I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 878 : Chapter 435 Huang Zhong Means

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Chapter 430

"You people join the army just because you want to have a ration. You can surf the Internet when you read novels, but that is in exchange for your life. In normal times, it is just to fill your stomach. But this time, the old man is here. This is a great opportunity for you." Huang Zhong said with a satisfied smile when he saw this.

The voice was old and majestic.

"Here, may I ask the old general what kind of opportunity it is?" The prisoners were actually quite uneasy and didn't know how Huang Zhong would deal with them, but when they heard about the opportunity, they felt relieved and knew that something good was going on.However, it is better to be cautious as a prisoner, so he hesitated for a while, and finally a man who looked like a Dub came out and asked. [

"There are about seven or eight thousand of you here. If you are willing to take up arms and work for General Lu, you can share the mountain of wealth in front of you. This old man will never break his promise." Huang Zhong pointed with a smile The goods ahead, said.

Originally, it was very time-consuming and energy-consuming work to win the hearts of the army, but there was also a shortcut, which was coercion and temptation. Today, Huang Zhong took the temptation.Although the surrendered soldiers may not be very loyal, Huang Zhong has a way to make them survive this war.

"Really?" Du Bo who stood up asked with bright eyes.

It's a matter of course for soldiers to eat food. Who doesn't want to get rich.There are so many treasures in front of me that it is almost dazzling.

"Of course it's true. The old man has always said that one is the same. You can share it now." Huang Zhong nodded and said.After a pause, there was a sneer on his face, and he said: "However, these goods are obtained by the old man who looted the city of Nanjun earlier. If Dangyang City is breached or the old man is defeated, these goods will be taken away." Kuai Yue took it away."

When Du Bo heard that Huang Zhong was going to distribute the goods to them now, he was overjoyed, not to mention Du Bo, almost none of the seven or eight thousand captives did not have eyes shining.

Although they have a large number of people, judging from the amount of goods, it is still a big fortune to distribute to ordinary soldiers.

But when Huang Zhong said that if Dangyang City was broken, or if Huang Zhong's army was defeated, the property would be taken back by Kuai Yue, the hearts of the seven or eight thousand soldiers suddenly became cold.

Huang Zhong went all the way south, and robbed as much property as he broke through, all of which were in the treasuries of the county towns along the way.

If Huang Zhong failed, these goods would of course be taken back by Kuai Yue.It's not their business at first, but once these goods reach them, it will matter.

Doesn't this mean taking money from them alive?How can this work.

The soldiers are ignorant, they don't know that although the wealth is important, Kuai Yue will definitely not turn against seven or eight thousand soldiers because of this wealth.

After a while of hesitation, the expressions of the soldiers gradually became resolute.

The fighting power is not strong, nor can it withstand the temptation.However, Huang Zhong established a reason for them to wield the knife in a short period of time to protect their property.

Of course, the officers above Dubo are not so easy to deceive, but they are not fools. After feeling the changes in the soldiers, they also know that things are difficult.

If you are not careful, you may cause public anger, and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the army in the future.

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