Chapter 226

Chapter name: "Wuhai Pseudo-Dragon"

"Received, received, Shuiyu-Guardian!"

Zhao Manyan directly used water magic to wrap up the sword hedgehog sea monster underwater. Lingling had already said that this thing is a social sea monster, so just trap it here for a while.

"It's done!"

Zhao Manyan flew directly out of the water. He controlled the wing magic equipment and landed on the cruise ship and made a coquettish pose.

"Bobby, don't be stunned and hurry up and follow him. The jellyfish maggot must have undergone some transformations at the Sword Hedgehog Siren and is now going to deeper seas." Lingling said while monitoring the computer screen.

The small cruise ship made a roar, and a white wave line was immediately opened on the sea level by the triangular ship, and it quickly drove deeper into the ocean.

The sky is light blue, but the color of the ocean is gradually getting darker. At a glance, you can feel that there is something unusual about this ocean.

"Why is the sea water getting darker and darker?" Mo Fan knew nothing about the ocean. He looked at the increasingly dark black sea and looked back at Lingling.

"We should probably run to another sea monster's territory, right?" Zhao Manyan said uncertainly.

"There is a reef ahead." Bobby pointed to an area with lighter water in front and said. He is considered a senior sailor and has some experience in judging some terrains.

As the ship gradually approached, Mo Fan discovered that the reef was actually very large. It was completely covered by sea water. The sea water was not too deep. When the cruise ship approached there, Mo Fan jumped directly. Once he got up, the water could only reach his knees.

"This should be a reef." Bobby said after standing on it and observing carefully for a while.

Mo Fan was confused and asked: "What is the reef cave?"

Wang Quan Tianyou was also listening carefully, intending to listen to Bobby's explanation. He didn't know what the reef cave was. He didn't have such complete knowledge in the academy. He learned more about the ocean in the water magic academy. .

"In some specific places, there will be such a situation where the sea reefs are connected into a large area. Together they look like an island, but they are not exposed above the water like an island at all, but are completely hidden under the water."

"This kind of naturally formed huge reef island often turns into the lair of demons, or even the lairs of demons of different races, so this kind of place is also called a reef cave or a siren castle." Bobby explained. .

"I understand, it's the lair of a group of monsters, right?" Mo Fan nodded.

"Zhou Cao, we are standing on top of a group of sea monsters now, why don't we run away quickly?" Zhao Manyan whispered in a trembling voice.

"The scale of this reef cave is not too small. There is a large group of sea monsters sleeping soundly about five hundred meters underwater. Let's be careful and don't wake them up." Lingling explained.

"That jellyfish maggot came here, probably because it wanted to find a suitable evolved body. I think that that evil maggot came here, it probably wanted to find the most suitable evolved body. I think it should come to a place like the reef cave. There is a relatively powerful sea monster race, and if it can parasitize that kind of sea monster, it should become very powerful and directly complete the transformation!" Wang Quan Tianyou said.

"The answer is correct. This guy is really good at finding places. This greatly increases the difficulty of our actions. Once the little jellyfish maggot is discovered by the sea monster, we have to rush down to help it resolve the crisis." Lingling said .

"No... no way, can normal people go to this kind of place???" Bobby's eyes widened after hearing Lingling's words.

He is very clear about how scary the reef cave is. It is said that many front-line hunter groups do not dare to take up the idea of ​​​​reef cave easily. Now they only have five people in total. Do they plan to go down to feed the fish?

"We have to go down, otherwise our long-term efforts will be in vain. Bobby, can you roughly determine which sea monsters live on this reef?" Lingling asked.

"Okay, the old hunter groups around here often bring me into action because my ability to identify sea monsters is better than many old hunters. Give me a little time, and I can conduct a detailed sea monster inspection of this reef cave. Census!" Bobby said confidently, and did not forget to brag about his own specialties.

"Okay, I'll leave that to you. We have to know what the real goal of the jellyfish maggot is." Lingling said.

After Bobby went to explore the terrain, Wang Quan Tianyou said with some hindsight: "Why don't we find a sea monster to force the jellyfish maggots to merge with it?"

Jellyfish Maggot is now a shape-shifting parasite. Basically, whatever creature it catches, it will quickly transform into that creature in the next period of time, and has abilities that are almost completely comparable to that creature.

