I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 911 : Chapter 451 Encounter on a Narrow Road

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After advancing more than a hundred miles to Hanzhong, the city in front of them is a solid city. As long as the city is broken and pushed forward for another fifty miles, it will be the seat of Hanzhong, the old nest of Zhang Lu, and Nanzheng City.Read the latest chapter of vip\>

On this day, after the army arrived at Chenggu, they were not in a hurry to attack.On the one hand, it's getting late, and I'm afraid we won't be able to organize a few attacks.

On the other hand, the geographical location of the city of Chenggu is very important. Zhang Lu deployed [-] elite soldiers here, and it would be impossible to attack it for a while.

It's better to recharge your batteries for one day and attack the city tomorrow. [

With the joint efforts of 2000 people, the camp was quickly completed.Liu Feng personally led Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei to inspect the camp.

With the protection of the identity of Lu Su's nephew, his reputation has also increased.Now Liu Feng's position is constantly changing, from behind the scenes to the front stage.

For example, a group of civil and military personnel including Wenpin and Wang Wei are patrolling the camp, but all the civil and military personnel are patrolling around Liu Feng.

This matter seems a bit ridiculous, after all, Liu Feng is too young.But the soldiers around, as well as many middle- and lower-level generals, are used to it.

Not only because of Liu Feng's identity, Liu Feng's reputation, but also because of Liu Feng's attitude.

For example, at this moment, Liu Feng didn't have any smiles on his face, his face was tense, and he meticulously led many civil and military personnel to inspect the camp.

With his facial expression and imposing manner, Liu Feng looked like a general who was on an expedition.Naturally, the soldiers ignored Liu Feng's age.

When Liu Feng was inspecting the camp, the soldiers did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

After inspecting the big camp, Liu Feng dismissed the middle-level generals, and only took Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei back to the main tent of the Chinese army.

After entering the tent of the Chinese army, Liu Feng went straight to the commander-in-chief's seat, and then Da Ma Jindao sat down on his knees, while Pang Tong and the other three sat on both sides.

"Lian Chan Lian Jie, we took advantage of the trend and ate half of Hanzhong, how do you feel?" Liu Feng raised his head and asked.

"At first glance, the aura is like a rainbow. But the aura is nothing but a mirage. If you are not careful, you will lose everything." Pang Tong raised his fist and said with a dignified expression.

Wenpin and Wang Wei also thought it was meaningless.

Hearing this, Liu Feng glanced at Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei. Anyone pulled out here is stronger than Zhang Lu.But it cannot be denied that they have the upper hand in terms of the number of troops.

And Zhang Lu is not weak.

When Zhang Lu's main force is not wiped out, any victory will be nothing but magic.

Liu Feng could understand this point, Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei didn't show arrogance, Liu Feng felt very satisfied.

However, Liu Feng's goal is not Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei. These three people are not idiots, they are rational things.

"Well said. For the three love ministers, don't worry. But the three love ministers understand, but it doesn't mean that all the soldiers under the account understand. I also hope that the three love ministers will do their best to let the soldiers understand this truth. Put down Lien Chan With Lian Jie's arrogant heart, he confronted Zhang Lu's army with the posture of facing a strong enemy." [

Liu Feng said solemnly.

"No." Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei were shocked, and promised in a deep voice.

"Okay. If the army can maintain neither arrogance nor impetuosity from top to bottom. With the combat power of our army, it is more than enough to deal with Zhang Lu."

Seeing this, Liu Feng was relieved.

"Report." At this moment, a small official came in from the outside.

"My lord, the spies discovered the army of Hanzhong, a total of 4 people, entered Chenggu City under the banner of "Zhang"." The small official reported.

"Okay, after clearing up this army, Hanzhong will be ours."

Liu Feng laughed loudly.

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