Chapter 194 Control

After Xu Changsheng defeated the top three ferocious beasts, Xu Changsheng immediately became the most powerful ferocious beast in this ice and snow territory after the Ice and Snow Demon King. This also means that he has An opportunity to meet the demon king alone, because the demon king will have many things for Xu Changsheng to do next, and he will also transfer the management of the entire field to Xu Changsheng.

At the same time, in order to win over Xu Changsheng, the demon king must have to pay some price, such as some precious cultivation resources, or some rare inherited treasures. Xu Changsheng actually has expectations, although his main purpose It was still to control the demon king, but he didn't mind getting more benefits.

All the ferocious beasts present looked at Xu Changsheng with a look of great admiration, because they had never seen a ferocious beast like Xu Changsheng that could reach its peak as soon as it appeared. Although they did not know the origin of Xu Changsheng, now that Xu Changsheng Changsheng has become the most ferocious beast among them, which means that he is no different from them. He will become the top manager of their territory, and of course he will be controlled by the demon king.

Next, the Ice and Snow Demon King indeed sent an invitation message to Xu Changsheng, asking Xu Changsheng to enter his palace and have a good chat. This underground world is very vast, but the most obvious sign is that it is located in the center. Although the vast palace in the area feels very quaint from Xu Changsheng's perspective, it is also very good.

Xu Changsheng came to a relatively spacious hall with the demon king. Next, the demon king asked for some information about Xu Changsheng. Xu Changsheng gave all the answers in a perfunctory manner because he wanted to be able to contact When he reaches this demon king, he must let him relax his vigilance and then use powerful soul methods, but before that, he needs to understand the true strength of this demon king before he can carry out his next plan.

So after the demon king gave Xu Changsheng some treasures, Xu Changsheng immediately asked to challenge the ice and snow demon king. In this secret world, any vicious beast in the territory can challenge other vicious beasts, even monsters The same is true for king-level ferocious beasts, but the demon king is qualified to directly deny and reject the opponent's challenge. However, if the number one ferocious beast in the opponent's territory poses a challenge, then the demon king cannot refuse. The reason why this happens is because the demon king needs to have strong strength to convince the most powerful beast. Only in this way can he frighten all the beasts in the territory.

So when Xu Changsheng made such a request, the demon king did not refuse, because he also wanted to see how strong Xu Changsheng was and whether it was worth the cost to win him over. If Xu Changsheng could defeat him, he would give him He is qualified to become the new demon king of this ice and snow territory. If this is really the case, then the previous demon king will need to give up his throne, but in contrast, his status will be directly reduced by one level to become the number one beast. Then This means that Xu Changsheng needs him to do any dangerous things.

If Xu Changsheng can really achieve his goal, it will be equivalent to completing the exchange of identities and status between the two. This is also the result that many ferocious beasts want to achieve, because the reason why they practice hard is to become the territory of one party. Lord, because only in this way can they turn over. All the ferocious beasts in any territory, in the end, they are just the demon king's subordinates, so if there is any danger, as long as the demon king issues an order, they cannot disobey.

Therefore, it was very reasonable for Xu Changsheng to challenge the Ice and Snow Demon King at this time. So Xu Changsheng and the Demon King came to a relatively broad platform, and this time Xu Changsheng directly demanded that this battle should not be possible. Anyone watching, the Ice and Snow Demon King would also feel a little strange about Xu Changsheng's request, because in any territory, once the number one ferocious beast appears to challenge their lord, the general will definitely show off his strength. All the ferocious beasts in the earth gathered together.

Because only the current demon king who defeated them in front of all the ferocious beasts can be qualified to inherit the position of demon king. However, the demon king in front of him felt that Xu Changsheng might feel that he was not sure of defeating him, so if he failed in the end , then it will cause ridicule from the ferocious beasts who come to watch, so it will be difficult to save face.

