I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 884 : Chapter 438 Liu Feng's Power

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Chapter 430: Liu Feng's Power

Xia Jian and Yuan Xing breathed a sigh of relief in not pursuing Huang Zhong. If the gaffe continued, the entire army might be in danger of being wiped out. \%>_<%Original_Creation%>_<%\

However, when the two led their troops back to the camp, they both had bitter expressions on their faces.

Because in the first battle just now, they left about [-] soldiers, and in addition, there were more soldiers who were injured. [

In such a short period of time, Huang Zhong and several hundred people actually caused 500 casualties, which is really unbelievable.

What makes Xia Jian and Yuan Xing even more difficult is how will they explain to Liu Pan?

"Brother, our current strategy is that General Liu will lead an army of [-] to besiege Huang Zhong, and help Zhou Yu to delay the time. Let Zhou Yu break through Xiangyang calmly. Before leaving, General Liu told us to be cautious. But now we have to eat After this defeat, what should we do?" Yuan Xing said to Xia Jian with a bitter face.

"I can't explain." Xia Jian said with a wry smile when he heard the words.

However, immediately after Xia Jian sighed again, he said: "Today's battle, I have completely understood. Huang Zhong is not an old and weak person at all, but he is very aggressive."

As he said that, Xia Jian said to Yuan Xing in a low voice: "I suspect that even if we settle down and don't conflict with Huang Zhong, we may not be able to stop Huang Zhong. With three thousand elite soldiers, he can run rampant in Jingchu." avoid."

"Sigh." Although it is very shameful to admit that the enemy general can run amok in one's own territory, Yuan Xing also had to admit that Xia Jian was right, and sighed decadently.

The two faintly sensed in their hearts that their Jing Chu was hopeless.

Further south, an army of about [-] is slowly marching towards Dangyang.This is Liu Pan's rear army.

At the forefront of this army, Liu Pan is dressed in armor and a steed horse under his crotch, which can be described as high-spirited.

With the addition of Zhou Yu, Liu Pan's task is only to hold Huang Zhong in Dangyang, so it can be said that the pressure is very small.Because Huang Zhong sent three thousand elite soldiers to Xiangyang, after a series of battles, now Huang Zhong's elite soldiers should be less than three thousand.

And his army is [-]. According to the art of war, he will be surrounded by ten times.As long as he surrounds the city and traps Huang Zhong in the beast city, it should be easy.

"General, the vanguard Xia Jian and General Yuan Xing were defeated for a while." At this moment, several fast horses came galloping in front of Liu Pan, and the knights on the horses got off their horses and reported.

"What did you say?" What was supposed to be a safe and sound thing, but there was an accident, which was like no wind and waves. Liu Pan was stunned for a moment, and then roared.

"Huang Zhong led hundreds of elite soldiers out of the city to challenge. The two generals felt humiliated, so they led five thousand elite soldiers to fight. But the result was a big defeat."

replied the knight.

"Idiots, idiots." The reason why Liu Pan told the pioneers to be more cautious before is because they want to be stable, but what about now?

The basket is big.

"Quick march." [

Immediately afterwards, Liu Pan took a deep breath and roared.

"Promise." A messenger promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.Soon after, the speed of the army increased by three layers.

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