I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 865 : Chapter 429 Huang Zhong is a clown?

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Chapter 420 IX Huang Zhong is a clown?

This time, Liu Feng is fighting on all sides, not only Wancheng, Linhuai, Jingzhou is also an important aspect. \%>_<%_original_creation%>_<%\

Since Huang Zhong personally led [-] elite soldiers to the south, he hastened to kill Nanjun in the south.

But if you want to enter Nanjun, you must break through more than ten counties and passes along the way.During this period of time, Huang Zhong was resting and reorganizing Xiangyang's troops to increase Xiangyang's defense. [

Kuai Yue, who occupied the southern half of Jingchu, was not idle either. He dispatched many troops to the south of Xiangyang and established ten camps.

There are two thousand soldiers in each camp.In addition to the five important cities along the road, each city also has more than 3000 soldiers, adding up to [-] soldiers.

On the right side of Xiangyang is Jingshan, and on the right is Xiangjiang River. The road from Xiangyang to Nanjun is very narrow.These ten camps and five important cities constituted a very dense defense line, no matter which way they broke through, it was very difficult.

It can be said that Kuai Yue thought of all the methods he could think of, and built all the fortifications that could be built.

What Huang Zhong needs to break through is such a dense defense.And his elite soldiers are only three thousand.

Huang Zhong set off from Xiangyang and traveled more than [-] li. It was already dark, so he chose a clearing to set up camp.

This place also belongs to the territory of Xiangyang County, so it is relatively safe.But Huang Zhong was still not at ease, he personally inspected the barracks, and ordered the generals to strengthen their guard before returning to the main tent of the Chinese army.

When Huang Zhong returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, the soldiers under the tent had been waiting for a long time.

"General, this is the defense in the north of Nanjun." Junjun said, pointing to a screen next to him, on which hung a map of mountains and rivers.

On the top are densely packed strongholds.There are as many as fifteen.

"Of course this old man knows. Have you chosen which route to attack from?" Huang Zhong asked after glancing at the map and then not looking at it again.

Huang Zhong is located in Xiangyang, and Nanjun is close to Xiangyang. As long as there is a little bit of trouble, Huang Zhong can hear it.Not to mention such dense fortifications.

Before setting off, Huang Zhong already knew it in his chest.

Now all that is left is which way to break through, Huang Zhong has not yet chosen.

"After the research of the lower officials, there are two most suitable routes." Joining the army is obviously confident. Hearing this, he takes out a pen and draws a route on the map. Soon after, a winding route from Xiangyang to The route of Gangneungseong, the seat of the Southern Commandery, appeared.

"What road is this?" Huang Zhong frowned and asked.

"Kai Yue has set up fifteen strongholds here, with a total strength of [-] troops. No matter which way you go, you will encounter at least five strongholds. This is the best way that I have thought. You will only encounter four camps and one city." Can Jun replied.

"What about the other one?" Huang Zhong raised his brows and said.

Looking at the winding route on the map, Huang Zhong lost interest.This detour may reduce the number of encounters with enemy troops, but it also delays time. [

"The other one is like this." Hearing this, Joining the Army picked up the pen again and drew another route on the map. This route has a larger arc.After the painting was finished, Jun Jun raised his head and said to Huang Zhong: "This road is relatively short. It is not too far to avoid Kuai Yue's defense. The distance is the shortest, but what the general is facing is six camps and two cities. A total of [-] troops."

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