I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 872 : Chapter 432 Zhou Yu's General Strategy

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Chapter 430 Zhou Yu's General Strategy

Zhou Yu's army had indeed passed through Jiangxia, but the process was not very happy. (www>

Huang Zu didn't do anything because Kuai Yue had explained earlier, otherwise Zhou Yu would have been unable to enter Jiangxia's territory, not to mention passing through Jiangxia.

But even so, Jiang Xia's prefect Huang Zu was still very vigilant against Zhou Yu's actions. He almost led the army to accompany him throughout the whole process, and almost escorted Zhou Yu out of Jiang Xia. [

When Zhou Yu's six thousand elite soldiers crossed the Yangtze River and left the border of Jiangxia, Huang Zu's army withdrew back.

"It's really terrible." At this moment, Zhou Yu looked back at the border of Nanjun in the north of the Yangtze River and watched Huang Zu's army go away, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"General, we are here to rescue Liu Cong, but looking at Huang Zu's appearance, he regards us as thieves. It seems that we have decided that we will plot evil to attack Jiangxia. It's really annoying, but let's not save Liu Cong and return to Jiangdong Bar."

Not only Zhou Yu held his breath, but some of the generals around Zhou Yu were also extremely aggrieved. A straightforward general said to Zhou Yu with an ugly expression.

"Yes, yes. Huang Zu simply doesn't know what to do."

"Beware of ingratitude."

This straightforward general resonated with many generals, and they all said.

"Shut up." The generals spoke loudly, but Zhou Yu's face darkened, and he scolded.

Zhou Yu was originally very elegant, but this scolding was full of majesty, making people feel that he was a person who could hold the scene.

The generals also shut up one after another, not daring to speak anymore.

These generals have been following Zhou Yu for many years. They know that although Zhou Yu, the Central Guard, is a Confucian general, he treats the soldiers extremely strictly.

If they accidentally made a mistake, Zhou Yu would deal with them without hesitation.

Seeing that the generals were cautious, they stopped talking.Only then did Zhou Yu's expression soften, and he said, "It's up to Marquis Wu to rescue Liu Cong, we just have to fight. Don't mention the matter of returning to Jiangdong, otherwise don't blame the general for disposing of it."

"No." The generals trembled when they heard the words, and promised.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing this, Zhou Yu nodded and waved his hand.


Following the promise made by the generals again, Zhou Yu's [-] elite soldiers set off slowly towards Jiangling City.Half a day later, the army arrived outside Jiangling City.

Kuai Yue, who received the news, immediately led the remaining civil and military forces in Jiangling City to greet him outside the city. [

"It's truly extraordinary." When Kuai Yue saw Zhou Yu's army, he applauded secretly.

In terms of strength, Zhou Yu's army may not be strong, and they don't look very fierce.But the leather armor and weapons of the soldiers are all polished.

And the walking room is extremely neat and organized.

One can tell at a glance that this army is a very strict and well-trained army.

Now Jingzhou can no longer find such an army.Kuai Yue's confidence in Zhou Yu's joining can eliminate Huang Zhong and occupy Xiangyang again.

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