I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 898 : Chapter 445 Huang Zhong Arrives

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Chapter 440 Huang Zhong Arrives

The army was assembled soon, and Zhou Yu cheered up. Regardless of the injury on his arm, he put on the armor and walked out of the cabin. [Baidu + Google search www>

Today's Zhou Yu, compared to yesterday's Zhou Yu, was a little paler, and looked even weaker.But in the eyes of the soldiers, there is no difference.

Zhou Yu is still the same Fengyi peerless, the same dignified. [

Needless to say about Zhou Yu's Feng Yi, this majesty was accumulated by Zhou Yu during the long-term war.As a famous Jiangdong general, the majesty accumulated by countless victories.

The awe of the soldiers will not be affected by the small defeat last night.


Sima of the left and right armies, as well as many military lords, led the soldiers and saluted Zhou Yu in unison.

"All officers and men are exempt from courtesy." Seeing this, Zhou Yu showed some smiles on his face, and his mood improved a lot.It doesn't matter if you fail once, as long as the morale of the army is still alive, you can fight again.

Xiangyang City must belong to Jiangdong.

"Last night, I failed to swindle the city. If it fails, it is a failure. I will not find any excuses to hide this matter. Failure is not terrible. After a terrible failure, I lost my aggressiveness. Today, I Not only was he not decadent, but his fighting spirit was high. As a soldier, he went to Xiangyang to destroy Lu Su."

Zhou Yu took a deep breath and shouted hoarsely.

"Soldiers go to Xiangyang to destroy Lu Su."

"Soldiers go to Xiangyang to destroy Lu Su."

Zhou Yu's words boosted morale, and the soldiers only felt their blood boiling, and shouted with forgetfulness.

"Okay." Seeing this, Zhou Yu smiled happily and shouted "Okay." Immediately, Zhou Yu got off the warship and got on his horse.With a big wave of his hand, he shouted: "Xiangyang, kill."


The soldiers roared, followed Zhou Yu, and rushed towards Xiangyang aggressively.

A strong army must have strong self-confidence.They are confident that even without tricks, they can forcibly take Xiangyang and make Xiangyang a county under the rule of Wu Hou Sun Ce.

Capture Xiangyang and disintegrate Lu Su.


In Xiangyang City, since Huang Zhong led his troops to the south, the gates of Xiangyang City were rarely opened, only half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening.

Let the people go out freely. [

After the battle last night, even the gates of the city were not even opened.

On the city, there are patrolling soldiers everywhere, full of a chilling atmosphere.Outside the city gate, the corpses, swords, etc. left over from yesterday's battle were all cleaned up.

Only puddles of blood remained, proving that Zhou Yu almost captured the city last night.

The officials and soldiers under the tent are all on guard and working very hard.As the county guard, Meng Jian also got up early. After washing and changing clothes, Meng Jian led some guards and took a carriage to the south of the city to inspect the city wall.

Patrolling the city wall is a basic means of boosting morale, and basically everyone can use it.

"grown ups."

"grown ups."

When Meng Jian stepped onto the city wall, he stood guard on the city, and the patrolling soldiers saluted one after another.Meng Jian nodded in return, halfway through his inspection, he saw Zhou Yu's army approaching from a distance.

A handsome flag with the word "Zhou" flutters in the wind.His subordinate Zhou Yu rides a white horse with incomparable majesty.There are countless soldiers behind them. These soldiers have bright leather armor, cold blades, and high morale.

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