I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 913 : Chapter 452 Called Array

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Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he applauded.When you read a novel, go to *小*说*网

"Hehe." Yan Pu smiled slightly, feeling relieved for Zhang Wei's self-confidence.

Sometimes, Zhang Wei's arrogance and arrogance are not advisable.But Yan Pu believes that with his assistance, this kind of arrogance and arrogance will be called self-confidence.

With a little guidance, you can be invincible and invincible. [

Little Lu Su was nothing.

Regardless of Yan Pu, Zhang Wei is very confident.This confidence infected the county magistrate next to him, and the county magistrate felt lucky for himself.Fortunately, I followed Zhang Lu instead of Lu Su.

Although these two people have the word Lu in their names, they are in completely different situations.

One is a person who leaks rain everywhere and is attacked by all directions.The other, on the contrary, follows the four sides to attack the opponent.

How rushed to follow Lu Su.The county magistrate couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at Wenpin and Wang Wei Daying below, poor people.

"By the way, tomorrow we will fight directly with the Yellow Army." After standing still for a while, Yan Pu turned around and said to Zhang Wei.

"Don't worry, sir, the lion must use all his strength to fight the rabbit, so as not to give the rabbit a chance to escape. I know this." Zhang Wei nodded fiercely and said.

"Yellow Clothes Army."

The county magistrate became more confident after hearing this, and almost regarded Wenpin and Wang Wei as dead.Zhang Lu dominated Hanzhong and oppressed the southwest, so that princes like Liu Zhang could only nest in Shuzhong.

The combat effectiveness of the army is absolutely high-level.

The Yellow Clothes Army is part of the Hanzhong army system, and it belongs to the absolute combat power, that is, the elite among the legendary elites.

If it is said that the general soldiers in Hanzhong handed over their bodies and minds to the Taoist leader Zhang Lu, then the Huangyi Army is Zhang Lu's fanatics.

They love Zhang Lu and believe that Zhang Lu can bring peace and prosperity to the world.They even believed in Zhang Lu's spells. They would prepare a spell for themselves, and after reciting the spell, they believed that they were invulnerable.

Fanatical faith, believing in invulnerability.Combining these two situations into one, it can be predicted what a sturdy army the Yellow Army is.

And this army has only 3000 people.

From the county magistrate's point of view, to deal with Wenpin and Wang Wei, the use of the Huangyi army is simply a murderous overkill, which is quite worthless.

However, it is not in vain for Wen Pin and Wang Wei to die under the Yellow Clothes Army.

The county magistrate felt worthless at first, but then he was very proud, and leniently felt that he had given Wenpin and Wang Wei a very decent way to die.

Just as both sides had the belief of victory, the night passed in a hurry. [

After a night of rejuvenation, the troops on both sides have recovered both physically and mentally, and their morale is very high.

Liu Feng got up early, ate meals in the Chinese army tent, and then walked out to inspect the camp.During this time, it was time for the soldiers to eat.

It should be said that Liu Feng's elites are relatively small, currently there are only five battalions and [-] elite soldiers, but Liu Feng is extremely rich.

When Huang Zhong captured Xiangyang City, he handed over most of his wealth.To put it bluntly, the current Liu Fengfu is like an enemy.

These two circumstances resulted in a very good food for the army under Liu Feng's tent. In the morning, they drank porridge with pickled dried meat, and everyone had a share.

In today's world, food in the military is generally unreliable.But Liu Feng has rice and meat here, and the soldiers are very satisfied with what they eat.

There is no objection to fighting for the four counties of Xinye.It was all calm.

Seeing such soldiers, Liu Feng felt very confident.However, Liu Feng was confident, but he didn't expect that it was the enemy who started the war first.

"Hahaha, Wenpin, Wang Wei, you wait for the jumping clown, how dare you come out and fight me."

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