I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 975 : Chapter 484 Turning hands into clouds and hands into rain

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Chapter 480 Turning Hands into Clouds and Covering Hands into Rain

"How does the envoy feel?" The envoy was shivering and felt cold, but Liu Feng was not good at letting go, and said calmly. (www>

"This." The envoy was afraid, but hesitated.

"The catastrophe of extermination is right in front of you. But you hesitate? Think my saber is blunt?" Liu Feng said coldly. [

The envoy was in a cold sweat, not knowing how to respond.In the end, he gritted his teeth and raised his fist and said, "If we hand over those ten thousand soldiers, can you really let my family go?"

In fact, the envoys did not have all their strength to release [-] soldiers.But the catastrophe of genocide was just around the corner, and the envoys also stepped in once.

Liu Feng felt it was funny when he heard the words, and said: "Even if I promise, it's hard to follow. Do you believe it? If you really believe it, then you should break up early. In a word, if you don't let it go, you have to let it go." , it is up to you to decide.”

Okay, what a killer move.As the saying goes, man is a knife and I am a fish.

At this moment, the envoy was completely desperate.With a wry laugh, he raised his fist and said, "Some people say that the young master is a worthy minister of the Warring States Period, Gan Luo, who lived today. Seeing him today, the words are true."

"Hahaha, do you wait for foreigners to know my talents of the Han nationality?" Liu Feng laughed, and then turned his face coldly, and said: "Hmph, but Gan Luo, how can you compare with me."

Of course, Liu Feng scoffed at the rumors about Gan Luo's rebirth.It's not that he is arrogant and disdains Gan Luo.But the status is different.

Gan Luo Naichen, and he was born as the crown prince of the Han Dynasty, the future Ninth Five-Year King.How can they be compared?

Hearing Liu Feng's disdain for foreigners, the envoy's face turned ashen.In the end, he had no choice but to laugh miserably, and said: "I'll report to the two commanders myself. Whether it succeeds or not, it's up to the two commanders to decide."

"I'll give you three days. Once the three days are over, I'll contact Liu Zhang to send troops together." Liu Feng said as he hurried to kill them all.

"Farewell." The envoy became even more desperate when he heard the words, reluctantly said goodbye, turned and left.

"No." Liu Feng said lightly.

"Hahaha, idiot." After the envoy left, Liu Feng laughed unscrupulously.

Next to him, Yiji felt a strange rush over his face.He watched Liu Feng turn his hand to cloud and cover his hand to rain. When there is cloud, there is a breeze, and when it rains, there is thunder.

Watching Liu Feng kick away the foreigner who had just been used.

In the past, Yi Ji had only admiration and admiration for Liu Feng, but now he has added a sense of fear.But Yiji is not afraid of this, on the contrary he is happy.

Only in this way can we be called a hero in troubled times.

When dealing with small and poor foreign forces, if you still have to look forward and backward.How to live in this chaotic world of cannibalism?It is to destroy it by flipping hands.

King, this is a born king. [

Yi Ji looked at Liu Feng excitedly.

However, Yi Ji also had doubts in his heart.After Liu Feng laughed, Yi Ji raised his fist and asked, "As Your Highness said, it should be very easy to wipe out this small force. Why did Your Highness remind them?"

Only when this war comes suddenly can it be effective.Once the secret is leaked, it will be difficult.Yi Ji could see that Liu Feng did not intend to actually send troops.

So puzzled.

"It's so lonely to think about it, but is Liu Zhang willing?" Liu Feng lost more than half of his good mood when he heard the words, and said angrily.

"Liu Zhang?" Yi Ji was very puzzled, just like what Liu Feng said just now, Liu Zhang and them should be very harmonious now.

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