Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 195 Harvest, ancient times

Chapter 195 Harvest, ancient times

At this time, Xu Changsheng's spiritual consciousness completely entered the demon king's sea of ​​consciousness, but what surprised him was that the ice and snow demon king's sea of ​​consciousness turned out to be a vast lake of ice and snow, but in the void But there was an ice and snow demon king that looked like a mini version. Xu Changsheng immediately guessed that this cute-looking mini ice and snow demon king should be his soul body.

Xu Changsheng can see from this that the IQ of this Ice and Snow Demon King is indeed comparable to that of an ordinary strong human being, but the potential within it is very huge. If one day his soul body can grow to the level of consciousness that he possesses, The sea area is quite large, which means that this ice and snow demon king can reach a very outstanding level in terms of spiritual consciousness level and soul strength.

Xu Changsheng wonders if all the demon kings in this secret world are as powerful and potential as this ice and snow demon king. If this is the case, then Xu Changsheng will really make a lot of money, because as long as he really If he can master this secret world, he can imagine that he will have a group of very powerful subordinates in the future, and he can even take them to the fairy world to conquer all the worlds for him.

Fortunately, due to the suppression of the rules of this world, the demon king level powerhouses in this secret world have not grown up, so Xu Changsheng can still control them. If the restricted power here is only a little loose, then These demon kings will definitely be able to improve their realm immediately. When they reach the Nascent Soul level, the chance of Xu Changsheng mastering them all will be slim.

You must know that although Xu Changsheng is also suppressed by the rules of this treasure house world, his actual realm and combat power can only be at the peak level of pill formation. His spiritual consciousness has been able to exert the power of the peak Nascent Soul level, so No matter how hard the demon king in front of him struggled, it was impossible to escape his control.

So Xu Changsheng immediately constructed the control contract runes in his soul consciousness sea. As long as he could completely construct such runes and integrate them into the soul origin of the ice and snow demon king, then in the future, the ice and snow demon king would It is impossible for the king to escape Xu Changsheng's control. Xu Changsheng does not think that this demon king can break through the realm faster than him, so Xu Changsheng can guarantee the absolute loyalty of these demon kings to him.

Sure enough, after Xu Changsheng completely controlled the demon king, the demon king who was still resisting and angry towards Xu Changsheng immediately became docile. This means that from now on, this ice and snow territory has become Xu Changsheng's first The territory under his control, so Xu Changsheng directly asked the ice and snow demon king to issue orders to all the beasts under his command. This was to admit that Xu Changsheng was more powerful than him, so Xu Changsheng became the new demon king of the ice and snow territory. , and the Ice and Snow Demon King originally became Xu Changsheng's number one general.

Xu Changsheng also obtained a detailed map of the Ice and Snow Territory, but he found that the map looked rough, and there were no details about other territories. By asking Xu Changsheng, he found out that all the demon kings in this world were the only ones they had. Being able to control their own territory is not qualified to go to other territories to collect detailed information, because if there is such a move, it means a provocation to them.

But this does not mean that there are no conflicts and contradictions between the lords of different territories. After all, although these demon kings have similar realms and strengths, the ferocious beasts under their command are not like this. After all, in order to obtain more cultivation resources , they will definitely have to fight sometimes, and sometimes they will even organize some commercial activities, such as exchanging items needed by both parties. Then if there is a situation that makes them dissatisfied, they will definitely fight with each other.

But the problem is that so far, basically the ferocious beasts in different territories will move in their own territory and will not easily go to other territories, because once they go, it means that they belong to outsiders. If they cannot gain a foothold here, then the final result is likely to be even more tragic than their native ferocious beasts.

After Xu Changsheng turned into a ferocious beast, he came to this ice and snow territory, and was regarded by the local ferocious beasts passing by as a small ferocious beast that had escaped from other territories, so they unscrupulously captured Xu Changsheng. He used to do some low-level work for them, but Xu Changsheng wanted to get in touch with the lords here as soon as possible, so he immediately chose to challenge some powerful beasts here. Of course, this was also because he had already understood this territory before. Decisions are made only after taking into account the specific circumstances.

