I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 976 : Chapter 484 Turning hands into clouds and hands into rain

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It should be very reasonable to deal with this foreign force together.Read the latest chapter of vip\\

Seeing that Yiji was puzzled and couldn't figure it out.Liu Feng had no choice but to explain: "Eliminate Du Hu and Hu Pu, why do you need Liu Zhang to do it? As long as Gu sends Wenpin to go, no matter how these two escape into the mountains, they will succeed immediately. But destroying this force Afterwards, how will Liu Zhang feel? He will feel lonely and aggressive, very aggressive, and he will feel fear."

"When Li Yan came to lobby us, he had already expressed Liu Zhang's attitude. He wanted peace, and at the same time he hoped to save Zhang Lu's life. Now? Zhang Lu is dead. Therefore, we can no longer show an aggressive attitude. We must give Liu Zhang left behind a small portion. Let the situation here stabilize, and there should be no more sudden changes like Gao Pei's."

It can be said that Liu Feng has never paid attention to the power of Du Hu and Hu Pu.What he was really facing was Liu Zhang. This weak guy must be given some face and coaxed. [

Therefore, every time Liu Feng acts, he will leave a line for Liu Zhang.This time is the same.

There have been enough extra branches, and they have also received incomparably huge benefits.Liu Feng didn't want to cause trouble anymore.

"I'm ashamed." Yi Ji realized that Liu Feng had thought so far, and said with shame.

"Don't be ashamed, let's go down and prepare. If Gu's prediction is not bad, Zhang Lu's [-] soldiers will come soon. Prepare the camp and eat. These preparations are necessary." Liu Feng smiled when he heard this. said.

Liu Feng didn't blame Yiji, because Yiji was not an outstanding adviser, he was good at diplomacy and handling various complicated government affairs.

"No." Yiji heard the words and thought of the near future, they need to appease [-] soldiers, he couldn't help cheering up, and promised.

Immediately, Yi Ji bid farewell and left.

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone, and then killing the knife again. I have turned my face and turned my face away once." After Yi Ji left, Liu Feng was still in a good mood and felt relieved.


Overwhelm people with power.Of course Liu Feng felt great, but the envoy was extremely desperate and anxious.After he left Liu Feng's official residence, he immediately rode his horse and left the city with a few followers, and then returned to Diancheng desperately.

It would take a day's journey, but he arrived in half a day.Kankan returned to Diancheng in the evening.

In the mansion, Du Hu was drinking with Hu Pu, and he was in a good mood.

After killing Zhang Lu, they lived with hundreds of thousands of shi of grain and a batch of valuable treasures.How can you be in a bad mood?

"It's true to kill Zhang Lu." Du Hu said drunkenly.

"Well, that's right. Next, it depends on Lu Feng's attitude, but I don't think it's too far away. Then Lu Feng will lead his troops back to Xinye, and we are safe." Hu Pu nodded and said, also a little drunk.

"Hehe, for a better tomorrow, do it."


The two drank together again.

But at this moment, the envoy broke in.The report said: "You two marshals, something is wrong." [

"What's the matter?" Du Hu and Hu Pu were startled, most of the drunkenness was gone.Something bad?Could it be that something went wrong with Lu Su?

"That Lu Feng is too deceitful." The envoy gritted his teeth, and then told Du Hu and Hu Pu the conditions raised by Liu Feng and his aggressive attitude.

"The little thief bullies people too much." Hearing this, Du Hu rushed to his head and kicked over the table in front of him. There was a crackling sound, and the food and wine were turned over on the floor.

"People are knives and I am fish." Hu Pu was relatively calm. After careful analysis, his face was pale, and he fell to the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

"What should I do?" Hu Pu, who was yelling that the little thief was bullying others just now, looked at Hu Pu begging for help.

"It was wrong to kill, it was wrong to kill. Zhang Lu shouldn't be killed, he shouldn't be killed." Hu Pu wailed with a mournful face.

"Send, [-] soldiers to send over. In addition, select some treasures and send them over together. People give swords and I serve fish, and people give swords and I take fish. What else can we do?" Soon after, Hu Pu said with a sad smile.

"Ah." Du Hu let out a loud cry unwillingly, but there was nothing he could do.

They were fools for a while.

It's just that there is no regret medicine in this world, and Zhang Lu can't survive.No matter how hard Liu Feng's punch was, they would have to knock out their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

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