"Indeed, it feels much safer that way than now!" Zhao Manyan also agreed.

"According to the laws of nature, every jellyfish maggot should instinctively pursue creatures of a higher racial level. No creature wants to be at the bottom of the food chain."

"But this is indeed something I didn't expect. Another point is that we only have this sample, so we can only use the old method with the highest probability, which is to let it choose by itself." Lingling explained, but She really didn't think about raising it directly.

"That's right, let's wait for Bobby's investigation results."

Wang Quan Tianyou didn't think too much about this. Now it's just more troublesome. Now that it has become what it is now, the key point is to first figure out what the target of this jellyfish evil maggot is.

Not long after, Bobby returned to the reef from a place on the water.

"Calculated from the sea level, about 200 to 1,000 meters below the reef cave, there should be sea monkey monsters living there. There are very many of them, close to a group, but there should be no commander-level commanders. They are basically a piece of loose sand. It belongs to the slums among the sirens.”

"In the reef caves in the area from one thousand meters to two thousand meters, there is a group of thunderstorm squids. The number is no less than a thousand. There should be a commander-level commander." When Bobby talked about the thunderstorm squids, his face was a little uncomfortable. Looks good. Based on his many years of experience walking in the ocean, he believes that this is a group of extremely threatening sea monsters. The dense lightning they release in the water can trigger terrifying thunder and lightning storms, causing other life forms besides their own race to be trapped here. It is almost impossible to survive in the sea.

"The sea area below two thousand meters is even more terrifying. Didn't Mo Fan ask before why the sea water turns black?" Bobby said with an abnormal expression.

"Just tell me what it is. Anyway, I don't know much about it, so I don't know what it is." Mo Fan explored his hand and said frankly.

"It's the Wuhai Pseudo-Dragon!" Bobby said with a cross on his chest.

"The Wuhai Pseudo-Dragon is famous for being violent and ferocious in the ocean. In the second- and third-tier cities around the oceans of major countries, it is one of the sea monsters that causes the most destruction and death. When the sea monsters invade the cities, Ranked among the top five!" Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan glanced at Zhao Manyan in surprise and said, "You still know this!"

"I am also a high-level water mage after all, so I know some of this knowledge." Zhao Manyan said dissatisfied.

"The Black Sea Pseudo Dragon also often appears near our country's waters. It is a monster that is a cross between the Sea Evil Dragon and the Thunderstorm Giant Crow. It not only inherits the ferocity and bloodthirsty of the Sea Evil Dragon, but also has the characteristics of the Thunderstorm Giant Crow." Cunning and cunning. When the Wuhai Pseudodragon appears, it usually causes the seawater within a three-kilometer radius to turn black. This seawater is slightly toxic and can paralyze the nerves of living things, making the reaction ability of people and living things become... Extremely slow, and his movements will become shaky, as if he is drunk." Zhao Manyan explained.

"I really hope that's a jellyfish maggot with no big ambitions and just wants to be a sea monkey. Then our mission will be easily completed." Bobby has already started to draw on his forehead and chest. The Cross prayed to his God.

"At worst, the thunderstorm squid is fine. It's dangerous only once. I, Bobby, don't want to live a mediocre life. If I can have such an experience, I can go back to the lounge and brag about it for the rest of my life! In short, as long as it's not the Wuhai Pseudo Dragon We can all give that guy a try. If it’s really that guy from Wuhai Pseudo-Dragon, I’ll turn around and leave!”

"How about we catch that jellyfish maggot first, lest it has the idea of ​​​​looking for the Wuhai Pseudo-Dragon!" Mo Fan said.

"If we were on land, with Wang Quan Tianyou and Mo Fan here, I believe the three of us could kill it with a little preparation, but that's the ocean. Mo Fan and Wang Quan Tianyou don't have any water combat capabilities. Our The magic output efficiency is too low." Zhao Manyan said in a serious and sincere tone.

Mo Fan is also aware of his current situation. In the deep sea, his fire element and Little Flame Fairy have no fighting power. When encountering a monster like the pseudo-dragon, which is extremely powerful even in the leader level, it is basically like a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

Of course, the same goes for Wang Quan Tianyou. With his current fire element, it would be delusional to fight monsters in the deep sea. However, he also has space elements and wind elves, so he is not the kind who cannot resist.

