I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 952 : Chapter 472 Zhang Lu's Ecstasy

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Chapter 470 Zhang Lu's Ecstasy

"Kill. (Fiction Network)"

Seeing Gao Pei's dazed look around, the military marquis under Wenpin's tent gave a grin and roared.They can kill the little thieves like this, so why do you need General Wenpin to do it?

"Kill." With the movement of the Marquis, hundreds of soldiers under his tent launched a crazy attack on Gao Pei's remaining dozens of soldiers. [

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Although Gao Pei was quite courageous and his soldiers were quite capable, they were outnumbered and demoralized, and soon fell to the ground under the charge of this elite soldier.

Gao Pei was even more miserable. His horse was killed by soldiers, and he was stabbed several times.He fell to the ground, completely embarrassed.

"Wait..." As soon as Gao Pei got up, he saw countless civil servants rushing towards him with grim smiles. For a moment, all pride and aspirations and integrity disappeared from Gao Pei's heart. The fear of death made Gao Pei Thought of surrender.

But before he could utter his words, a soldier couldn't wait to stab out his spear.

This soldier is strong and his spear is extremely sharp.Gao Pei's iron armor couldn't stop him either.The spear pierced through the chest and was pulled out immediately.

Amidst the spurt of blood, if Gao Pei wanted to surrender, he could only keep it in his throat.


With a scream, Gao Pei fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, the enemy general, this is the enemy general, I killed the enemy general." The soldier who stabbed Gao Pei to death let out a wild laugh, extremely excited.

The enemy general, this is an existence that can be exchanged for supreme merit.

It is enough for this soldier to sit in the position of military marquis and get a large reward.Seeing the soldier looking up to the sky and laughing, the soldiers around were envious for a while.

But no one came forward to fight for it, because the discipline of the army was very strict within the sphere of influence of the four counties of Xinye, and it was strictly forbidden for soldiers to kill their own robes in order to attack.

The behavior of soldiers competing for meritorious service will never appear in Xinye forces.

Soon, the soldiers looked away, but the raging fire that made great achievements did not disappear. They turned their attention to Gao Pei's army not far away.

After losing Gao Pei, this army was even more miserable.

Under the leadership of their respective generals, they retreated crazily.But I don't know, this will only accelerate the failure.


At this moment, Wenpin and Wang Wei let out a wild roar and launched a hunt.


This small battalion beheaded hundreds of Gao Pei's soldiers, and with a loud roar, they rushed towards Gao Pei's defeated army to expand the results of the battle.

Just when the whole army was chasing and killing, a small group of soldiers left the team.It was Liu Feng. Surrounded by his guards, he slowly left the battlefield.

According to Liu Feng's status, he is generally not allowed to participate in the fight, even if he is close to the rear.And Liu Feng insisted on fighting with the army because of boosting morale.

Now that the outcome has been decided, there is no need for him to be in it.It was when the score was tied that he went into battle to win a little bit of winning percentage.When the outcome has been decided, he doesn't need to fight for merit, he can leave this merit to Wenpin, Wang Wei, and the soldiers.

"It's a foregone conclusion to kill Gao Pei and obtain Jiameng Pass. I don't know how Liu Zhang will react. I hope Liu Zhang will live up to expectations and be weaker."

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