I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 977 : Chapter 485 Perfect Solution

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Chapter 480 The Fifth Perfect Solution

Because of the seriousness of the situation, Du Hu and Hu Pu didn't dare to neglect at all, and immediately asked the envoys to carry out the order. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙)

With [-] soldiers of their own tribe, they escorted [-] soldiers of Zhang Lu and some of their treasures, and headed for Nanzheng City at high speed.It took just over two days to reach Nanzheng.

It was a little earlier than the three-day date set by Liu Feng. [

After Liu Feng received the news, he sent someone to take over [-] Lu soldiers and treasures.The envoy came to the official residence in the city again to see Liu Feng.

"My lord." After entering the hall, the envoy saluted Liu Feng very respectfully.

However, even though the envoy was so respectful, he was extremely reluctant to see Liu Feng again, it was too scary, the young man in front of him was really too scary.

It has given the envoy some psychological shadow.

"You did a good job this time." Liu Feng praised.

"Then, can you forgive us for our offense?" The envoy was overjoyed, but he still said cautiously.

"It's okay, go ahead and tell those two commanders that I don't care about them. This matter is over." Liu Feng said generously.

"Thank you, my lord." The envoy thanked him.

Liu Feng was really satisfied with the last [-] soldiers under Zhang Lu's tent.It's over.And Liu Feng didn't intend to continue to lie with the envoy, and the envoy was also eager to leave.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and the envoy left soon after.

"The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop. Sooner or later, you foreigners living in Yizhou will face my conquest. It's just a temporary way for you to survive."

After the envoy left, Liu Feng sneered, his eyes were extremely cold.


The confidants sent by Li Yan returned to Chengdu.After Liu Zhang got the news, he immediately called the civil and military ministers under his tent to discuss.

Liu Zhang himself was very happy. After all, he had recovered six thousand strong soldiers, and these strong soldiers were soldiers who had been trained for a period of time.

It can quickly form an army and supplement combat effectiveness.

The return of this resource is more gratifying than any wealth.

"My lord, it is indeed gratifying that the six thousand elites have returned. But Lu Su's nephew put these elites back for no reason, and it may not be easy."

Zheng Du was the most vigilant and said. [

"It's indeed a bit difficult. Didn't Fangzheng say that the six thousand men were hard to control? It may be because of this that Lu Feng returned the army to us. On the one hand, it solved a problem. On the other hand, It's also a gesture of friendship to us, after all, the two sides didn't turn against each other because of the magnanimity of the lord." Zhang Song said beside him.

Zhang Song's words touched Liu Zhang's heart. Although Liu Zhang didn't want a war, he cared about face.He gave Na Lu Feng a face, and he naturally hoped to get other people's face.

Now that Lu Feng has reciprocated, Liu Zhang is of course in a comfortable mood.

"Hmph." Seeing that Zhang Song was making trouble again, Zheng Du couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Hehe." Zhang Song smiled, not minding.

"Okay, okay, stop making noise. There shouldn't be many problems with this matter. The only problem is that the army is difficult to control. It needs a strong general like Gao Pei to command. Li Yan is not bad. "Liu Zhang didn't want to fuss about this issue anymore, so he said.

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