I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 953 : Chapter 472 Zhang Lu's Ecstasy

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It is gratifying that the war has been won, but as the commander-in-chief of this faction, the person standing at the highest position will bear the brunt of the sky falling, and Liu Feng thinks more far away. (www>

He stood up on his horse and looked up towards the direction of Chengdu, secretly hoping in his heart.

Under the charge of the two generals Wenpin and Wang Wei, Gao Pei's army, which was already defeated, was either killed or surrendered in the end, and the fighting stopped soon.

In Gao Pei's view, this battle was sure to win, but in Zhang Lu, Du Hu's and Hu Pu's view, it was evenly matched. The winner was decided almost instantly. [

"Young master. The situation of the battle has been decided. The general sent the younger one to wait for the order."

A soldier rode up to Liu Feng's body, dismounted and reported.

"Rise up and go to Jiameng Pass, this pass belongs to us." Liu Feng woke up from his contemplation and said without thinking.

"No." The soldier agreed, mounted his horse immediately, and went to report to Wenpin.

And Liu Feng also led the guards to test forward.

"I don't know what Liu Zhang's reaction is, but this Jiameng Pass is already in my hands. In this way, we can advance, attack and retreat, and Hanzhong should be able to keep it."

Liu Feng thought with some encouragement in his heart.

Jiameng Pass is an important barrier to the west of Hanzhong, but it is a pity that it has been held in the hands of Liu Zhang.Relying on Jiameng Pass, Liu Zhang can directly send troops to Hanzhong to attack Nanzheng and other important cities in Hanzhong.

But now that it is in Liu Feng's hands, if Liu Zhang wants to launch an attack, he needs to cross Jiameng Pass, and it happens that Jiameng Pass is a huge fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The existence of Hanzhong has been consolidated.

Although Gao Pei is hateful, he has made up for it by sending this grand pass to Hanzhong.

Gao Pei thought that there was a war in Hanzhong, which led to a change of hands. When the new Lu Su forces in Hanzhong failed to consolidate Hanzhong, he launched a war to fight for Hanzhong and even Shangyong.

So a war was launched, but Liu Feng led his troops to defeat it.

This situation caused quite a stir.

Stupid, no one doesn't think Liu Feng's stupid.You actually angered Liu Zhang, a behemoth, Gao Pei's private soldier, you should bear it and endure it silently.

It is refreshing to have to send troops to kill Gao Pei, but how to face Liu Zhang's revenge.

Although Liu Zhang is not talented and relatively weak to the outside world, there are many powerful soldiers in the state.Although Gao Pei is a famous player, he is only first-class.

The top is indeed Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and Wu Yi. The army of the three is strong enough to drag the little Lu Su into a situation of eternal doom.


Diancheng, the largest official residence.

After Du Hu received the news, he immediately called for Hu Pu and Zhang Lu to share the joy together.

"What? Wenpin killed Gao Pei with just one blow and advanced into Jiameng Pass?" Zhang Lu exclaimed in disbelief.

But I didn't expect Wenpin to be so brave.

"Exactly, this is a good show." Du Hu suppressed a smile, nodded and said.

"Hahahaha, this time Liu Zhang is not angry. Kill him, kill him. Let's see how Lu Su is defeated, hahahaha."

Zhang Lu was silent for a moment, then laughed, wildly.

That's right, Lu Su's strong soldiers are capable of fighting Liu Zhang, and even gain the upper hand, and even break through Yizhou and occupy Yizhou.

But Lu Su has enemies on all sides, and now Cao Ren, Sun Ce, and Liu Cong have waged war against the four counties of Xinye as agreed.


Under such circumstances, how could Lu Su not die?

Zhang Lu laughed, Hu Pu laughed, and Du Hu laughed, very carefree.

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