At this moment, everyone felt that they should make the sign of the cross on their chests, praying that it was a good jellyfish maggot who would accept what he saw, be low-key, well-behaved, considerate, and neither wasteful nor seeking death.

"Okay, let's take a rest first. That little evil maggot seems to have found a hidden place to sleep, or is waiting for an opportunity." Lingling said.

While the jellyfish and maggots were waiting on the seabed, everyone on the cruise ship was resting and adjusting.

Mo Fan was standing on the diving reef using a weak electric current to tease the fish.


Just as Mo Fan was having fun, suddenly, an energy similar to a seismic wave surged up from the depths of the seabed, causing the solid reef cave below to feel violent shaking. Undercurrents surged, and the fish that were leisurely basking in the sun were frightened into panic and fled in all directions, stumbling around like headless flies. Mo Fan felt a numbness in his legs. He could clearly feel the power coming from the distant seabed. Even though it spread over such a long distance, the shock was still very obvious.

"What happened? Was there a tsunami?" Bobby, who was still sleeping on the cruise ship, jumped up when he heard the huge noise.

"Now we are in trouble. It is now at a depth of about 2,400 meters on the seabed. The Wuhai Pseudodragon should have noticed it. The shock wave just now was its breath." Lingling stared at the computer screen, Said in a low voice.

"Let's go, we can go back and let that vicious maggot fend for itself." After finishing speaking, Bobby walked into the cab, already planning to start the engine and leave.

"What a careless little thing. I suspect that it knows that we are following it and is deliberately trying to trick us." Mo Fan scolded.

"We cannot back down. The chance of catching jellyfish maggots is indeed very slim. If we don't take action this time, the number of deaths caused by the curse will exceed 500 within a year, and this number will surge to more than 1000 in two years." Although a few years later, humans may be able to find another opportunity to extract a vaccine, but that will be at the cost of the lives of countless victims of the curse." Lingling said in a serious and firm tone.

"Mo Fan, what do you think of Wang Quan Tianyou?" Zhao Manyan asked in a low voice, "Let's make an agreement first. I will follow your opinions. If you two disagree, I will follow the path that I think is safe."

"I am also a hunter. It is really difficult for me to just ignore it, not to mention the bonus is so high. Although the Wuhai Pseudo Dragon is very strong, we are not without the ability to fight back. If we try, we can always find a way. If it is really There is nothing we can do, but at least we have tried hard so that we can have a clear conscience and not regret it." Mo Fan looked at Lingling with a determined face and said.

He remembered a notebook that Lingling had kept by his side that he had seen. He could guess that it was the words left for her by her father, a hunting king.

"Now we can indeed turn a blind eye and let this hidden danger go. But people who will die from it in the future will really happen and exist. They may be like you. They may be a little girl with a father, or they may be They are a healthy and ordinary family. If they are torn apart and saddened by this hidden danger that we once let go, then we are no different from that guy’s accomplices!”

This sentence from the notes perfectly matched Lingling's mentality at this time, and he couldn't help but be touched. From Lingling's expression at this moment, he could imagine that the hunter with his own beliefs and professional bottom line Wang Kuoying.

Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and Lingling all looked at Wang Quan Tianyou who had not yet spoken.

"I have said it a long time ago, as long as you give me the vaccine sample I deserve, I will complete this commission!" Wang Quan Tianyou said expressionlessly.

Now that he is here, he is here with the goal of completing this mission. Unless he is unable to do anything, he will not retreat halfway. He is just a more powerful leader, not a monarch-level demon. Do a good job You can handle it completely if you are prepared. There is no reason to run away without fighting when facing a monster of the same level.

After confirming that Wang Quan Tianyou was also involved, Lingling analyzed carefully:
"Now the evil maggot is hiding in a hidden place and dare not move, but when the Wuhai Pseudodragon relaxes its vigilance again, it will definitely parasitize it."

"A parasite that doesn't want to be a dragon is not a good maggot, even if this little thing has ambition." Mo Fan joked.

(End of this chapter)

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