I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 966 : Chapter 478 One knife sees blood

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There is a saying that if it is a mule or a horse, you will know it when you go out for a walk.There is also a saying that once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.

No matter how much Li Yan valued Liu Feng, he believed that Liu Feng was indeed capable.But after all, it is just a guess, nothing is more convincing than a direct conversation.

Li Yan could understand the power of Liu Feng's words, and couldn't help but secretly startled. [

Gan Luo rebirth, this is not a joke.

Li Yan took a deep breath, raised his fist and said, "Then Gao Pei sent troops without authorization and led to the defeat. He is to blame. Liu Yizhou doesn't want to pursue it."

"Liu Yizhou really understands righteousness." Liu Feng nodded and said with a smile.I also breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and the matter was confirmed.

"This time, I am here under orders. Apart from expressing Liu Yizhou's goodwill, I also ask you to be merciful." Li Yan raised his fist again and said.


Show mercy?What's going on?

"In the early years, Zhang Lu was a subordinate of the former Yizhou Mu Liuyan. Although he was unruly in front of Liu Yizhou and the two sides deteriorated, he was still the master. Now Zhang Lu is ruined and lingering. Liu Yizhou can't bear it, so please help me Show mercy." Li Yan explained.

This matter was explained by Liu Zhang, but Li Yan felt that it was difficult to solve it.There's no reason for Liu Feng to leave such a trouble behind.

"Hahaha, what am I supposed to be? The general can go back and tell Liu Yizhou that as long as Zhang Lu stays in Bazhong obediently, I will not send troops to harm him." Liu Feng laughed boldly.

Li Yan is in Yizhou and doesn't know the situation here.Zhang Lu had already set up a plan to kill people with a knife that day. As long as Liu Zhang made peace, Zhang Lu would die.

Why do you need him to do it?

Liu Feng's boldness was beyond Li Yan's expectation.However, Li Yan is a very smart person, he doesn't think Liu Feng has any reason to let Zhang Lu go.

There must be something to rely on.

Li Yan vaguely guessed something in his heart, but Li Yan didn't say anything.Liu Feng has already agreed not to do it himself, expressing his goodwill.

He also completed the task, so why bother?

"Thank you, sir, for your understanding."

Li Yan said gratefully.

"Hahaha." Liu Feng laughed, still bold.However, soon Liu Feng stopped laughing and said, "I have something in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"My lord please teach me." Li Yan was surprised when he heard this, but said very modestly on his face. [

"In today's troubled times, even Yizhou, the land of abundance, will become more and more precarious as the annexation of the world continues. Not to mention that a man cannot be without power for a day, but in troubled times, some military power can also ward off disasters. Now, although the general is named as a general, he has no military power, which is a pity."

Liu Feng said deeply.

If it is an official issue, the two sides have reached a consensus.These words were private words, and it was also the beginning of Liu Feng's solicitation.

Liu Feng also believed that Li Yan was not loyal to Liu Zhang, which is the conclusion drawn by history.

That's why Liu Feng was so unscrupulous.

Li Yan could hear Liu Feng's tone, and Liu Feng's unscrupulousness frightened Li Yan. You must know that the two sides were talking about peace at the negotiating table, but just after the negotiation was over, Liu Feng said these words. No wonder.

However, Li Yan is always a smart person.

He was a little moved. When he was in Chengdu, he saw Liu Zhang's weakness, and saw all kinds of strife and complicated situations in Yizhou.

Yizhou has no future at all.Not the right stage for him.

Just when he was disheartened, someone threw an olive branch.And it was still Liu Feng, he had already confirmed that it was the case that Liu Feng had the God of Ganluo.

Li Yan looked calm, but he kept calculating gains and losses in his heart.

It can be said that Liu Feng saw blood with a knife, which was enough to make Li Yan, a great talent under Liu Zhang's tent, turn his back.

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