I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 883 : Chapter 437 Weiba Wushuang

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According to the information, Huang Zhong broke through the [-] soldiers in the north of Nanjun, and the front composed of fifteen strongholds. He also relied on his strength, his riding and archery skills, and found the general in a short time. . \%>_<%_小_说_网原_创造%>_<%\

Only then will they win big victories again and again, and advance towards the south so quickly.

Therefore, the two hid behind in advance, to prevent encountering Huang Zhong, being hacked to death, or being shot.In addition, Huang Zhong led hundreds of people to challenge. They estimated the number of people, and they fought with more than ten times, that is, [-] soldiers.

Although the two often read about an army of one against ten, they had never seen it with their own eyes.They don't quite believe that such an army exists. [

Hide in the rear and fight with ten times as many troops.These two people can also be said to have exhausted the tricks, but the result is that they have comprehended a sentence.

The general of the male tiger must lead the soldiers of the tiger and the wolf.

Huang Zhong's role on the battlefield alone is limited, and there is no master to kill Huang Zhong, so he can't violently boost morale.But the five hundred elite soldiers defeated the five thousand vanguard army by their own strength.

This was completely unexpected for the two of them.That's why the two are unbelievable.

Regret, boundless regret gnawed at the hearts of the two of them.Before the battle, Liu Pan told them to be careful.Especially be careful with this Huang Zhong.

But they put it to the back of their minds, thinking that Huang Zhong was no more than a veteran, even if he had a skill, he would not be their opponent.But it turned out to be wrong, very wrong.

They are nothing in front of Huang Zhong.What Jingchu famous general.What Jingchu fierce general, this title should be placed on Huang Zhong, but it is a kind of ridicule to be placed on them.

Regret gnawed at the hearts of the two, but the reaction of the two was not slow. They knew that the general situation was over, and their five thousand elite soldiers could not stop Huang Zhong's elite soldiers. This is indeed an army that can defeat ten with one. Elite soldiers, they can't kill them.

"Retreat, retreat."

Xia Jian took a deep breath and let out a shrill roar.Compared with the time when he just decided to fight and thought that the chance of victory was in his hands, Xia Jian at this moment is like a lost dog.

The precarious five thousand vanguard army had been killed by Huang Zhong's army.After hearing Xia Jian's order, they immediately lost the will to resist, abandoned their respective opponents and fled.

"Hahaha, what a fool." Huang Zhong laughed loudly and led the crowd to hunt him down.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

At this moment, Xia Jian and Yuan Xing rode away quickly, but the [-] vanguard army couldn't get away for a while. They left their backs to Huang Zhong's soldiers, but they were very, very stupid.

Amidst the sounds of swords piercing into flesh and the screams of screams, countless people in the five thousand vanguard army were stabbed in the back and fell into a pool of blood.

But the death of the soldiers in the rear somewhat bought some time for the soldiers who fled quickly in the front.After massacring most of them, the vanguard finally separated a certain distance from Huang Zhong's hundreds of soldiers.


The soldiers' eyes were bloodshot, without any hesitation, they planned to continue chasing and killing, but Huang Zhong stretched out his hand and ordered to stop the chasing and killing. [

Following Huang Zhong's order, the soldiers' eyes regained a little clarity, and they stopped chasing.

Forbidden by orders, Huang Zhong's army is a well-deserved elite soldier.

"General, seeing that this army has been defeated, we can take advantage of the momentum to pursue and use this defeated army to break through the tents that the Jingzhou army is still building, so that they have no tents to live in at night. Why did they stop suddenly?"

A lieutenant general asked Huang Zhongdao suspiciously.

"Their fortifications are already quite large, and they have bows and arrows. It's hard to break through with hundreds of us alone." Huang Zhong smiled slightly, and looked up at the pioneer camp in Jingzhou in the distance.

The trench has been dug quite a bit, and there are intermittent fences.It is still easy to deploy archers and shoot hundreds of them.For Huang Zhong, the goal of defeating the vanguard army and making the people of Jingzhou throw their hands at them has been achieved.

He was going back to Xiangyang at night to help Meng Jian deal with Zhou Yu, but he didn't have much interest in spending time here in Dangyang.


After explaining, Huang Zhong gave an order without any hesitation, and hundreds of soldiers returned to the city in unison.

Blood and corpses were left all over the place.

From the start to the end, it was only a short period of time, and even many soldiers did not react for a short period of time.

Weiba Wushuang, Weiba Wushuang.At this moment, Huang Zhong was an invincible existence in the hearts of the soldiers, too strong, too powerful.

With such a general and such elite soldiers, Jingzhou is a blessing.Their enemies are Jiangdong Sun Ce, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Ma Teng.

"The general is mighty."

When Huang Zhong led his troops back, the soldiers reacted and shouted.

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