I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 871 : Chapter 431 Zhou Yu's reinforcements

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Now that Jingchu is falling apart, there are not many people Kuai Yue can trust. This Liu Pan is the person Kuai Yue trusts the most. Therefore, in such a dangerous situation, Kuai Yue asked Liu Pan to discuss with him. \%>_<%Original_Creation%>_<%\

"The plot was made by Jiangdong people. According to the attitude of Jiangdong people, the hatred for Lu Su may not be lower than ours. Now that Huang Zhong has come to Jiangling, if we are a little careless, it is very likely that we will be given by Lu Su." Annexation. This is definitely not what the people of Jiangdong want to see." Kuai Yue actually couldn't guess whether the people of Jiangdong would send troops to rescue him, but in the current situation, Liu Pan must first cheer up and lead the soldiers to resist Huang Zhong.

Naturally, Kuai Yue said so.

"Well, Mr. Yidu's analysis is very reasonable. The Jiangdong people will definitely not let us go. With the help of the Jiangdong people, no matter how strong Huang Zhong is, it will be difficult to break into Jiangling. Don't worry, my lord." Liu Pan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he nodded his head and said, and finally comforted Liu Cong. [

Seeing this, Kuai Yue sighed inwardly. This Liu Pan is one of the few famous generals in Jingchu now, but compared to Wenpin, Wang Wei, and Huang Zhong, they are not enough.

I don't know that relying on external forces can only provide temporary peace, but if we want to keep this foundation, we still need to rely on self-improvement.

Although Liu Pan is more courageous, he is also Liu Biao's follower and loyal.But in fact, it is also a difficult task.

Although Liu Cong was timid and incompetent, he was still somewhat clever. Looking at Kuai Yue's attitude and listening to Liu Pan's words, he immediately knew that he still had a way out.Immediately my heart was overjoyed, and I laughed through my tears.

The three of them were discussing whether Jiangdong would send troops, when they saw a small official walk in, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, and reported with joy on his face: "My lord, Mr. Yidu, General Liu. There is Jiangdong Zhong Guard Zhou Yu's official document has arrived, and he was ordered to come to support him."

"What?" Liu Cong, Kuai Yue, and Liu Pan were all taken aback, and looked at each other, feeling that this hope came too soon.

The last moment they were still eager for reinforcements, but this moment the reinforcements have arrived.

"Show it to the old man." Immediately afterwards, Kuai Yue said with joy in his heart, and couldn't wait.

"Promise." The little official promised, and handed the bamboo slips to Kuai Yue.

After Kuai Yue took it, he quickly opened the bamboo slips and read them all in a moment.

"How is it?" Liu Pan asked eagerly beside him.

"Zhou Yu has already led [-] elite soldiers to the north. This official document is just an explanation, so as not to misunderstand us. According to the date above, Zhou Yu's army may have passed through Jiangxia now, and it is not far from Nanjun. "Meeting Liu Pan's gaze, Kuai Yue said with joy on his face.

Lien Zhan losing streak, internal instability, everything made Kuai Yue very anxious, even Kuai Yue didn't know how long he hadn't laughed.

But now this smile is very natural.Because the reinforcements arrived, and it was Zhou Yu, a famous Jiangdong general.

"Hahaha, okay, okay. I've heard about Zhou Yu as well. He is an excellent Confucian general, and his elite soldiers will definitely not be bad. With him resisting Huang Zhong, we will definitely be able to keep this foundation. No, the combination of the two sides can even swallow Huang Zhong and counterattack Xiangyang. Hahaha."

Liu Pan was surprised and delighted, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Can you counterattack Xiangyang?" Liu Cong said in surprise.Although Jiangling is good, it is not as good as Xiangyang. It would be great if we could return to Xiangyang.

"Now that Lu Su is mobilizing troops on all sides, if we can annex this Huang Zhong, it will only be a short while before we can counterattack Xiangyang." Kuai Yue stroked his beard and said with a hearty smile.

"Okay, okay." Liu Cong applauded excitedly. [

However, the three monarchs and ministers swept away their decadence and became more energetic.

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