I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 885 : Chapter 438 Liu Feng's Power

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It is rare to have Zhou Yu as the main attacker to attack Xiangyang. (web www>

But don't even fail to do such small things.

Liu Pan was very anxious in his heart.

As the marching speed of the army increased, the army soon arrived outside Dangyang City.At this moment, outside Dangyang City, a large camp that can accommodate 5 people has been built. [

"The guilty general pays his respects to the general." Xia Jian and Yuan Xing led the lieutenant generals to wait at the gate of the camp early, calling the guilty general.

"Although the battle was defeated for a while, the construction of the camp was not delayed. It can be regarded as making up for it." In Liu Pan's heart, he really wanted to kill these two guys who had more success than failure, but he also knew that on the eve of the war, beheading the general It is a very unfavorable thing, so he reluctantly said with a pleasant face.

"Thank you, General."

Xia Jian and Yuan Xing were overjoyed when they heard the words, and thanked them.

I don't like it, and I don't plan to talk too much.Liu Pan raised his eyes to look at the sky, and said, "Forget about today. Wait until tomorrow when we go to the northeast, west, and west gates to build camps to block Huang Zhong in the city."

"No." All the generals agreed.

As Liu Pan entered the camp, [-] troops entered the camp, buried pots for cooking, and took a rest early. The process was very peaceful.

As the sky was getting dark, Huang Zhong, who had already prepared and made up his mind to rescue Xiangyang, summoned an army of [-] in the city, preparing to rescue Xiangyang overnight.

Inside the North City Gate.

Huang Zhong dressed neatly, rode his horse and stood in front of the city gate, with an army of ten thousand in front of him.Among them were nearly [-] elite soldiers brought out from Xiangyang, and seven or eight thousand surrendered soldiers who were captured during the day.

Under such circumstances, it should be as light as possible.Advance to Xiangyang with a fast process.Rescue Xiangyang before Zhou Yu breaks Xiangyang.

This prisoner is not good in terms of physical strength or military discipline.Huang Zhong rushed to aid Xiangyang tonight, so he shouldn't have brought this batch of surrendered troops with him.

However, the development of things is not absolute.In Bairi, Huang Zhong led 5000 elite soldiers, fought against [-] pioneers, and returned with a big victory.

This made the soldiers who had accepted Huang Zhong's lure to surrender were in awe of Huang Zhong's ability to lead the army.The soldiers were somewhat sincerely loyal.

Huang Zhong was reluctant, so he planned to take them back together.

"You will find that following the old man to the north is the most correct thing you have done in your life." Huang Zhong glanced at the soldiers and said.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Zhong yelled: "Open the city gate and gallop to Xiangyang."


The soldier promised and opened the city gate.Immediately afterwards, Huang Zhong led [-] soldiers back to Xiangyang. [

"Empty city? How could this be?"

Early the next morning, Liu Pan led his troops into the city. Seeing the empty city, he let out a shrill cry.

It was Huang Zhong who retreated overnight, and the task he was responsible for failed to hold Huang Zhong back.As for the one-night journey, it is estimated that Huang Zhong has already traveled tens of miles.

As for the deployment of troops ahead, Liu Pan had no hope at all.With [-] soldiers, Huang Zhong can quickly break through.What's more, he was beaten and maimed by Huang Zhong once, so he probably won't be able to stop Huang Zhong this time.

"Reorganize the troops and pursue them." Soon, Liu Pan calmed down a little and ordered loudly.

Although he knew that Huang Zhong had gone far, Liu Pan still decided to pursue him. This was a matter of attitude.

"No." The messenger promised, and immediately went to order.Soon after, an army of [-] to [-] soldiers began to mobilize and head towards the north.

"Zhou Yu, I hope you are wise and mighty, and you can conquer Xiangyang in one fell swoop."

Because his mission basically failed, Liu Pan gathered all his hopes on Zhou Yu, secretly looking forward to it in his heart.

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