When the demon king had such an idea, he accepted Xu Changsheng's request and did not refuse, because he would have had the same idea in the other place, and only the two of them needed to know the final result. After all, If the identities are reversed, the final situation will be directly shown, and other beasts will not deny it even if they cannot see it.

Xu Changsheng would do this, and his main purpose was to ensure that after he used his true methods, the demon king opposite would definitely be able to discover his true identity, and then the other ferocious beasts would also be able to know. If he controlled During the process of this demon king, if other vicious beasts attack him continuously, it will be very disadvantageous for you.

In order to ensure that he would not have any accidents, he asked to fight the demon king alone. Xu Changsheng also knew that the demon king probably felt that he was afraid of failure. After being known by other ferocious beasts, he started to fight against the demon king. His image was affected, so he made such a request. This was in line with Xu Changsheng's plan, so Xu Changsheng did not explain it.

So they started to fight next. The demon king in front of them was able to occupy a territory, and it has been a territory for so many years. He must have his own unique combat experience and methods, otherwise it would be impossible to maintain his position for such a long time. , after all, his realm is the same as those of the top ten ferocious beasts, and they are both at the peak level of pill formation.

However, the status gap between them is most likely due to the huge gap in their actual combat effectiveness, so Xu Changsheng also attaches great importance to this demon king.

In Xu Changsheng's expectation, he felt that this demon king might already have the strength comparable to that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. Under the suppression of the rules in the secret world, he could still have such a strong combat power. It can be said that It is very rare, so the ferocious beasts that can reach this level in this secret world have the opportunity to directly break through and become Yuanying realm monks.

The same kind of ferocious beasts are what Xu Changsheng focuses on, but when he can master this secret world, he can cultivate all these powerful ferocious beasts, and then he can increase the power of his own force. Xu Changsheng is now affected by Suppressed by the power of this rule, his actual combat power is almost the same as that of monks in the Nascent Soul realm. However, his original realm and strength are very powerful, so he has many combat experience and methods that are better than those of the Nascent Soul realm. The monks are even stronger.

This is also an important reason why Xu Changsheng was able to defeat the top ten ferocious beasts with ease when facing them. Now Xu Changsheng is not in a hurry to directly display the most powerful moves to defeat the demon king, because he I also want to see what level of strength these demon kings in this secret world have reached, so that I can easily evaluate their strength and finally make some training plans for them.

Xu Changsheng soon began to display some of the powerful methods he had mastered, but it was still the same as before, merging some of the methods he usually used together. This was equivalent to fusing magical powers with his usual physical strength. Formed the most powerful combat power. During Xu Changsheng's previous battle with the ten ferocious beasts, he only showed his strong physical combat power. His mana was basically not consumed much, so he can now Possess peak combat effectiveness. However, Xu Changsheng cannot hold back when facing such a demon king. He must use the strongest strength to take it down, and by weakening its combat power, it will eventually become weak and it will be easier for him to use his soul. Using control methods to turn this demon king into his subordinate, it can be said that Xu Changsheng has planned from the beginning to the end, how to use it to control all the ferocious beasts in this territory, including their demon king.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng also noticed a very interesting thing while fighting the ice and snow demon king, that is, this demon king can actually use some powerful magic methods like humans. You must know that those ferocious beasts that Xu Changsheng challenged before, During their battles, they basically relied on their strong physical abilities to fight, whether it was simple defense or speed. You didn't show any abilities similar to magic powers, so Xu Changsheng felt that Their fight is a bit childish.

After all, for all monks, their fighting methods are basically focused on powerful magic powers. Only those who are strong in body refining will choose to fight with their own bodies. Therefore, Xu Changsheng was in the process of fighting. He also used his own powerful physical strength and did not use his magical powers to display them through mana.

Then during the battle between Xu Changsheng and the demon king, he discovered that the methods he possessed were very similar to those of human monks. Not only was his physical strength very powerful, but his magical powers were also the same. This showed that he could become a demon king. The ferocious beasts generally have very high bloodline levels, and in their bloodline inheritance, they must also have some innate magical abilities.

