I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 946 : Chapter 469 Offenders in Hanzhong, kill

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Chapter 460 IX Offenders in Hanzhong, Kill

Liu Feng ordered the digging of Zhang Luzu's grave, which caused quite a stir. [The source of this book www>

Some people don't dare to say it in person, but behind the scenes, they can say that they are narrow-minded, intolerant, and so on.Liu Feng didn't care about all of this.

Capacity?If it is said that Yan Pu must have played an important role in the process of Zhang Lu, Sun Ce and others jointly dealing with Xinye. [

But if Yan Pu can surrender, Liu Feng can forget the past.It's a pity that Yan Pu didn't follow, so he had to kill him.

How can it be said that Liu Feng is intolerant?

As for being narrow-minded, that's even more of a joke.

Don't look at people like Sun Ce, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan who spread their benevolence far and wide, hey, it will only be more tragic if they do it.

Liu Feng didn't care about all of this.

However, Liu Feng is in a great mood today.He has been in Hanzhong for a while, and news from other sides has also come from the rear.

Pang Tong intercepted Cao Ren in Nanyang County. After Huang Zhong broke through the iron barrel array arranged by Kuai Yue, he rescued Xiangyang and confronted Zhou Yu.

Because Zhao Yun moved to Yangzhou, the journey is far away, and there is no news yet.But Liu Feng firmly believed that Zhao Yun would be able to defeat Linhuai and stop Sun Ce's army.

Because among these three aspects, Zhao Yun has the greatest chance of winning, because Zhao Yun has Liu Xun's help.If this is not the case, Zhao Yun is not Zhao Yun.

So Liu Feng felt great.

At this moment, Liu Feng was still holding a letter written by Meng Jian himself. In the letter, he wrote in detail how Zhou Yu swindled the city gate, including how he had an idea, remembered Liu Feng's teachings, and intercepted him. Zhou Yu.

For this, Meng Jian was very fortunate.Obscurely expressed his gratitude to Liu Feng.

Meng Jian is a minister, so of course he couldn't write a letter expressing his gratitude, that would be a sycophantic flattery, so it was euphemistic and obscure.

"It's so unintentional." After Liu Feng saw it, he felt extremely fortunate and extremely afraid.Fortunately, of course, Meng Jian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, but he was naturally afraid that if Meng Jian had not had a flash of inspiration, Xiangyang would have changed hands.So even if Huang Zhong had great abilities, he could only be defeated.

Finally, Liu Feng sighed.When he first wrote the letter, Liu Feng just reminded Meng Jian to trust Huang Zhong and support Huang Zhong unconditionally.

Because there is no affiliation between Huang Zhong and Meng Jian, and Huang Zhong led his troops to fight, he needed Meng Jian's support from the rear.

In addition, Meng Jian was also reminded that Zhou Yu's situation was not simple, and he was required to defend the city well.Of course, it was unexpected that Zhou Yu would lay out such a detailed plan to swindle the city gate.

It was just an unintentional move.

For this, Liu Feng only sighed.Of course, he wouldn't write a letter to tell Meng Jian that he just did it unintentionally.But it can increase the image of being wise and martial, and increase Meng Jian's loyalty and admiration for him.Of course Liu Feng would not be stupid enough to expose it. [

"So, I feel at ease. No matter who planned this joint vertical, I'm afraid they will be disappointed." Not long after, a sneer appeared on Liu Feng's face.

Very comfortable.

However, as the saying goes, when you weep with joy, misfortune falls from heaven.

Just when Liu Feng felt comfortable, Wenpin, Wang Wei, Yiji and others came to see him.

"Your Highness."

Facing the three people coming to visit together, Liu Feng frowned. There is a division of labor between civil and military, and it must be nothing good to come together.

This made Liu Feng, who had just enjoyed the joy, a little depressed.

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