I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 912 : Chapter 452 Called Array

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Chapter 450

Liu Feng is determined to clean up Zhang Lu and get Hanzhong. [The source of this book www>

Zhang Wei and Yan Pu also defeated Wenpin and Wang Wei, and with a hearty victory, they were very close to Shangyong.

Tear Lu Su into pieces, but also trample Lu Su under his feet. [

Yan Pu and Zhang Wei led 3000 elite soldiers into Chenggu. There were already [-] guards in Chenggu. With the addition of Zhang Wei and Yan Pu, the guards immediately increased to [-].

All of a sudden, the security of Chenggu City rose to a terrifying level.

The officials and generals in the entire city are full of confidence.This can be seen from the confident smile on the face of the county magistrate responsible for welcoming Zhang Wei and Yan Pu into the city.

"There is General Zhang, Mr. Yan guarding the city, and Wenpin, even if Wang Wei has three heads and six arms, he can't even think about taking a step forward." The magistrate Yan Pu complimented Zhang Wei.

"That's natural." Zhang Wei said proudly, he didn't take Wenpin or Wang Wei seriously at all.

Immediately, the county magistrate's heart was filled with admiration, and he said the words of praise as if they didn't need money, which made Zhang Wei feel elated.

"According to the spies' report, Wenpin, Wang Wei's army has already set up camp outside the city. Can you invite the two of you to watch?" It was still Yan Pu who couldn't stand it anymore and suggested.

"It's the lower officials who are negligent, it's the lower officials who are negligent. General Zhang, Mr. Yan, please, please." The county magistrate said with an apologetic expression.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wei and Yan Pu, led by the county magistrate, boarded the city wall.The two also saw Wenpin and Wang Wei's camp outside the city.

"The camp is orderly, with hidden murderous intentions. This Wenpin, Wang Wei is not famous." After seeing Wenpin, Wang Wei's camp, Yan Pu said solemnly.

"Hmph, no matter how well the camp is set up. It's useless. In the end, you still have to rely on your fists to speak. Whoever can beat the opponent to the ground will win."

Zhang Wei is not an idiot who knows nothing about military affairs, otherwise he would not have obtained his current status. He was also secretly shocked when he saw Wenpin and Wang Wei's camp.

However, Zhang Wei would not admit this, snorted coldly.

Zhang Wei is of course nonsensical arrogance and arrogance.But his words also coincided with Yan Pu's intentions.

Seeing the layout of Wenpin and Wang Wei's camp, and then thinking about Lu Su's insidiousness.Yan Pu felt that, in terms of tactics and strategies, they might be at a disadvantage when confronted with Wenpin, Wang Wei and others.

On the contrary, if he can make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, and defeat Wenpin with his perceived strength, Wang Wei has a good chance of winning.

To put it bluntly, they can't choose to rob the camp, but they can shout and scold in front of the battle, quote and hire, Wang Wei will fight, and then take advantage of the situation to defeat.

"Tonight, the general will be more fortunate. Select those soldiers with loud voices, organize some gongs, etc. Tomorrow, go to the Wenpin camp to call the battle."

Yan Pu turned his head and said with a smile. [

"That's good. I think that Wenpin is also a famous general of Jingchu, so he must be angry to some extent. If he scolds hard and goes out to fight in the camp, I will definitely kill him without leaving a piece of him."

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