Just after Xu Changsheng also displayed powerful magical powers, he felt that Xu Changsheng, the demon king opposite him, might also be a powerful descendant of the demon king. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Xu Changsheng had such powerful fighting power, because ordinary ferocious beasts were There is no such inheritance of magical powers, and when Xu Changsheng displays powerful magical powers, it can be said that they are almost instantaneous. This means that Xu Changsheng's innate abilities must be unimaginable.

Xu Changsheng still didn't know that the demon king was thinking about these things during the battle. After all, the reason why he was able to display those magic powers so easily was because he had practiced all these magic spells to a perfect level, so There is absolutely no need to use any magic tricks to perform it.

Therefore, when Xu Changsheng used his methods, he would feel that all the magic and magical powers he used were innate abilities. At this time, the demon king did not doubt Xu Changsheng's true identity. , he just felt that Xu Changsheng had the qualifications to challenge him. Even if Xu Changsheng showed that he was strong enough, it would be acceptable for him to give up the position of the Demon King. After all, in this secret world, all ferocious beasts are Status is obtained based on strength. If there are other ferocious beasts that are stronger than these demon kings, then it is not surprising that they can obtain a higher status.

However, during the battle between the demon king and Xu Changsheng, he discovered that Xu Changsheng's magic power seemed to be endless. No matter how the two of them fought, Xu Changsheng could always maintain the peak combat power, and his magic power was very strong, completely There was no shortage of mana. On the contrary, after the demon king used various methods, his mana was consumed very quickly, and no matter how he used his natural ability, he could not harm Xu Changsheng's knowledge.

On the contrary, Xu Changsheng was able to observe some of the demon king's shortcomings during the battle, and attacked in turn, which directly made the demon king really feel the pressure. Only then did he realize that the actual combat power of Xu Changsheng in front of him was far beyond In his imagination, especially the demon king discovered that his physical strength was not as strong as Xu Changsheng's, which meant that Xu Changsheng's comprehensive combat power far exceeded that of the demon king.

But the demon king understood that Xu Changsheng had saved a lot of his combat power in the process of fighting the top ten beasts before, and did not show his real actual combat ability. It was only now that he showed it. This also made This demon king understands that he will definitely fail if he fights next. Then Xu Changsheng can take his place and become the new demon king in this ice and snow territory. Moreover, Xu Changsheng appears to be younger than this demon king. , especially Xu Changsheng's potential and talent are even stronger.

If Xu Changsheng can be allowed to lead all the ferocious beasts in this ice and snow territory, they might be able to develop their territory even more powerful, and possibly occupy other territories, and eventually become a ranking leader in this secret world. If Xu Changsheng can achieve higher achievements than him, then the benefits that the demon king will get in the end will far exceed his own. current status.

So in the end, the demon king simply gave up, because he knew that there was no point in continuing to fight. Xu Changsheng did not expect that the demon king would give up so simply, and it was easier than he thought. This meant that Xu Changsheng could truly control this ice and snow territory, but he knew very well that if he could not truly control these powerful beasts, he would not be able to change his current situation, so he immediately proposed to deal with this The demon king used some control methods in order to make him obedient.

The demon king was also very surprised when he heard Xu Changsheng's request, but he did not refuse immediately, because if it were him, he would do the same thing, but he did not expect that Xu Changsheng's methods were better than his. The one imagined was more powerful, and he controlled his original soul, so until Xu Changsheng's spirit truly penetrated into the demon king's sea of ​​consciousness, the demon king immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because the body shape that Xu Changsheng appeared turned out to be a human form, the demon king immediately guessed that Xu Changsheng's true identity was not the same ferocious beast as them, but a human cultivator from the outside world. This made the demon king Wang was very angry, but he had nothing to do, because Xu Changsheng had now controlled his spiritual consciousness. If the demon king acted rashly, Xu Changsheng could destroy him in an instant.

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(End of this chapter)

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