I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 947 : Chapter 469 Offenders in Hanzhong, kill

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"What happened?" Liu Feng asked in a deep voice, taking a deep breath to dispel the depression in his heart. (Novel Network www>

"According to the report from the spies, Gao Pei, who was sitting in Jiameng Pass, led [-] troops, and went straight to Nanzheng."

Wenpin said in a low voice.

Headache. [

Liu Feng's first feeling was a headache. He had just dealt with Zhang Lu, and he was even able to kill people with a knife, killing Zhang Lu.There is good news on all three fronts.

Although they were all suppressed and beaten, they were able to maintain it after all.

This war is over.For Liu Feng, it was such a simple matter.The war is over, and I don't know who set up this situation, but it was completely broken by his strong soldiers.

Liu Feng did not want to expand the war to Liu Zhang in Yizhou.

Regardless of the history, it seems easy for Liu Bei to beat Liu Zhang, but that is because Liu Zhang led the wolf into the house first.First lead Liu Bei to Jiameng Pass in the north of Yizhou.

It formed that Liu Bei went from north to south, and Zhang Fei attacked from Jingzhou to the east.

Liu Zhang couldn't resist it, otherwise it would not be easy to break into Yizhou, which has many passes.Even in Liu Bei's good situation, it took several years to win Yizhou.

Liu Feng had no conditions at all.

Besides, if he confronted Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang would also become ruthless, and together with other princes, cut off his salt road?It will definitely be over by then.

There is no second way, it can only be finished.

In addition, Liu Zhang's joining the war will definitely change the situation again. Zhang Lu could have been killed with a knife, but Liu Zhang's joining may make Zhang Lu revive.

Seriously, Liu Feng may be forced to withdraw from Hanzhong.

And now the worst has happened.Gao Pei sent troops, and this bastard sent troops without Liu Zhang's order.

The road to Shu is difficult, and Liu Feng knows that the speed of news transmission is not so fast.Gao Pei's dispatch of troops must have been privately voluntary.Now Liu Feng also has the desire to kill Gao Pei's family and dig up Gao Pei's ancestral grave.

This dog day is nothing to add to the chaos.

"Your Highness, the situation has changed suddenly. I don't know how to deal with it?" Yi Ji asked with a sigh.Not only Liu Feng was depressed, but they were also depressed.

"Tell me." Liu Feng raised his head to look at Yiji, Wenpin and the others, and said, he was upset, too lazy to think.Sometimes, counselors and generals use it like this.

"There are two methods. First. Gao Pei led [-] troops out of the battle, thinking that we are weak. As long as His Highness sends troops to the west, it is not difficult to kill. If you can kill Gao Pei with lightning speed, It can deter Liu Zhang. He is the king who defends the city. After being deterred, he will not easily mobilize troops. The second is to stick to Nanzheng. If Gao Pei cannot attack for a long time, he will naturally leave." Wenpin answered quickly, obviously It is because of detailed consideration on the road.

The first method is very domineering. It may not be able to deter Liu Zhang, not only cannot, it may also arouse Liu Zhang's wrath, which is very risky. [

But the second method is even more tangled, stick to Nanzheng?Leaving aside Liu Feng's displeasure, he received news that Pang Tong and Huang Zhong were shrinking their heads. Facing the onslaught of Zhou Yu, Cao Ren and others, if Zhao Yun took Linhuai, he would definitely not be able to shrink back.

If he shrank the city again, it would be too unpleasant.

In addition, if he guards the city for a long time, he may give Liu Zhang an image of being a bully. In that case, Liu Zhang may become greedy and mobilize more troops.

Besides, there was another Zhang Lu next to him who was not completely dead.

There are too many variables to fight for a long time.

Kill it.

That's what Gao Pei asked for, there's nothing he can do about it.

"No." Wenpin, Wang Wei, and Yiji saw that Liu Feng had made up his mind, and agreed abruptly.

Not long after, Nanzheng City started to function again, and teams of soldiers left the city and gathered in the west of the city.

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