I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 968 : Chapter 480 Zhang Lu's Hatred

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Chapter 480 Zhang Lu's Hatred

Liu Zhang's choice of reconciliation is certainly gratifying, but it is even more joyful to get Li Yan, a chess piece that entered Liu Zhang's internal affairs.just read the novel

Now that this matter has been decided.Liu Feng also continued Lei Lingfeng's style of action, picking out six thousand captives from Yizhou, and letting Li Yan take them back to claim credit.

On this day, Li Yan left.When parting, the two did not perform the ceremony of the main minister, but just left as an ordinary envoy. [

Liu Feng led three generals under his command, Pang Tong, Wen Pin, and Wang Wei, to stand at Jiameng Pass to see Li Yan off.

"Your Highness, Li Yan does seem to be more capable, but his heart is secretive. Once he returns to Yizhou, his mind may change. If that's the case, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?" Wang Wei said beside him.

He felt sorry for the [-] captives. Among the [-] captives, they could be able to supplement the army, and the rest could be used as field soldiers. No matter how bad they were, they could be appeased and supplemented by the local labor force.

It really hurts to give it to Li Yan like this.

"No, in this world, there are loyal courtiers, people who are born rebellious, and people who are foolish, but there are also people who recognize the strong. This Li Yan is the last type. As long as the lonely becomes stronger , he will become more determined to follow Gu's belief. If there is one person who can regain Xudu and gain a firm foothold in the whole world, Li Yan will be loyal." Liu Feng said with a smile.

All the signs of history, as well as Liu Feng's personal feelings during the time spent with Li Yan.Liu Feng was convinced of this.

Wang Wei didn't say anything after hearing that, he wouldn't be stupid enough to ask, if they were weak instead, Li Yan would be half-hearted about what to do.

Because at that time, they are also about to perish.

When it perishes, there is nothing left.It doesn't matter to them whether Li Yan is half-hearted or loyal.

On the contrary, as long as they remain strong, Li Yan will remain loyal.This deal is straightforward.Of course, that also depends on Liu Feng's correct judgment.

Wang Wei has no objection to Liu Feng's judgment. After following Liu Feng for so long, Wang Wei has never seen Liu Feng make a mistake.

"The problem now is not this. The problem is whether Li Yan can keep the six thousand soldiers and use them for him to become his military power." Pang Tong pointed directly at the vital point.

"Exactly, this is the only flaw. However, Gu believes that Li Yan can handle it." Liu Feng nodded, not stingy with his appreciation.

"Things here have completely settled down. Now only Zhang Lu's head is left, which is still stored outside. General Wang, you leave two thousand elite troops to defend this Jiameng Pass. The rest of the army should return to Nanzheng City. Continue to stand for a while, until Li Yan's team disappeared from sight, Liu Feng ordered.


Everyone promises.

Not long after, Liu Feng left [-] elite soldiers to guard Jiameng Pass, and led Pang Tong, Wang Wei, and Wenpin back to Nanzheng City, waiting for the final payment.

Zhang Lu's head.

Li Yan led [-] strong men, and after leaving Jiameng Pass, he has been meditating. [

How to keep this army?This army is not only bestowed by the son, but also a matter of life and power.There is no room for compromise.

According to the general procedure, Li Yan should send someone to appease this army and place it in Baishui Pass, hand it over to the guards in the pass, and then return to Chengdu.

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