Facts have proved that Xu Changsheng's current actions are correct, which allowed him to control this territory in the shortest time. When he came to the treasure house of this ice and snow territory, he saw a lot of cultivation resources, and in his heart He felt very excited because he found that the number and level of treasures here were richer and more valuable than the resources he had obtained in the edge area before.

This also made Xu Changsheng understand why this treasure house world attracted the attention of all the surrounding immortal sects. Although they did not know the specific situation in this treasure house world, they could also see this from the rapid rise of the Feng family. The cultivation resources in this world must be far beyond their imagination, so at this moment, Xu Changsheng was thinking about how to deal with the outside cultivators who entered this treasure house world. His original idea was to keep them all here, Don't let them go out and tell the high-level immortal cultivators in their faction the information here.

But after Xu Changsheng learned more about the powerful restrictions in this world, he changed his mind again, because Xu Changsheng had always wanted to control the Jin Empire in a simple way, but he couldn't possibly control every immortal sect there. They control it. After all, it consumes too much time. It is impossible for him to always join those cultivating sects with a new identity as before, and then continue to control them by improving his status. Not to mention that this is too inefficient. And the risks are high.

So Xu Changsheng later thought of a way, which is to directly control the powerful immortal cultivators among their forces, because such immortal cultivators generally have a relatively high status, and if you control them, it is equivalent to indirectly controlling the forces they belong to. , in the end, as long as you control them all, you can bring the entire Jin Empire under your control in an instant.

Then he can finally unify the entire human world, and then he can start to implement his next plan, which is to develop the ancient ruins and the caves of immortal cultivators in this world, and also be able to concentrate a large amount of cultivation resources. In this way, he can find a safe place to practice until he reaches the peak level of God Transformation and improves his actual combat ability to a level far beyond the level of God Transformation. At that time, he can choose to go to the spirit world to continue exploring and Improve your realm and strength.

When Xu Changsheng had a clearer and more accurate plan, he understood what he should do next. Originally, he did not know the specific situation in this treasure house world, so although his original plan was very good, it was time-consuming and time-consuming. power, and there is no guarantee that Xu Changsheng will succeed in the end, but after he learned that there are so many cultivation resources in this treasure house world, and there are also many powerful ferocious beasts with very good talents, this means that Xu Changsheng can speed up his plan execution process.

Now Xu Changsheng has mastered the first territory, and has also gained a lot of training resources and some powerful ferocious beasts with good strength and realm, especially Bingxue, who has been practicing for a long time and has rich experience. Demon King, so Xu Changsheng had already seen the prospect of getting a lot of benefits in the future, so he then began to digest these cultivation resources, and at the same time immediately ordered the ferocious beasts in his territory.

Exploring the surrounding territories, they are more concerned about the powerful ferocious beasts in other territories, but if they are those weak ferocious beasts that escape from other territories, they will There is no big defense, because when such ferocious beasts come to their own territory, they will take control of them, and contribute to them, becoming the lowest level existence, creating more cultivation resources and value for them, so they I hope that the number of ferocious beasts in my territory will be as large as possible. In this case, Xu Changsheng can naturally use this method to let those weak but very smart beasts go to the surrounding territories to explore the situation, such as the specific strength of the beasts in those territories and their maps. Exploring clearly will make it easier for you to launch an attack and control them.

In this secret world, there are basically very few connections between different territories. Except for the occasional exchange of items within a fixed time, even if something is discovered in their territory, they will not tell other lords.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng decided that if he wanted to occupy other territories, he could not attack at the same time. He could only attack one territory, so that he could reduce the attack range to the minimum and finally occupy them in a more efficient way. However, Xu Changsheng Chang Sheng also knew that the final determiner of victory or defeat in those territories must be their lord, that is, the ferocious beast at the level of the demon king, as well as some powerful ferocious beasts ranked higher than the demon king.

