I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 879 : Chapter 435 Huang Zhong Means

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The Du Bo who had stepped forward to talk to Huang Zhong earlier also smiled wryly, quite helplessly.After reading the novel, I immediately admire Huang Zhong in my heart. This move is really good.

With a little wealth and dead things, seven or eight thousand soldiers who were desperate for their own wealth were recruited. This is really cheap.

"Thank you, General." Immediately, the Dubo exchanged glances with the other officers in the army, and thanked him.

"Don't be polite to this old man, this old man is also for General Lu's hegemony." Huang Zhong waved his hand and said.Immediately, Huang Zhong showed a little smile on his face, and said: "Some of you who are extremely smart may feel a little unconvinced and a little bit unwilling. But the old man tells you that now Mrs. Liu can't do it anymore. , and Jingzhou is also in a state of division. Sun Ce, Cao Cao, and Zhang Lu are all eyeing. Jingchu has been weak for many years, and this time the rise of General Lu is an opportunity. Create a strong Jingzhou, when your time comes Life will be better.”[

"Promise." For ordinary soldiers, Huang Zhong's lure succeeded, but for these officers above Dubo, it was Huang Zhong's last sentence that worked.

Jingchu has been weak for many years and has been stared at by foreign enemies. If it becomes stronger, such things will not happen.It is very clear that those who can do Dubo are very knowledgeable.

Lu Su's unification of Jingchu is really good for them.

Suddenly, the officers were not so resistant to surrendering Lu Su.

"Okay." Seeing this, Huang Zhong knew that he was done. He added seven or eight thousand soldiers at once. Although they are not elite soldiers and their combat effectiveness is really poor, after all, the number of people is there, and it will have a huge impact on his next chess piece. benefit.Huang Zhong couldn't help but feel some joy.

"You guys organize it yourself first, select 7000 people, and temporarily organize it into a battalion. I only send generals to manage it, and I will never relinquish your official positions."

At an extraordinary time, Huang Zhong changed his strict methods and used very loose methods to subdue the morale of the army.This can further reduce the doubts of the officers and make the control of the army stronger.

Conversely, if a general is dispatched and the officers directly take over the army, it may not be very easy to command.

"Promise." Following Huang Zhong's last words, the captives were overjoyed and promised loudly.

Huang Zhong glanced forward with a smile, it seemed that this group of prisoners had gathered the most basic cohesion.

"Give them a share of the goods, and then go down to practice." Finally, Huang Zhong smiled with satisfaction, and said to a lieutenant next to him.

"Promise." The deputy general promised, and immediately stepped off the platform, and soon led the seven or eight thousand surrendered soldiers to distribute the goods, and then went to practice.

Huang Zhong also stepped down from the general platform.

"General, there is a big move in Jiangling." At this moment, a small official hurried up and reported.

"What big move?" Huang Zhong was taken aback and stopped.

"The spies heard the news that Zhou Yu's first battalion of [-] elite soldiers came to aid Jiangling, and Kuai Yue personally received them. After discussing something unknown, Zhou Yu led the elite soldiers on a warship at the ferry and set off to the north. Immediately, Liu Pan led [-] The army is coming towards Dangyang."

The little official reported the news that the spies had heard in one breath.

"What?" Huang Zhong frowned, but he was not so shocked. Although Jingzhou's soldiers were weak in combat effectiveness, they were large in number. It is not surprising that they dispatched an army of [-] at once.

But Zhou Yu. [

"Xiangyang?" Not long after, Huang Zhong's complexion changed slightly, and he thought to himself.

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