Chapter 225 Tracking
"King Quan God Bless, Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, you three need to ask for leave from the government. In these half a month, I hope that we can calm down and complete this bounty properly. This bounty is very difficult, so you all It’s clear, but once we successfully complete this bounty, we will not only get a huge bounty bonus, but also gain a certain level of reputation, and we can also save more people who may die under the curse in the future!”

"And I have checked some information. In recent years, the probability of drowning curses has become higher and higher. Such jellyfish and maggot species that can survive in the human body must be solved no matter what. It is almost impossible to eliminate them. Possibly, the only solution is a vaccine." Lingling said to the four of them seriously this time.

"Yes, but you have to give me one copy of the vaccine. If there is only one copy, then leave it to me." Wang Quan Tianyou said forcefully.

If there are several copies of the vaccine, there is no problem in handing one over to the International Hunter Alliance, but if there is only one, he must keep it in his own hands and then hand it over to someone who trusts him. King Quan Tianyou is very Those who understand human nature, and it is better for important things to be in the hands of their own country than to be in the hands of other forces. I can do without it, but I can’t live without it. This sentence is also a kind of human nature, so Wang Quan Tianyou never denies his double standards. .

"I don't know how many vaccine samples there will be, but if I have to give them to you, then I have to know where the vaccine samples are going."

"Okay, that's no problem. And maybe after the jellyfish maggots enter the second stage, they will be covered with vaccine samples?"

After seeing that Lingling had already given in, Wang Quan Tianyoubian directly agreed. The best solution is to have many copies of the vaccine sample, so that no one suffers. If there is only one copy, then he must make this evil person and take this thing. It is much more effective to pass the Western Army Chief to the Chinese Army Chief than to hand it over to the others.

"Count me in. I'm fairly familiar with the ocean. I can lead the way, but..."

Before Bobby could finish speaking, Wang Quan Tianyou interrupted: "Including the issue of your brother's body and the cost of your guidance, we will pay you a total of three million euros, which is close to 23 million yuan!"

Although Bobby wanted to say that he was his biological brother, he didn't do it because of this... But then again, this is three million euros, which is equivalent to a good-sized spiritual seed. How many mid-level mages spend a lifetime wish.

"Leave it to me, I'll go and prepare to search the Clippers right away!" Bobby said firmly.

"So generous, this is more than 20 million yuan!" Zhao Manyan said in surprise.

"Isn't it good that it's just a deal now? We need to pay compensation for dissecting someone's brother's body at will, and the traveling expenses are also paid. We also need a captain who is familiar with the local waters, and if we really complete this international reward After the pool, he won't be able to share it, right?" Wang Quan Tianyou said casually.

Of course, they don’t have to be trustworthy, but when you have begun to continuously break through your own bottom line and lower line, you are not far from falling.

"Well, although twenty million is still a bit much, forget it, who asked me to join the pirate ship, I will also pay some." Zhao Manyan said with some heartache.

"Just share it equally. It's just over 20 million. Each one gets 5 million. Then the bounty pool will be divided between the four of us. How wonderful!" Mo Fan raised his eyebrows and said, although he is very poor now, but That's just compared to buying a soul to raise money, these five million are just a waste.

"It has swam more than one kilometer out of the sea. This is still the Anjie Sea. There won't be any sea monsters. Once we get out of the Anjie Sea, we have to be vigilant at all times." Lingling stared at the computer screen and said.

The national team is allowed to leave the team and act on their own for a period of time, but the price is that the right to allocate resources during this period is lost. This is not a price, but an inevitable result of asking for leave. How can such a good thing come from asking for leave and still wanting to eat resources? .

"The resources we can obtain in fifteen days are only the value of one spirit seed. Compared with the amount of money we can get from this bounty, it seems a bit small. However, what we are doing now is relatively risky, and it is easy to end up empty-handed. Return." Zhao Manyan settled the score with Mo Fan.

"It has started now, hasn't it?" Mo Fan asked back, and then started calling Ai Jiangtu.

"Yes, yes, but you know the corresponding price, and our schedule will not wait for you. You have to catch up on your own. Wang Quan Tianyou and Zhao Manyan are with you, right?" Ai Jiangtu said on the other end of the phone. "We know, thank you captain!" Mo Fan said sweetly.

"I knew you three were going out without me, so just wait for me!"

Before Mo Fan could reply, Jiang Shaoxu's roar came from the other side, scaring Mo Fan so much that he hung up his phone.

"Jiang Shaoxu caught us sneaking away." Mo Fan said with some embarrassment.

"Just be thick-skinned, Mo Fan, are you still afraid of this?" Zhao Manyan said casually, he and Mo Fan were already thick-skinned, so this trivial matter could just be dealt with by just fooling around.



Soon Bobby brought a small cruise ship over, and under Lingling's instructions, Bobby quickly chased in the direction of the jellyfish maggots.

The speed of jellyfish maggots in the sea water is not too fast. Bobby drove the cruise ship and kept it within a hundred meters. If it entered the deep sea, Zhao Manyan and Bobby were both water mages and could easily Tracked down soon.

Bobby is an intermediate mage who majors in the water system. Zhao Manyan is a high-level mage who majors in the light system and minors in the water system. A high-level water mage plus an intermediate water mage are just tracking under the command of Lingling. As for jellyfish and maggots, it's relatively easy.

"There is a situation. The jellyfish maggot is in danger." Lingling said while looking at the red light flashing on the computer screen.

"Zhao Manyan, go down and kill the enemy of the jellyfish maggot. Make sure it survives!"

"Okay, just watch my performance." After Zhao Manyan said that, he jumped down. Now he is still in the waters of Anjie, and there is basically no chance of encountering any powerful sea monsters.

Zhao Manyan jumped directly. Water magic can ensure that he can breathe freely in the ocean.

"Zhao Manyan mainly focuses on expulsion, don't make too much noise." Wang Quan Tianyou ordered through the communication device.

"Let me go, is the quality of this communication device so good? You know who I am, Old Zhao. I never kill anything." Zhao Manyan said in the ocean using water magic to wrap himself in a water ball.

"I saw it. I don't know what kind of thing it is. It's just a fish with a lot of sword thorns on its body. It doesn't seem too strong. I can beat it with one hand."

Listening to Zhao Manyan's description, Lingling interrupted him directly: "They are sword hedgehog sea monsters. They are social sea monsters. Don't make them too bloody. Focus on expelling them."

(End of this chapter)

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