I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 899 : Chapter 445 Huang Zhong Arrives

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"Beat the drum, meet the enemy. /⊙﹏⊙bwww>

This was the first time Meng Jian encountered such a thing, but he still knew how to deal with it without any hesitation, Meng Jian shouted loudly.

"No." A guard promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

"Boom boom boom." [

The sound of drums beating like thunder suddenly sounded.The sound of the drum beating was like a signal before the battle, and the archers nocked their arrows and stared at the front.

The soldiers responsible for throwing rolling stones, logs, boiling oil and other defensive equipment are also extremely ready, just waiting for the outbreak of war.

Meng Jian led the guards and hurried back to the front of the gate tower from the east of the gate tower.

"Xiangyang City is the city of the Han Dynasty. It is the city handed over by the emperor to General Lu, and must not be given to outsiders. Even if the head is broken and the body dies, the jade and stone will be burned."

Coming to the front and back of the city gate tower, Meng Jian took a deep breath, angrily pulled out the long sword at his waist, and roared.

"To live and die with Xiangyang City."

The soldiers took a deep breath, and then rushed out, roaring.

A tragic momentum rushed straight into the sky.

Since Lu Su informed Xiangyang, although there has not been much prosperity, the city is in order, and because of the joining of the three elders, it is quite popular.

Huang Zhong commanded the army, and he was extremely rigorous.Because of Lu Su's admiration for martial arts, the status of soldiers has also been greatly improved.

The soldiers didn't know what was going on in Jiangdong. They only knew that after following Huang Zhong, they gained status and attention, and they were willing to defend the city to the death.

"Hahahaha, courage is commendable, but I want you to know. In this world, courage alone cannot resist absolute power."

Zuo Sima under Zhou Yu's tent laughed loudly.

"It's stupid to use a mantis' arm as a car." You Sima snorted coldly, quite disdainfully.

Another saying is good, dogs that bite people usually don't bark, and the more cheerful the barking dog, the more attractive and useless it is.And they are obviously the former, experts in killing people and conquering cities.

Under the command of Zhou Yu, he was unrivaled and ran rampant in the south.

And what about Xiangyang?The general is out, and the literati guard the city.snort.No matter how tall the city is, it is still a paper tiger that is strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and it will be broken as soon as it is poked.

Seeing that the left and right Sima were so arrogant, Zhou Yu smiled slightly, but did not stop him.As the commander-in-chief, Zhou Yu cannot be arrogant and blindly confident.

Keep calm at all times and never underestimate your opponent. [

But the generals under the account are different, the more arrogant and brave the better.Because such a person is less afraid of death and more brave and good at fighting.

"Okay, as you wish, kill Xiangyang." Zhou Yu drew out his long sword and roared.

Although Zhou Yu's body was weak, his loud roar was overwhelming and very domineering.


A roar and killing sound followed.

But Zhou Yu's complexion changed wildly. The generals and soldiers were all stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.Because they haven't responded yet.

The sound came from behind them.

"Make a round formation, slowly retreat to the east." Zhou Yu uttered a loud roar while his complexion changed wildly.From behind, from behind.

That lingering aura definitely could not be Jingchu's reinforcements, if they were not reinforcements, they would be enemy troops.enemy?There is only one enemy army in the south, and that is Huang Zhong's army.

That's right, Huang Zhong appeared.

After a failure, Zhou Yu was not discouraged.Because the fighting power of Zhou Yu's army is the highest in the south, and because there are no generals guarding Xiangyang City.

Zhou Yu's determination to attack Xiangyang is great, and his confidence is also great.

It is believed that only a few days of conquest will be needed, and Xiangyang City will become a part of Jiangdong, and it will become a stepping stone for Wu Hou Sun Ce to achieve hegemony.

This is confidence, not arrogance.

But at this time Huang Zhong appeared, and it was not the right time.It's like a man got his wife drunk, and when he grinned grinningly and wanted to fuck, he found that the wife's husband had killed him, and the husband was unusually burly, which made people's face turn pale.

All of a sudden, the man's legs became weak, and the thing under his crotch was limp, almost impotent.

Zhou Yu is in that situation at the moment.

It was expected that Xiangyang would not be guarded by a general to be bullied, but the general came back.

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