I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 967 : Chapter 479 Chess Piece, Ultimate Move

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Chapter 470 Nine Chess Pieces, Ultimate Moves

Li Yan's feelings towards Liu Feng have been changing. When he didn't meet him, he thought that there must be a reason for the groundless rumors, and Liu Feng was not simple. (www>

When we met for the first time, I thought Liu Feng was pretty good.

After an in-depth conversation, Li Yan felt that Liu Feng did have a bit of Gan Luo's ability. [

But just now, Li Yan's impression of Liu Feng has changed slightly. The person in front of him who is under ten years old is definitely a daring person.

After making peace with Yizhou Mu Liu Zhang, he was directly excavated.

Can make good decisions.

Lu Su?never seen it!It is reasonable to say that the person who can create such a foundation must also be an outstanding person in the world.

However, I have never seen it.Li Yan didn't know who Lu Su was.But Liu Feng is a person who can be seen and touched.Li Yan thinks that if...>

"I heard that General Lu has no heirs?" Li Yan is also a person who is good at making decisions. Once he has made up his mind, he will act immediately. After pondering for a while, Li Yan asked deeply.

Liu Feng didn't understand at the beginning, but he thought of the deep meaning of the words in an instant, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, the general can rest assured that even if my uncle has an heir in the future, I will be the second generation."

"This Li Yan is also interesting, because he has identified His Highness. Don't look at asking whether Lu Su has any heirs, but actually asked if His Highness is Lu Su's heir. If it is placed in a general power, the nephew wants to inherit the uncle's position. , That is more difficult. But the power of Xinye was established by His Highness. There is no inheritance at all, but Lu Su's courtiers." Wenpin has not spoken all the time, watching the development of the situation, Wenpin thought chuckle.

"So that's how it is." Li Yan looked at Liu Feng's confident appearance, then turned his head to look at Wen Pin who was expressionless.

This son is so famous, and Lu Su has no sons.It seems that it was indeed cultivated as an heir.

Since Lu Feng is indeed the heir after Lu Su, it can be guaranteed that the Lu family will have no possibility of becoming a king in the past few decades.

Then I thought that under Liu Zhang's tent, there was nothing to do.Li Yan made up his mind completely.

After correcting his posture, Li Yan raised his fist and asked, "Dare to ask what your master is planning."

This sentence is a statement.

"It's good at making decisions, it's really not a mediocrity." Seeing this, Liu Feng thought to himself, with a smile on his face.The peace with Liu Zhang is only temporary.

Liu Feng knew that all the princes in the world were his enemies, and there was no such thing as an ally.

And taking the opportunity to win Li Yan and break into Liu Zhang's interior is a very profound pawn.

"In my battle with Gao Pei, although I killed Gao Pei and countless soldiers, there are still 7000 prisoners left. If I donate the 7000 people to Liu Yizhou, the general will get How good is it?" Liu Feng asked with a smile.

Li Yan's heart was pounding, just now, when Liu Feng proposed to take prisoners, Li Yan had already noticed it, so he was able to make that kind of decision. [

Now that I hear it with my own ears, my blood is naturally boiling.

A captive is a strong man.Gao Pei fought with Liu Feng and was defeated, most of the soldiers under his tent were captured.Doesn't Liu Zhang want this captive back?

The answer is impossible. No matter how large the population of Yizhou is, 7000 strong people are still a great fortune.Everyone will feel bad.

But Liu Zhang also understood that Liu Feng was unlikely to spit out the captive in Liu Feng's hands.And Liu Zhang hoped for peace, so he didn't mention the prisoners.

But if Li Yan can persuade "Lu Feng" with his three-inch tongue to take back this group of prisoners, Liu Zhang will be very happy.At that time, military power and power will be there.

When Liu Fengchu spoke, in troubled times, military power might be able to ward off disasters.

Now that Li Yan has fully understood Liu Feng's intentions, he can't help but feel startled by Liu Feng's ability to plan and make decisions.When I saw him, the man in front of me had already planned everything.

Use military power and power to recruit him, and when he is moved, immediately give him military power.Six or seven thousand captives were sent out without blinking an eye.

This is how generous, what trust.

But it is undeniable that Li Yan was indeed warmed by this boldness and trust.Li Yan was originally from Jingzhou and worked as an official under Liu Biao's tent.

Later, Lu Su defeated Xiangyang, and Li Yan went into exile in Shuzhong, where he gained a little status.But you can't rely on Yizhou scholars, nor can you rely on Dongzhou scholars. They belong to the Lone Ranger.

Promotion is a long way off.

He also feels that he has outstanding abilities, and there is always a resentment in his heart.

Now meeting Liu Feng's unreserved trust and boldness, he immediately felt like meeting a master.However, Li Yan is calm, if not for Liu Feng's outstanding performance, he would not have the feeling of encountering the Lord of the Ming Dynasty.If Liu Feng was mediocre, he would laugh at it instead.

"Young master, don't worry, you will surely live up to your expectations." Stimulated by the warmth in his heart, Li Yan prostrated himself and promised.

"I won't let the general down either." Liu Feng felt relieved that this chess piece was actually squeezed in.The mountains in Zhongshu are high and dangerous, and there are many passes, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In terms of defense power, it can also be said to be the best in the world.It's hard to conquer, but if you put this chess piece inside, it will be much easier to open.

However, if this chess piece is to play a role, it can only wait until later.Before that, Liu Feng would take capturing Xu Du as his first goal.

In the middle of Shu, very far away.

But that's good, because the longer the time, the deeper the ambush of this chess piece will be, and the greater the role it can play.

"I don't know what kind of plan the young master has to conquer Shu?" Li Yan asked immediately with his heart racing and his blood surging.

"There is no plan yet. After all, the five prefectures in Xinye are enemies on all sides. They must be eradicated one by one. It is impossible to go to the middle of Shu with Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Cong as enemies. Yes. However, the general must also believe that I will quickly get rid of Liu Cong and then attack the middle of Shu. Therefore, after the general returns, he must control the military power of this group of captives and gain Liu Zhang’s trust. If conditions permit, Just ask yourself to garrison in the important pass." Liu Feng Wenyan said very calmly. [

Li Yan also calmed down when he heard the words. It is true that according to the current environment of the five counties of Xinye and their internal strength, there is no possibility of attacking Shuzhong.

He did think a little more urgently.

Li Yan felt a little regretful. If Liu Feng could acquire the entire Yizhou, plus the four counties of Xinye, Nanxiang, Shangyong, and Xiangyang outside, then the power would span two states in succession.

In addition, the son is young, less than ten years old.Decades of hegemony have been established.Unfortunately, the conditions are not enough.

"Promise." In the end, Li Yan agreed.

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