If Xu Changsheng can control them, it means that he can turn their territory into his own without any bloodshed. Xu Changsheng does not want to lose too many ferocious beasts in the territory he controls, because the talents and potential of these ferocious beasts are too high. Very good, they are all his team members who will build a powerful force in the future, so he decided to try to preserve the strength of these ferocious beasts.

So when Xu Changsheng was digesting these cultivation resources to improve his strength, he asked the ferocious beasts in his territory to explore the enemy's situation, and then gathered with the powerful ferocious beasts under his control to discuss how to choose him. After a period of investigation, Xu Changsheng quickly selected a territory that was very close to the ice and snow territory. The environment in this territory was completely opposite to that of the ice and snow territory, because the temperature inside was extremely high. There is also a lot of magma, so it is called the Fire Territory.

This surprised Xu Changsheng, because he did not expect that two completely opposite environments would be so adjacent, and that they did not affect each other's weather conditions. However, Xu Changsheng went to investigate in person and found out that Knowing that there is actually a barrier between these two neighbors, and that such barriers also exist in other fields, Xu Changsheng understands why the environments in different fields are very different, but they are very different from each other. The reason for the lack of contact is that it is difficult for them to contact with such a powerful barrier.

However, the advantage of this is that the battle between them is not that intense, because after adapting to the environment they are in, it will be difficult to reach other areas. Xu Changsheng guessed that such a magical scene is probably because of the secret world center. caused by strong restrictions.

In fact, Xu Changsheng has been thinking about a question, that is, this secret world was originally created by those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times, and they captured a large number of ferocious beasts with high-level bloodlines and released them in different territories. Xu Changsheng He had never thought of the purpose of doing this before, but after his speculation, he felt that this space was probably a grazing place specially created by an ancient cultivator.

In other words, all the ferocious beasts living in this secret world are just food for those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times. Of course, it is impossible for the ferocious beasts living in this situation to know, because they have experienced so much. For a long time, even if their ancestors knew it, they would not be able to tell them these things.

But for Xu Changsheng, he doesn't care about the original meaning of the existence of these ferocious beasts, because he only needs to know that he can master them perfectly and turn them into his qualified subordinates. From these aspects, he can It reflects the power of those ancient immortal cultivators, because Xu Changsheng believed that the ancestors of these ferocious beasts must also be very strong, and many of them have reached the level of Nascent Soul Transformation.

But even so, it is difficult to escape the fate of becoming food. This explains why there is such a powerful restriction in this secret world, and it can also suppress the realm of these ferocious beasts. It is because they are afraid that after they grow too fast, they will eventually Escape from the control of this world, but as a long time passes, this secret world has a lot of cultivation resources, including those precious spiritual herbs and elixirs.

However, Xu Changsheng discovered that such treasures were basically concentrated in a certain fixed location, which showed that this secret world was not only used to tame these ingredients, but also might be used as a spiritual medicine garden.

It's just that after the great war in ancient times, all the ancient immortal cultivators finally fought a life-and-death battle with the demon cultivators from the demon world. In the end, most of them died, so some of the ancient immortal cultivators left behind Inheritance and they have opened up some precious cultivation resource space, which will naturally be passed down, which is very precious to today's immortal cultivators.

What Xu Changsheng did not expect was that the Feng Jiaran, a small immortal cultivating family, could obtain such a vast secret world. However, the Feng family cultivators did not have the courage to go in and explore in a large area because it was very dangerous, so they explored For such a long time, I could only stay on the edge, unable to relate to the truth in this secret world.

If they knew about the powerful ferocious beasts and more treasures that existed in this secret world, then Xu Changsheng believed that they would be able to rise and even become one of the top superpowers in the human world. But now these things will become Xu Changsheng's The trophy of immortality, Xu Changsheng also hoped that he could truly control this world, and he finally decided to drive out the immortal cultivators from other immortal cultivating sects who entered here.

And let them lead more powerful immortal cultivators to come, and then they can use the power of the powerful ferocious beasts and restrictions in this space to control them all. In this way, they can indirectly control many immortal cultivators and save themselves from going everywhere. Look for.

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(End of this chapter)

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