if you want to subdue a prince, how much arrogance and power is that.

But now Liu Xun's mind is naturally thinking of joining the four counties of Xinye.It has to be said that the power and potential of the four counties in Xinye have risen to a very high level.

After Sun Ce's army retreated, he immediately built a large camp outside Linhuai City.

Inside the big tent of the Chinese Army.

Sun Ce sat on the handsome seat, and under him were Tai Shici, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Pan Zhang, Han Dang and other generals, all of whom had extremely gloomy faces.

In addition to the dangers of the situation, the situation of Huang Gai also affects people's hearts.

"Marquis Wu, the doctor has already diagnosed General Huang, but it's nothing serious." At this time, a small official came in and reported.

"Okay." Sun Ce breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and his tense face began to ease.

The atmosphere in the big tent was also relaxed.

"Marquis Wu, the first opportunity to recapture Linhuai has been lost. When Liu Xun and Zhao Yun gain a firm foothold tomorrow, the price of attacking the city will become extremely tragic. Why don't we just sit on the sidelines first, See Kuai Yue, Gong Jin, Cao Ren, Zhang Lu and others confront Lu Su?"

An ordinary general took this opportunity to speak.

"No, Lu Su is extremely perceptive, so don't give him the slightest chance. I believe that Gong Jin, Kuai Yue, and Cao Ren all think the same way. As long as we attack like a tiger together, defeating Lu Su will be an instant thing. Otherwise, If Lu Su is given a chance, he won't have such a good chance next time."

Tai Shici opened his eyes when he heard the words, and raised his fist at Sun Ce and said.

"What Ziyi said makes sense, we can't give Lu Su a chance."

Han Dang nodded fiercely and said.

The rest of the generals also agreed. [

"Okay. For the sake of the overall situation, even if the loss is heavy, Lu Su must be under overwhelming pressure. If Lu Su is not destroyed, he will not give up." Seeing this, Sun Ce took a deep breath and shouted.

"No." All the generals agreed in unison.

Like Cao Ren, Sun Ce also gave the same order, to attack strongly, and must compete with Lu Su.

But no matter what, Zhao Yun's statement was spread during this battle.

As Sun Ce expected, Megatron Dongxia, the shock of the tiger's body can make children stop crying.

Of course, no irrelevant people will say that the surname Zhao is hiding his head and showing his tail.

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